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    Need help

    I just spent a weekend drinking to excess. I do not remember most of the night but the things i do remember haunt me. I am going through withdrawal now after 1 day. Can't sleep, Worry and Aniety, restlessness. I hope this will go away soon. I have been drinking for may years but the last year has been to excess. I tried stoppong during the week which makes me drink more on the weekends.

    After this weekend, I have decided that enough is enough and want to get better. I am thinking of letting my family and friends know. I also have a few big social functions which i am terrified to be at.

    any advice would be great
    Starting over again 09/06/11

    "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober


    Need help

    Hi Changemylife

    So Glad that you have mentioned the sleep problem, i had to stop drinking for a week as i was taking antibiotics, what a nightmare trying to sleep also felt very anxious & nervous, ended up feeling worse than when i was drinking! Not giving up though got the book but havn't yet been to the doctor or ordered anything. Good luck


      Need help


      i understand exactly what your going through did the exact same at the weekend with friends i havent seen in ages and can't remember most of the night, feel so angry at myself and guilty.
      i really don't want to be seen as that person. ive been really depressed since friday night however today i've decided to change the meaning of my experience with alchohol. i've decided that my problem is a gift, that its an opportunity to change my life and create something great. i beleieve that the pain i now feel will drive me to find a better way to live. no matter how many times i fall down i'm going to keep picking myself up because i am not that person anymore.
      i hope you find a way to heal, i begin my journey today!!!


        Need help

        Hope you will find the strength you need.
        You have already taken a big step to admit how out of control things have become for you.
        I have had so many day 1's & day 2's it the day 3's I find really hard.
        But I have reached a point where Alcohol is taking far more away from my life than it is putting in.
        Trying really hard to change my life now with all the support here
        I will be watching for your news -
        kind regards


          Need help


          You sound almost in exactly the same position as I was two weeks ago - shakes, sweats, insomnia and a terrible knot of anxiety that just wouldn't go away. Anyway after 3 days I gave up and started drinking again - just made things even worse, obviously. Eventually I plucked up the courage and like you, said enough is enough. I told my friends and they were nothing but excellent about it- lotsa understanding and support. And of course this site - its great! I also plucked up the courage to see the doctor and told her the complete truth. She gave me meds to help with the withdrawl and they really have helped. Today is day 6 AF for me and I feel great! I've got TONS of work to do and a short time to do it in. Had I been drinking last night I just know I would be absolutely freaking out, but since I didn't drink. I'm not. It's weird; I always thought a main factor in my drinking was to releive stress but ultimately it has just created a hell of a lot more of it. At the moment I'm just feeling...happy. I can also relate to the social function fear too. I'm a big drinking culture. I figured avoiding social events would just depress me, so on Friday I went on my first (ever) sober night out. To be honest, I DID feel awkward and ended up leaving early. But that was only DAY 2 AF. Went out again on Tuesday and I felt much more relaxed/ comfortable.

          I don't know if my story will be any help - but I guess the main point is, it REALLY does get better. I didn't think it did but it DOES!

          -withdrawl is TOUGH. It does go with time if you abstain or really temper the drinking, so keep the faith. Alternatively, seeing a doctor mightn't be a bad plan.
          - I was too scared to tell my parents but told my friends. Depending on your own personal relationships with your nearest and dearest, I really think it helps to let a few people who you care about/ care about you, in. It really does help to have someone you can confide in and who can support you.
          - Being sooo used to having a glass of alcohol in hand at social functions is something your probably going to miss at first. But it will get easier. Hell, why would you miss it? Does it make you a more interesting/ fun person to be around? I would think the answer is NO. I think once the anxiety starts to go you'll get more self-confidence back and realise all of this on your own.



            Need help

            Thank You

            Thank you for replying, it makes me feel better that I'm not the only one in this situation.
            Starting over again 09/06/11

            "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



              Need help

              Hi There,
              This is my first reply.I've had a weekend like yours pet.Vowed it to be the last.Gonna be hard but i need to do something.For me the memory loss is a killer!I remember nothing about my weekend except that i awoke every morning,dying!!!!The road may be long but it's the same distance for us all.....:l


                Need help

                Thank you for replying

                Now I do not want to drink but I have to stand up in front of 350 people for a wedding. Usually the alcohol will calm me down but my anxiety is difficult to deal with. I'm trying to figure out what is worse, the alcohol or the anxiety. I do not want to make an ass out of myself at the wedding.
                Starting over again 09/06/11

                "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



                  Need help

                  when's the wedding? you may feel a whole lot better by then...


                    Need help

                    I hope so, It is Friday
                    Starting over again 09/06/11

                    "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



                      Need help

                      Dear Change,

                      Good for you wanting a change of pace on the drinking. (In the end it adds to the anxiety or so I have found it to add to mine.)

                      Maybe you can find an alternative herb such as calms forte, available here that will help with the public speaking jitters. I understand completely and have to tell you many, many people have difficulty speaking in front of an audience.

                      I wish you the best!


                        Need help

                        Thank so much for your support! I'll keep you posted
                        Starting over again 09/06/11

                        "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



                          Need help

                          Thinking of a drink

                          OK its 3:30 and i am craving a drink. Sucks. I will not have one.
                          Starting over again 09/06/11

                          "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



                            Need help

                            try not to

                            Try not to, evreyo day you have under your belt, the better you will feel, and MKR Mary is right, the wedding, they won't be looking at you so much as the bride and groom! Have some calmes really does make you mellow and tired and actually not drunk feeling, but you know,not edgey, not feel like drinking!

                            Good luck, and keep us posted!!

                            Mary Anne:l

                            Hang in there!:welcome:


                              Need help

                              Calmes forte

                              Is calmes forte herbal or an over the counter drug?
                              Starting over again 09/06/11

                              "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober


