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ODAT 18th June

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    ODAT 18th June

    Me too!
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      ODAT 18th June

      I read your story and I'm glad to have gotten to know more about you. I'm glad that you have so many positive things in your life, and that you've accumulated quite a few AF days. Please keep posting and give us updates on your progress!
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        ODAT 18th June

        Mama Bear,

        Any news on the "new" job front? Or are you still working for Captain Jerkface?

        K9-Ahhemmmm-A cute single girl like you ALONE for the week your daughter is at her dad's??? we have any romantic interests possibly happening?


          ODAT 18th June


          You were an inspiration to really were! I am so lucky you are my in my life!


            ODAT 18th June

            Rusty;890045 wrote: Mama Bear,

            Any news on the "new" job front? Or are you still working for Captain Jerkface?

            K9-AAHHHENNN... A cute single girl like you ALONE for the week your daughter is at her dad's??? we have any romantic interests possibly happening?

            Uhhhhh, NO, darnit. I did however meet a really cute guy in the steam room last night, but unfortunately, "steam room" is not my best look...soggy, makeup running, wet clothes....
            I never meet anyone when I look half-way decent. Such is life. *sigh*
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              ODAT 18th June

              Hi to all you inspirational people..

              day 14 for me, still loving waking without that dreaded feeling instead i am as fresh as a daisy!


                ODAT 18th June

                LOL... K-9

                I bet there are MANY guys on here and other places who would think you look pretty hot in a steam room! I know KTAB agrees!!!

                It you see that guy again, I say go for it!!!


                  ODAT 18th June

                  Hi Bungle, and welcome aboard!
                  Congratulations on day 14, that is awesome. How are you coping? Any cravings?
                  Let us know more about you so we can get to know you!
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    ODAT 18th June

                    lol you skipped my post silly girl!!!


                      ODAT 18th June

                      LOL Overit! Yeah, the guy doesn't know it, but he just aquired a stalker last night (me...j/k)

                      Oh, KTAB doesnt have very high standards. (Just kidding know I love ya!)

                      I am gonna be on the lookout for hottie boy tonight. I did talk to him for quite a while, that kinda got my hopes up. But then he disappeared and I finally had to get out of the steam room, I was MELTING!!!

                      But tonight, it's ON! HAHA

                      Wish me luck on my pursuit.
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        ODAT 18th June

                        You can do and have anything you set your heart on Dear.

                        You a girl who has it all together, and one of many amazing things about you is that you are a wonderful girl who beat a nasty drinking problem. That is no small feat as we all know!

                        The next guy who is lucky enough to get your attention is going to be a very very lucky lucky guy. Just make sure that he is worthy enough for a girl like YOU.
                        I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                          ODAT 18th June

                          Awww, you're so sweet Overit!!! Thanks for the boost, everyone needs their confidence built up sometimes, and you just did that for me!!! :l

                          I didn't catch his name, but I did find out he just moved here from Texas, and has a good job as an Engineer at a big company here (Yeah, I'm nosy...I asked all those

                          Then he offered to refill my water for me, so again, I was hopeful....but then the dang guy vanished (maybe he was HOT in there)

                          Anyway, tonight I'll keep my eyes peeled for him...

                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            ODAT 18th June

                            Next time you see him, just remember.. Be yourself and just go for it. I think sometimes guys really like a girl who is confident enough to talk to them.

                            You will never know if you do not try! And even if he says he has a girlfriend whatever blah blah... At least you will be building your confidence for the next one!!

                            Good Luck and as you know, we like all the juicy details, LOL!

                            Hey! I just had a great idea! If you are ever with him again in the steam room? Pretend to pass out so he gives you mouth to mouth! Then he can be your Hero!
                            I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                              ODAT 18th June

                              K9Lover;890054 wrote: Hi Bungle, and welcome aboard!
                              Congratulations on day 14, that is awesome. How are you coping? Any cravings?
                              Let us know more about you so we can get to know you!
                              Hi K9Lover

                              thank you... I am proud of me even if I say so myself! I am coping surprisingly well, I have never gone so long af and seem to be sailing through it. I take my vitamins and have started to exercise which helps me a great deal and apart from the odd thought about it I can honestly say I have no cravings.

                              I dont know where my strength has come from over these past 2 weeks as there would not of be a night that passed without me having what was meant to be a glass... of what ever it was that would always end up with me finishing the bottle sometimes more, however I stumbled upon this site and can honestly say so far have not looked back. And I really don't want to when I think of all those mornings filled with dread as soon as I could open my eyes, makes me cringe and how awful I must of looked as now so many people tell me how well I look.

                              I never would of thought i would conect with so many different people that have so much in common.



                                ODAT 18th June

                                Great job Bungle. You seem to be in the right frame of mind to suceed. Keep it up!

                                K9 Over is right. The next guy is very lucky indeed. Your very beautiful and I'm sure you are a completely new you. Just to let you know I'm sure you looked great in the steam room. I always find girls very attractive when they think they are looking their worst. Look at it this way, if he thinks you look great when you think you look your worst just imagine what he thinks when you are looking your best.
                                Sober since 4/8/10 -OVER 150 DAYS AND GOING AF!!!!

                                Get busy livin or get busy dyin-Duane Peters
                                No more bad future-Skull Skates

