Thanks guys for the boost! I am usually very self confident, but sometimes you just think you look BLAH.... the other night I was (again) in the steam room and was talking to yet another cute guy (they're running rampant these days). Anyway I got out and went to the locker room and looked in the mirror and was like EEEKKK. And I'm not one of those girls that puts makeup on to go to the gym, it's just that I go straight after work so I already have it on...well, that is, until it runs down to my chin in an ever-so-attractive way. LOL OK...enough about me and my makeup woes! SHOULD be proud!! Sounds like you have a good plan in place with the exercise and vitamins. Just remember, if you do get cravings, they will pass much faster than a hangover would! Good luck this weekend, although it sounds like you don't need it!!!