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Week 1

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    Week 1


    I keep relapsing and i'm back at week 1 :new: i'm still feeling really anxious and not wanting food..... i have no energy to do anything and no money to get to meetings it sucks shit through a straw..... i know i need to do it but i'm so down at the moment i cant see the positives..... i dont know what to do..... help!

    AF since 7th June '10

    Week 1

    Hey dude - Hi from oz!!! Here I am too! Yes, it sucks, and I'd love to be able to give you a magic wand, but hey, i need one myself......
    This is my first look at this program, and I am hoping it will cure me......what about you?


      Week 1

      I'm not sure what to say. Sounds like you're suffering from depression (I am too but I'm on meds). That could be what is causing you to relapse. Maybe when you get money go to a doctor and tell them how you feel. Its nothing to be ashamed of a lot of people are depressed.
      I know I used to drink to self medicate myself. Once I got those problems addressed it wasn't as much of a struggle to stop drinking. Best of luck to you.
      Sober since 4/8/10 -OVER 150 DAYS AND GOING AF!!!!

      Get busy livin or get busy dyin-Duane Peters
      No more bad future-Skull Skates


        Week 1

        I'd love a magic wand..... i havent even looked at the program i'm not really able to concentrate..... I just want to sleep and for it to be over with.... So it goes
        AF since 7th June '10


          Week 1

          No, definitely not wanting anything over with - other than getting better!!!!!

          Make a coffee, and get your butt into gear and have a look at the program! and put on some music and do rabid hokey pokey all over the house, and be glad that you still can - okay?????

          t's Friday night here - what day is it there?


            Week 1

            Hi sk8punk - great photo!!! Congrats for the 70 days....not sure where I am at the moment....
            Yes, I agree that depression can cause a lot of self harming behaviours.....hmmmmm, looks like i'd better start packing lol! Seriously, do you find the program OK?


              Week 1

              Still Friday lol...... I'm going to see if i have the energy to cycle to an NA meeting tonight
              AF since 7th June '10


                Week 1

                Great! Put on your best cycle hoop thingies around your pants, a fetching hat on your head (or failing that, a tea cosy) and get your slovenly butt to that meeting! Promise????? I can stalk you from the southern hemisphere you know.....(evil glint in eye).


                  Week 1

                  I'll try and get there...... and my butt is not slovenly just a bit down at the moment lol
                  AF since 7th June '10


                    Week 1

                    jon - I assume NA works a lot like AA? Around here, you can call if you need a ride. If you have been using or if you just don't feel up to driving, someone will probably help you if you call the AA/NA phone number for your area.

                    Looks like this link has the hot line phone numbers for Australia.

                    My best sobriety tools are this web site and AA. Don't be afraid to use every resource available to you to get clean and sober.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Week 1

                      No - I will not accept try.....Hitler t-r-i-e-d, Napolian t-r-i-e-d, various crystal gazing freaks will t-r-y......
                      You, my new friend, WILL do the unexpected. YOU will get on the bike (despite your loathing of the action) YOU will help make tea and put out bikkies, YOU will be the person that others look to for guidance....ARE WE CLEAR?

                      Yes, you may be down, but (did you hear me, sorry, just repeat that BUT) BUT, you can still choose to move! Millions can't!!!!! Get up and hokey pokey -seriously, you can't help but smile!!!!


                        Week 1

                        Its only 3 miles away so cycling isnt out of the question lol
                        AF since 7th June '10


                          Week 1

                          Cool bananas - get on that bike dude!!!!


                            Week 1

                            Yes boss......
                            AF since 7th June '10


                              Week 1

                              Well there were 5 people at the meeting but it was still good i came away having got some stuff off my chest so i feel a bit lighter now..... Hey ho lets go......
                              AF since 7th June '10

