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Newbie From N Ireland

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    Newbie From N Ireland

    Hi to you all.I'm new here,all the way from northern ireland.(Us irish are renowned for being drinkers.....that's my excuse)Anyway i've just had a weekend that i can't remember anything about.Three days indulging in red wine.Will be a first time for me to cut drink from my life.Very bad dose of the shakes today(alcoholic giveaway?)---my kids even noticed.I will appreciate support from anyone.And look forward to posting......


    Newbie From N Ireland

    Hi there, and welcome! I'm from Dublin so nice to see another Irish gal on here! Hope you find the board helpful, I'm only a member a few days myself but find it comforting to log on here in the evenings when I normally get the urge to drink .. Had a terrible day yesterday as was really hungover so could not do a thing all day and my poor little Boy who is only 5 months old did'nt even get any fresh air but I made up for it today. Did not drink last night and got up early this morning and have done loads already, including a long walk, feel great about myself but already and thinking about tonight and having a glass of wine ...
    Anyhoo hope your shakes are improving! Its a start that you have found this site, don't ponder on last weekend either just look forward to tomorrow and this coming weekend, it really help to take it one day at a time, cliche I know but it works for me ..:welcome:


      Newbie From N Ireland

      Hi Toby

      Thanks for replying toby.Shakes are still bad!One of my (old) sayings when my friends asked me "hows the form" was "this body is clinking like a bag of bottles"I will love saying "steady as a rock" !A long road but the distance for us all is the same (just about 250,000 miles:H )Why did i insert that smiley?I won't be laughing at 7pm tonight wen i'm dying for a glass or 2 or 3,4,5 wines.....

      Annie x


        Newbie From N Ireland


        As promised, I read your posts. It was a pleasure to meet and enjoy your company this afternoon. (US time but very late for you) Such a spark is inside of you. I look forward to the support that the members here can offer you and what a rich life awaits you. Love to you. You can do this.

        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


          Newbie From N Ireland

          annie it was great to meet you today. great job! pet alfie for me.

