A lazy day off after a big week at work and spending it trying to find ways to slow down my drinking. I live in a beautiful part of the world with great beaches and awesome scenery and I cant be bothered getting out to enjoy because I am too tired after the night before.
I feel foolish in one sence because there are so many people with more drinking issues than me, but it still does not help me stop what I am doing to myself.
For the past 12 years I say I would drink at least one bottle of wine every night. More obviously if I go out. I have no drink free days and wake up tired and listless every morning. I have spent my last 12 years coping with guilt and an confining marriage. Now my marriage is ova it is time I did something for myself. I started my new life by moving to a place I have always loved, still close to my beautiful grown up kids but far enough away that I am not constantly reminded of all my past mistakes.
I was kind of hoping my bad drinking habits would miraculously change the moment I moved. Well.... that didn't quiet happen. I am happier and more content than I ever have been and this move has been the best thing for me. I would just love to not have to come home every night and drink. There are so many other things for me to do but I just wanna come home lay on the couch, watch tv and drink till im tired and go to bed. Even though every night I wake up thirsty and no energy in the morning to go on those walks by the river or beach that I love so much. I have gained 25 kilos in the past four years in particular and the sight of my face in the mornings which shows signs of bloatedness is not what I wanted for myself.
I do want to start looking after myself and being healthy and active again. Life is to short and I want to make the most of my new fresh start. Now is about me cutting down the drink and making the most of every minute I have. I hope this can help me.
