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    A lazy day off after a big week at work and spending it trying to find ways to slow down my drinking. I live in a beautiful part of the world with great beaches and awesome scenery and I cant be bothered getting out to enjoy because I am too tired after the night before.

    I feel foolish in one sence because there are so many people with more drinking issues than me, but it still does not help me stop what I am doing to myself.

    For the past 12 years I say I would drink at least one bottle of wine every night. More obviously if I go out. I have no drink free days and wake up tired and listless every morning. I have spent my last 12 years coping with guilt and an confining marriage. Now my marriage is ova it is time I did something for myself. I started my new life by moving to a place I have always loved, still close to my beautiful grown up kids but far enough away that I am not constantly reminded of all my past mistakes.

    I was kind of hoping my bad drinking habits would miraculously change the moment I moved. Well.... that didn't quiet happen. I am happier and more content than I ever have been and this move has been the best thing for me. I would just love to not have to come home every night and drink. There are so many other things for me to do but I just wanna come home lay on the couch, watch tv and drink till im tired and go to bed. Even though every night I wake up thirsty and no energy in the morning to go on those walks by the river or beach that I love so much. I have gained 25 kilos in the past four years in particular and the sight of my face in the mornings which shows signs of bloatedness is not what I wanted for myself.

    I do want to start looking after myself and being healthy and active again. Life is to short and I want to make the most of my new fresh start. Now is about me cutting down the drink and making the most of every minute I have. I hope this can help me.


    Hi Chezka,

    I wanted to welcome you here, you have definately found a good place to help you with whatever it is you need in regards to your drinking. There is a broad spectrum of people on here with all different levels of drinking issues. Feel free to post and look around. Many people on here are having huge success in either quiting drinking completely or moderating. I personally cannot moderate and am "trying" to quit completly. If you stick around, you will also find there are some really wonderful and amazing people on here who would love to help you in your journey. I have made some very serious friends on here, I love them!

    Im sure you will get more amazing advice. Stick around and get to know us, and hopefully you will get the help you seek.


    It sounds like you are making a fresh start! There are several others on here also making fresh starts in life! This is a good time to get this under control, and you may just be in need of some friends along the way too.



      Hello Chezka - Welcome. I understand how you feel as I've been there myself wanting to stop the drink. It does take such a toll on our bodies and our spirit. As Overit said, this is a GREAT place. Here is a link to our tool box this will give you solid strategies for handling craving, etc to jump start some alcohol free time for yourself. Best of luck to you. Keep reading through the treads, post, and please ask questions....John
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read



        Hey Chezka, Welcome. I wouldn't feel foolish. You just made the first big step and admitted to yourself that you want to stop and change your life. That's not easy to do. Just ask questions and everyone here will try to help you along your way.
        Sober since 4/8/10 -OVER 150 DAYS AND GOING AF!!!!

        Get busy livin or get busy dyin-Duane Peters
        No more bad future-Skull Skates



          Thanks for your responses. It does help to now there is support and I will be reading and learning more about this. A lot to take in and will do my homework and look at the information. Im sure there will lots of questions from me soon enough. thanks again



            Welcome aboard! :welcome:



              Hi Chezka

              Welcome aboard. Just want to encourage you to be strong and stay true to your goal. Read lots and share how your going. You can create a better life...with a little help from us all.

              Kind regards
              Allen Carr’s book changed everything for me. The easyway to control alcohol. Highly recommended



                HI Chezka,

                I've been on this forum 5 or 6 days now and this is my seventh sober day. For me, giving up booze is scary. I worry loads about social situations and since I've decided to stop I find I crave drink even more than I used to. I'm in it to win it now. Like you I like where my life is and I've made some good moves lately but I don't feel I'm getting as much out of it as I can, I hope you find the answers you are looking for. If you come to the decision that you don't want to drink then I can assure you this is a really supportive and helpful group.

                "The greatest hazard of all, losing one?s self, can occur very quietly in the world, as if it were nothing at all. No other loss can occur so quietly; any other loss - an arm, a leg, five dollars, a wife, etc. - is sure to be noticed." Soren Kierkegaard.

                AF since 13 June 2010.



                  Hi Chezka, and welcome. After reading your post, it does seem like you are ready to make a positive change in your life. From what you write about: poor sleeping, guilt, fatigue, lack of energy, desire to change, life is short, want other things...- it would seem that a life without alcohol could improve all of those things. The habit will be tough to break, but you can do it - it took me several months to get into new habits, without reflectively grabbing beer all the time. The urges will come strong for a while, but with what you want out of life as a goal to work towards, I think you can surf the urges. The social aspect of going sober, perhaps worry about later. One day at a time, and add up the days. All the best to you,
                  Sober since Feb 7, 2010.



                    Well last night was a test for me. Out to dinner with some girl friends. Very very very hard when they like a drink, but I was not willing to ruin my first day. I sat there and really wanted a drink, I worry that I am more quiet and they wonder whats wrong with me. My friends understand, I just wonder will I get used to not drinking or anywhere near as much if I can still hold a conversation without my thoughts continually wanting a glass of wine. Last of my two days off work and usually I have started by now, as I always think I am rewarding myself for a hard weeks work and I am entitled to have wine with lunch and go through to dinner. Ah well......going for a walk to the beach instead. wish me luck today



                      Oh it gets easier chezka. Much easier. I'd say you got through an amazing challenge for your first AF day. You can draw strength from that and accomplish great things going forward. Go easy on yourself. Hope you had an enjoyable walk on the beach. Not sure where you live but if you see Snooki tell her I'm taken
                      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read



                        Good Luck Chezka!!! You can do it I know you can. I am new here too and it is very very hard to stop the habit - well it is for me. I was also in the same mode as you - thinking i was rewarding myself for getting through a hard day, entitlement etc but after not drinking for 5 days, I had a slip yesterday and drank a bottle of wine... it wasnt a reward because I havent been working.. so I realised it was habit..
                        Changing my routine is helping me too..
                        Well done for not drinking at dinner last night



                          a bit difficult today

                          feeling lost today and a bit down. for the first time I actually felt lonely. I usually look forward to coming home because I always had that bottle of wine waiting. went for lots of walks. bought a bottle of wine drank one glass straight down and then poured the rest out. I took off for yet another walk and I did get to enjoy the beautiful sunset as I usually miss it as I am either at work or at home with my wine. Its the evening that get me, on my days off. ah well work tomorrow. did not think I would ever say I was looking forward to it.



                            Hi chezka,
                            I really relate to your drinking habits because I drank wine every night. The fact that you have a desire to stop drinking is already very positive. I have wanted to stop drinking for the past year and a half. I managed to have a few alcohol free days during the week. then I would go back to drinking daily...then have two days off. Its been a struggle. Any excuse to drink and I did. Great weather, have a drink. Bad news, have a drink, bored, have a drink, have a bath, have a drink, pissed off that I drink too much, have a drink.
                            God. It never stopped! Like a hamster in a wheel. My life was one great big prediction. I thought that I could not cope with life without my wine.SOOOOOOO WRONG!!!Its just in my head that I feel I need it.
                            I have not had a drink for 17 miraculous days!! I feel WONDERFUL! Its worth battling the cravings. Stay on this forum. The support is fantastic.All the best. x
                            Be strong-
                            We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                            Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T



                              hi chezka and welcome. you have made a huge step by admitting your problems and finding this site. keep reading and posting, you will find lots of great advice and support from people who have been exactly where you are right now. wishing you all the best on this wonderful journey
                              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                              Keep passing the open windows

