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ODAT 19th June

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    ODAT 19th June

    Day 10 AF Yippee never thought I could do it-- Thanks to all for the support here.
    Have a great Af weekend.
    I love my life again, I feel so healthy and happy!
    I never realised just how miserable I was drinking that poison. xxx

    ODAT 19th June

    Morning anon and all who follow well done on day 10. Drinking used to be fun when I started but the party was soon over and it took over me. I wasn't living it ended up that most times i was home alone with a bottle for company how sad was that. Well i never thought i would make it this far at day 24. With the help of this site and AA i couldn't have done it. I tried on my own for years and it didn't work I need support with people who have been there etc. Thanks to all here. Have a good saturday. xxx



      ODAT 19th June

      Hi Anon,
      Well done for 10 days!.....I haven't been going too well myself, but am going to try again this week. Ten days is ten days more than me, so fantastic effort - well done!!:new:


        ODAT 19th June

        Great work everyone. Day 15 here and I'm loving the rewards. No hangover, no making a goose of myself, being able to drive whenever I like, having energy to do things with my children, being able to get a good nights sleep. Bring on day 16!
        Diggin' being alive


          ODAT 19th June

          Well done anon, I'm on day 7 today and feeling great. Sleeping well and a little more focused than usual. Had a bit of a test last night in a social situation but took my car along for support and stuck to the ginger ale.

          "The greatest hazard of all, losing one?s self, can occur very quietly in the world, as if it were nothing at all. No other loss can occur so quietly; any other loss - an arm, a leg, five dollars, a wife, etc. - is sure to be noticed." Soren Kierkegaard.

          AF since 13 June 2010.


            ODAT 19th June

            Anon, - well done on getting to day 10!:goodjob: Glad your feeling so happy too!
            Firefox - day 24 - awesome, I'm following along behind you at Day 22
            Woowooboy - Ditto to what you have said, that's how I feel.
            Still breathin - start over, keep trying
            Johnny - good plan, I'm a ginger beer convert here, has saved me many a time from having a wine.

            Cruising along, my aim was to get to 28 days, 6 days to go. I can't seem to think of a reason at this stage to have a drink even if I do get to day 28. It all just seems so pointless all those years of drinking for any excuse. Didn't even need an excuse, most of the time...hmmm.

            Have a great day everyone, sun is shining here for a few days, happy happy


              ODAT 19th June

              Day 16 for me! Its great to know that there are so many of us from all over the world going through the same situation. Really comforting. x
              Be strong-
              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                ODAT 19th June

                Day 12...... And i'm starting to feel human again ..... Congratulations :goodjob:
                AF since 7th June '10


                  ODAT 19th June

                  Wonderful Job! ALL of you!!

                  Hangover Free Sunrise for me. Thats all I can stick to at the moment, when I count days sometimes I mess myself up. Yes, I know that may seem weird, but as you get to know me, perhaps you will realize I really am weird

                  Enjoy your Sober weekend Everyone!!!


                    ODAT 19th June

                    Good Morning All,

                    I was so exhausted yesterday from staying up all night, my son had the stomache virus and spent most of the night in the bathroom, my daughter had a really bad cold and a fever of a 102.4, so it was a very tiring day, I tried to lay down for 1/2 hour before we had to go to my youngest dance recital yesterday, made it through. Everyone seems to being doing much better today - yeah and I had a lot of awesome sleep. So anyway day 13 today and feeling great!

                    Have a great one everyone, missed you all yesterday!


                      ODAT 19th June

                      OverIt2007;890615 wrote: Wonderful Job! ALL of you!!

                      Hangover Free Sunrise for me. Thats all I can stick to at the moment, when I count days sometimes I mess myself up. Yes, I know that may seem weird, but as you get to know me, perhaps you will realize I really am weird

                      Enjoy your Sober weekend Everyone!!!
                      You are HONEST, encouraging, caring and I good kisser too! (I have my sources lol) Ok maybe a little weird...that's why I love you...takes one to know one!!

                      Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                      St. Francis of Assisi


                        ODAT 19th June

                        Awww.... Your the Best R.C... I really mean that. You bring a spunky style to this place and we need the spunkyness to keep us on our toes!!!

                        How are you doing with the you know what "bad stuff", LOL. Im trying to keep it in check, sometimes I think thats all you can do! I think in order for me to be completely AF is going to require the Antabuse. When I am ready to take that giant step, I feel I will. Ill get there, Im sure we all will get there someday.

                        Not so sure about the "good kisser" part, its been ages since I had anybody to practice on!

                        Love ya back!
                        I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                          ODAT 19th June

                          One last post and I need to get off my arse and work. I am taking it one day at a time like you OverIt. I did my cleanse and no alcohol for a week, then dove right in with some girlfriends Thursday evening. Didn't bother last night even though opening a bottle did appeal to me. Off to my cuz's 50th birthday party. I don't see him often and will have some drinks with him and family. I will probably feel tough the next day, but am prepared for that. I wish it sounded better, but this is my life and as stated I am a far cry from where I was 2 months ago.
                          Hmmmm, I'm due from practice work too.

                          Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                          St. Francis of Assisi


                            ODAT 19th June

                            edit--party tonight
                            due for!

                            Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                            St. Francis of Assisi


                              ODAT 19th June

                              I hear ya, I better get off my ass too and do something!

                              One last quick thing. You know yourself better than anyone else. You are the controller and judge of your own life. You will do what you feel at peace the most with, and we are here to support you in your decisions in life. No judgement ever to be passed here!
                              I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!

