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Oh no Day 5 was nearly done but its gone

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    Oh no Day 5 was nearly done but its gone

    Hi all my cyber pals
    I woke up this morning feeling great - Yah day 5.. I got lots of things done and then took my son to a birthday party but on the way home I got a txt telling me the wine I ordered and paid for 8 days ago ( this is a muslim country and wine must be ordered in advance!!) had been delivered to my house and was in the washing machine..I had totally forgotten about ordering that bottle so I got home and had a big glass of water then looked in the washing machine and there it was!!. I tried to call a couple of friends to see if they wanted it but no answer. I then put it in the cupboard and thought ' I'll forget about it'.. but I couldnt and soon i found myself opening it . One glass I said...
    Now I know I will soon finish the bottle.. not feeling drunk, just lethargic and shamed.
    I was doing so well, i thought. But this was unexpected and I didnt have the willpower to pour it down the drain... So do I have to say Day 1 again tomorrow or can I say 5 days with one slip?? Have i blown it or is this just a blip??
    One thing this has taught me, I can't have alcohol in the house and I haven't and here there are no bars so thats no problem. Its just that I feel i have let myself down but maybe i should'nt dwell too much on that and today is another day. What do you think??
    Thanks Patrice:H

    Oh no Day 5 was nearly done but its gone

    Tomorrow is another day my friend. I'm on day 7 and I recently had to pour some beers down the sink. Wine is difficult, I was given a bottle as a gift which I still have and I intend to give it away. I definitely am better off without drink in the house. That is now a priority on my list of things to do thanks to your honesty and openness. On the bright side you have learned a good lesson and you could always start again with renewed vigour.

    Good luck and well done for being so honest
    "The greatest hazard of all, losing one?s self, can occur very quietly in the world, as if it were nothing at all. No other loss can occur so quietly; any other loss - an arm, a leg, five dollars, a wife, etc. - is sure to be noticed." Soren Kierkegaard.

    AF since 13 June 2010.


      Oh no Day 5 was nearly done but its gone

      Hi Patrice,

      Wow, they have strict laws where you are! I've been in many Muslim countries where it's easy to buy alcohol (especially as a foreigner), but I suppose I haven't been in the really hardcore ones.

      I couldn't resist a bottle delivered to my door after 8.5 MONTHS without a drink, so it's not surprising that you opened this bottle. And, yes, you've learnt that you can't have alcohol in the house so that's a valuable lesson.

      I'm curious about why it was put in the washing machine!
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        Oh no Day 5 was nearly done but its gone

        Wine is a potential stain that comes in a bottle Marshy, perhaps they were just thinking ahead
        "The greatest hazard of all, losing one?s self, can occur very quietly in the world, as if it were nothing at all. No other loss can occur so quietly; any other loss - an arm, a leg, five dollars, a wife, etc. - is sure to be noticed." Soren Kierkegaard.

        AF since 13 June 2010.


          Oh no Day 5 was nearly done but its gone

          Good lesson learned, I say! If counting days is important to you, then call it what feels OK to you. This is your deal. We are here to support you.

          OK... why the washing machine?
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            Oh no Day 5 was nearly done but its gone

            Hi Patrice

            Don't beat yourself up - Scarlett OHara says, tomorrow is another day. I get it - I have several bottles calling to me at the moment from the fridge, but I'm going to put them in a pillow case and lower them into the deep end of our pool - as it's freezing, hopefully I wont go to get them tonight. Go and have a bath, do your toenails, get on the phone to a friend or 3, sit here and read the awesome "You know you're an alcoholic" posts - that should take you till tomorrow morning..... Good Luck!


              Oh no Day 5 was nearly done but its gone

              Thanks mateys
              The reason why it was put in the washing machine is becuase here in Borneo all the washing machines are outside and because i live next to strict Muslims .. best not leave it on the doorstep and I wasn't home when 'IT' arrived,
              Yep Johny I should have put the machine on extra spin .. then no more wine.. haha didnt think of that.
              Marshy my dear its only been 5 days AL free and I ordered the wine 8 days ago!!! So I don't feel too proud
              Yes my friends I live in the Sultanate of Brunei where one of the richest men, the Sultan, has the most Champagne ouside of France but we can get alcohol just have to drive to Malaysia .. get 4 stamps on the passport then drive back again.. a 3 hour round trip for 2 bottles?? Needless to say passport full!!!

              Thanks so much for replying.. I'm just so grateful and yes stillbreath I am going to keep counting and just put it as a minor blip and learning curve..I will still say day 6 tomorrow with one slip.. do you think thats ok?


                Oh no Day 5 was nearly done but its gone

                I posted a while back that I found some AL in my house after around 6 weeks AF. I put it to one side and decided I would think about what to do BEFORE I did anything. Yes I went through the friends list, should I put it in the bin?I knew if I kept it I might drink it so after leaving it for 1 hour I opened it and poured it away via the lavatory(less smell to tempt you that way) Rinsed the bottles and put them in the recycling. Always best to have a sit down - remember most urges pass in only 40 minutes.


                  Oh no Day 5 was nearly done but its gone

                  Yep Patrice, I would say that tomorrow is day 6! (Small, minor, inconsequential speed hump) Hey, also you need to be very, very proud of you because 1. You only had the one bottle before thinking whoa there.... 2. You got on this website rather than downing them all, and not saying anything..... KUDOS!! Brilliant, Whoooohooo etc etc.


                    Oh no Day 5 was nearly done but its gone

                    Dont give up patrice. I tried to stop drinking for over a year and a half but only managed a maximum of four days in a row. ..and weekends were impossible for me not to drink. The self loathing I had with myself was continuous.But I never gave up and now I have 16 days sobriety behind me. I NEVER thought I could do this. So just keep trying. x
                    Be strong-
                    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                      Oh no Day 5 was nearly done but its gone

                      Thanks Greeneyes.. yes lesson learned for sure it will NOT happen again, the washing machine is closed!!!
                      Can you lock a washing machine?
                      UK blondeI do know that the urge does stop .. but for me it was so unexpected , but I guess thats another lesson, expect the unexpected and I will now
                      Stillbreathing.. thank you so much from a fellow kiwi/ aussie .. i'm on the cusp .. and the bottle is done now . no more and no more on the horizon.. teaching English again on monday to devout Muslims so will feel proud to go in on monday and do the national anthem thing (every day!!)

                      Rebirth you inspire me so much.. I will tomorrow be on day 6 minus one.. mmm does that work ?? I think it hs too

                      Thanks all my pals

                      And a big up to you all xxx


                        Oh no Day 5 was nearly done but its gone


                        If it works for you then it works for us! I think you are doing amazing. You know the saying, "If the horse throws you off, well then just get right back up on the horse".

                        GiddyUp Girl!!
                        I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                          Oh no Day 5 was nearly done but its gone

                          patrice;890560 wrote: we can get alcohol just have to drive to Malaysia .. get 4 stamps on the passport then drive back again.. a 3 hour round trip for 2 bottles?? Needless to say passport full!!!
                          That's amazing. I would have spent ALL my spare time going back and forth, sad to say.
                          Still, it's great now that you're giving up not to have the temptation of bars and alcohol in restaurants.
                          AF since December 22nd 2008
                          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                            Oh no Day 5 was nearly done but its gone

                            Hi Patrice - Pick yourself back up. I am still so very proud of you. Many of us, myself included, have had a slip along the road. It's how you handle it thats important. You seem to have that down pat. Wlshing you well day 6 and going forward...John
                            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                              Oh no Day 5 was nearly done but its gone

                              As Techie says Patrice, get back up. At least now you know where your mistakes were and you will learn from that.

                              How are you finding the freedom from the restriction?

