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is this normal?

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    is this normal?

    So I'm on day 15 now, I'm on anti-depressants and clonezapam or whatever it's called
    on my third day I was able to sleep without taking the benzos every day since then
    I haven't been able to sleep without it.... yesterday I had a real urge to fall back
    into drinking however I didn't.... so I got on my mountain bike and away I went
    riding for nearly 5hours... after which I thought I could fall asleep like a normal
    human being.... needless to say I had to take a benzo to pass out... is this normal?
    or maybe I have some sort of insomnia!?

    is this normal?

    In the early days/weeks it is not unusual at all to have difficulty sleeping. I turned out to have some female hormonal imbalances going on (menopause related) that were a contributing factor. Getting that sorted out (bio-identical hormones) and time helped. I was able to get some relief using Valerian root as a natural sleep aid.

    All the best to you..

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      is this normal?

      thanks btw I tried valerian root it did nothing for me lol..... I guess I really screwed up my system
      all these years...


        is this normal?

        Hi bugz I know nothing about meds. Glad you found this site Im sure lots of people know what you are going through. Take care.


          is this normal?

          Like DG I used Valerian too. I had problems with benzos as they interfer with REM sleep. You may want to discuss w/ your doc if this continues. Your still in early stages of recovery so this may resolve itself. I wish you the best!
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            is this normal?

            techie;891439 wrote: Like DG I used Valerian too. I had problems with benzos as they interfer with REM sleep. You may want to discuss w/ your doc if this continues. Your still in early stages of recovery so this may resolve itself. I wish you the best!
            thanks.... that may be true for some people but if I take a benzo I sleep awesome
            for at least 6-7 hours and I dream as well.... which is a sign of good sleep.

            I just can't fall asleep normally yet, which pisses me off



              is this normal?

              I didn't sleep normally for weeks, probably longer. It is my understanding that you have to take valerian for a couple weeks for it to start working. Try calms forte?
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                is this normal?

                greeneyes;891447 wrote: I didn't sleep normally for weeks, probably longer. It is my understanding that you have to take valerian for a couple weeks for it to start working. Try calms forte?
                ah ok... I googled it but is it available without a prescription?


                  is this normal?


                  Have you tried Melatonin? It does a wonderful trick for me.

                  I take 4 mgs when I can't sleep or have a major change in TZs.

                  Take it 30 minutes before desired sleep time. It is a very inexpensive drug and it OTC.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    is this normal?

                    Cinders;891453 wrote: bugz,

                    Have you tried Melatonin? It does a wonderful trick for me.

                    I take 4 mgs when I can't sleep or have a major change in TZs.

                    Take it 30 minutes before desired sleep time. It is a very inexpensive drug and it OTC.

                    yea I tried it months ago... it worked for me once only..... the next day it didn't work
                    so I didn't know if it's safe to take benzos with melatonin so I stayed up all night
                    then the next day I took a benzo


                      is this normal?

                      Yeah I still find it difficult to fall asleep before 3am, I take Rescue Sleep, it contains a tiny bit of alcohol I think but its ok for babies to take so I assume its a very very little amount, doesn't harm me at all and it does help me fall asleep.


                        is this normal?

                        I now sleep well on baclofen but not very long just about 6 hours at most. But before the baclofen I use to take melatonin 6 mg plus benadryl 25-50 mg. I worried about using benzos as I know they can be habit forming and lose their potency after a few weeks so I stayed away from them. It takes at least a few weeks to normalize your sleeping after becoming abstinent from alcohol. The balance of the on vs calm brain has been altered. You will eventually find your "new" normal.
                        good luck


                          is this normal?

                          Day 17 and I still having difficulty sleeping, I have taken up jogging everyday and will try anything to tire myself out yet I still lay awake until after 2am. However I am not worried as I know it will right itself in time and as I have said before, it is a small price to pay for the amount of abuse I gave my body in the past.


                            is this normal?

                            Hi there,
                            On the benzos - how many mgs/day are you taking? They are highly addictive, and an opiate, so if you take them for more than a few days your body needs them to sleep. That is the bad news.

                            The good news is it's better to be sleepless for a few days while getting off the benzos than to be drinking like a fish. By the way, sleep is not about passing out, it's about getting rest. Maybe it might be good to think about what sleep means to you and your body?

                            My suggestion - if you are taking 60 mg or 1 tab, take 3/4 a tab tonight and tomorrow night, then half a tab for the next few nights, then a quarter for the next few. Taper down and get off of them. They contain the same components as valium, so you want to get off it sooner rather than later.

                            Bungle you have it right - don't worry about the poor sleep now because in time, and in very little time, it will get better, a lot better.
                            AF since May 6, 2010

                            Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                              is this normal?

                              It took me around 6 weeks to get into a normal sleep pattern and now I can nod off within minutes no problems. Thing is you just have to stick it out and yes it's uncomfortable but it has to be done. AL buggers up your whole body and it has to come to pay back time. If we didn't have unpleasant effects coming off it there would be less incentive to stay off. In the meantime try sleepy teas, listening to the radio - a nice documentary or watch soaps my favourite 'switch-off' method.

