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New with Topa/Adrafinil-Modafinil Question

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    New with Topa/Adrafinil-Modafinil Question

    Hello Everyone !!

    I can?t begin to tell you how excited I am to have found out about this program and this website?

    I found it about six weeks ago, ordered the book plus the supplement starter pack and hypno CDs... I live in France (Paris), so it took a couple of weeks to get here... But it finally did, and after having read the book, I began looking for a doctor who would prescribe the topiramate, marketed under the name of "Epitomax" here.

    By doing searches for the medication and by looking on French medical blogs, I found that it is quite widely prescribed here for migraine headaches. I decided to phone several psychiatrists in my area but got little to no interest from any of them regarding this medication in relation to the Lancet study. They really didn?t seem to know about it, or be very ?into? new medications, or even know much about alcohol issues.

    That?s when I found and made an appointment with a doctor specialized in ?alcohology? (if that even exists in English.. I guess substance abuse would be a more appropriate term). She is also, I found out on the prescription she gave me, an endocrinologist and a diabetologist. Anyway, she was very interested in MWO, said she would order the book, and was willing to prescribe the topiramate. I had called her ahead of time, and had managed to get her email address and had sent her links to the Lancet study as well as the articles in the WSJ and Newsweek. So she said she was open to it, although expressed regret that I had reticence to join a public or traditional group such as AA? Then again, she has never prescribed the topiramate for alcohol addiction? I really plan to be her first success with this program? And I can?t wait to see her again in three weeks and let her know that I?m already feeling better and not craving alcohol anymore the way I was before? I?m so excited about it all.

    Anyway? I have started the topiramate today, and don?t feel a whole lot, other than a little bit drowsy? but my question is about the Adrafinil or Modafinil RJ speaks about in the book, which are supposed to help counter some of the cognitive deficits you might be experiencing while on the topiramate. RJ?s reference to this is quite vague in the book. She just says to consider short term use of a ?nootropic? such as one of these two.

    From what I understand, these are both some sort of anti depressant? ? My doctor said that she isn?t against prescribing it to me when I return (in just three weeks ? by then I should be up to about 100mgs of the topiramate), but that she just wanted to check it out first because she thought both medications together seemed to be sort of a ?heavy? treatment. I do want to try it if it could help me further in my battle against alcohol craving (I forgot to mention that my problem is binge drinking, and being unable to turn to the ?off? switch once I?ve started, like I?ve read in so many personal accounts on this forum).

    I haven?t read a whole lot about Adrafinil/Modafinil on this website, and was wondering if anyone could give me some more info than what is in the book about the effects of Topiramate and one of the latter together, as well as if anyone has any info I could bring to my doctor which would encourage her to prescribe it to me?

    I also forgot to mention that it took a day to get the medication at the pharmacy (I had to go to several, and finally went back to my regular drug store), not because of the distributor, but because the manufacturer? a company called JANSSEN-CILAG here in France (I?ll have to look it up to see if it is a subsidiary of the company that makes Topamax in the US)? they can?t keep up with production, apparently! They were all out of 25mg pills. My pharmacy finally managed to get 50mg tablets for me, which I have to break in half? but anyway, maybe this is a sign that the medication is a success and selling really well here in France.

    Many Thanks to all who post and tell their stories? This place has been so inspiring to me? I feel like this is the first day of the rest of my life? :thanks:


    New with Topa/Adrafinil-Modafinil Question

    Hi Christine and :welcome: , I am also curious about the Adrofinal or Modafinal, as I wait tables & need to be "quik on my toes" so to speak... I have been taking 100mg of topa for 11 mo. now, & that seems to working pretty well, for the most part. I'm moderating, I haven't gone overboard with my drinking since finding this program... but I have come dangerously close... a couple of times. Although that WAS on vacation, in Vegas!

    Still nothing like I used to be in the "old days"... Thank God! And RJ, and EVERYONE HERE!!!:h :l .

    Just wanted to say welcome! I have googled the Modafinal & Afrofinal... it sounds very spendy....
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


      New with Topa/Adrafinil-Modafinil Question

      New with Topa/Adrafinil-Modafinil Question

      Hello Judie!!

      Thank you for responding!!

      For info, incase anyone is curious... The Topiramate costs about 21 ? (euros) for a box of 28 50mg pills... social security and helth insurance brings it down to about 7 euros per box for me... for the time being, considering I'm only begining and will be dosing up next week ...

      I used to wait tables too, and I know how important it is not to have brain farts or senior moments, as my dad calls them, while you're on the job... so many things to concentrate on at once, it's like you're on autopilot....

      Well, thanks again for your answer, and do let me know if you find anything else about the recomended doses for adrafinil or modafinil...



        New with Topa/Adrafinil-Modafinil Question


        I just got the Olmifon (Adrafinil) in the mail today. I'm really hoping it will help with the dullness I'm feeling. I just feel tired. But I did start the Topa 3 days ago, and am (sorta) cutting back on the drinking-well, tonight, far, so good...
        Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.


          New with Topa/Adrafinil-Modafinil Question

          New with Topa/Adrafinil-Modafinil Question

          Hello Tumadre!

          Could you tell me where abouts you live (what region of the world... you don't have to be specific). How much did it cost, and where did you get the info for dosing... ?

          I'm also feeling a little dull... but am only on day two...

          Do you know of any studies about the effects of the two (topiramate and olmifon - olmifon is the main molecule in the adrafinil / modafinil, right?) ? How much do you plan on taking? Do you think you'll increase the olmifon as you increase the topiramate? Is it one of those drugs that you have to work up to like the topiramate is?

          Thanks for the info. I might try posting this on the meds board to see if I get any further responses there...



            New with Topa/Adrafinil-Modafinil Question

            Adrafinil and topiramate

            Hi there.

            I don't believe any clinical trials exist regarding the use of adrafinil and topiramate together. Animal studies indicate it promotes cognitive improvement, although the mechanism of action is not fully understood.

            For additional reading, you'll find abstracts you may want to follow up on here:

            Research Articles from Erowid's Vault

            If you google "adrafinil" and "modafinil" you'll also find a lot of information. Much of it comes from commercial sites, but many people have shared their experiences on various message boards and blogs.

            As have I. I just posted an entry on my blog yesterday in response to the questions here because I've not really addressed them before. This despite the fact that it's one of the most common inquiries. So many people take Topamax and want to know what they can do about boosting their brain power. I know I really felt compelled to do something about it myself because of the demands of my job.

            So I turned to adrafinil for a short time, but it's clearly not for everyone and I don't recommend it unless you work closely with a health care provider and also have a liver test, as it may increase your liver enzymes.

            My gut tells me that those of us who are 'scatterbrained', for lack of a better word, may benefit from it more than others. I've read nothing to support this, but I am reminded of a message board entry I read from a woman a few years back. She said her daughter told her she seemed much more calm and methodical once she started taking adrafinil. The woman reported her thinking was clear and her anxiety reduced. Interestingly, adrafinil is prescribed for ADD/ADHD. So perhaps, like Ritalin and similar drugs, the amphetamine-like qualities actually slow something down in our screwed up brains, I don't know. My results were so striking, more so than for others. But overall, it does seem to help most people.

            For the record, I just want to say that I still believe that 20 to 30 minutes of exercise, three times a week, once approved by your doc, is the healthiest and most effective means to clear the brain, improve the mood, and firm the butt. :-)

            Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


              New with Topa/Adrafinil-Modafinil Question

              Thank you!


              Thank you for taking the time to respond!

              I'm very excited about reading all of the info and going to see my doctor in a few weeks with it. Any further information regarding when it's a good time to begin taking it (with regard to the suggested topiramate dosing schedule) would also be appreceated. I'll be on week three, at 75mg of topiramate daily when I go back to see my doctor in two weeks.

              Thank you Roberta, for everything you have done to help so many, many people feel better, for writing your book, putting together your program and creating this website... Thank you... I can't say it enough times. You have touched my life in an amazing way. I didn't know when my problem drinking would end before I found your website and read your book. I thought I would be destined to fight with it for the rest of my life, as I also knew I would probably suffer from worsening symptoms of alcoholism as time went on. Now I feel like an incredible weight has been lifted off my shoulders. You are the inspiration behind my personal change, and that means the world to me (not to mention all the others).:thanks:



                New with Topa/Adrafinil-Modafinil Question

                Hi Christine,
                as one who is about to start the program in earnest (just received the Topamax, supps and CDs), I have one silly little question: could I (live in the UK) order the Topamax from France at all? I ordered mine from and it cost ?37 plus ?10 something for VAT, and it took almost three weeks to arrive. My doctor wouldn't prescribe Topamax, so it is working out to be a very expensive treatment for me. And I am thinking I have to order the next lot of Topamax now, before even starting the program, because I don't want to run out half way through...
                oh, I am good worrying about all sorts of things and avoiding the real issue of me starting to go AF. Which is so scary. I liked getting all my bits together (right now just waiting for the Plug and Play pillow for my night listening of the CD and a silly little pill box......), waiting for all those bits and pieces , I could postpone the start of abstinence.
                Gotta go, too upset to continue right now..... good luck to everyone doing the MWO thing!


                  New with Topa/Adrafinil-Modafinil Question


                  I think regulation in France is quite strict regarding ordering medication, prescrition medication, online... The best would be for you to ask a friend or relative in France to send you the meds, if you have someone who is there and close enough to you to do that for you... Otherwise I don't know what to recomend because the medical field is so regulated here. Also they would have to go to a docor to get a perscription for it... which may or may not be tricky, considering how well they know their doctor, etc...

                  I suspect that things are similar in Belgium and Holland as well... but will have to research it in order to be sure.

                  Don't give up though!! I only just started myself, and will be dosing up to 50mgs (of the topiramate) on Monday, and I can tell you, that along with the hypnotherapy and the supplements, I am already staring to lose interest in the extra glasses of wine I used to drink and drink... I really think that this whole thing is worth it. I'm excited to incorporate more excercising into my program as soon as I can (I've sort of been procratinating on that...)... and I'm positive that things will only get better and better.... And I'm POSITIVE that they will for you too!! You've already made the biggest step... ordering the books and the supps... and the best part of it all is that you don't have to make an ultimatum with yourself about stopping all drinking when you begin the program... that's the amazing thing about this.... That's what makes it different from all of the other medications and programs that have been out there before (if that is the route you choose to follow.... all I'm trying to say is that you're already making a big a change, so don't be too hard on yourself!!!).

                  So, courage, my friend... because the second you begin this, you'll feel better, I promise... I already do! Don't worry, don't stress out...

                  and please, keep me posted on your journey,


                    New with Topa/Adrafinil-Modafinil Question

                    Hi Christine,

                    I am a problem drinker and new to MWO. I am interested in the program. Can you please tell me if your drinking has diminished once you started on the Topiramate. Thanks


                      New with Topa/Adrafinil-Modafinil Question

                      I forgot to mention that I live in France too (Nice) and am too ashamed to disclose my problem to my Doctor. Can you buy the medicine here without a prescription?


                        New with Topa/Adrafinil-Modafinil Question


                        Hello Animal

                        It's hard to tell, because I have only just started and am at 25mgs, going up to 50 tomorrow... But I do feel overall less inclined to want more to drink, I guess... and, not every night, but tonight, for instance, quite tired by the end of the day, and content after one or two glasses of wine, happy to get to bed for some sleep. Some people on this forum have said that they have felt that feeling kick in after getting up to about 100 mgs (week four, I think). It works differently for different people, and today I excercised and that might be why I'm feeling drowsy and ready for bed right now.

                        I usually drink 1/2 to 1 and 1/2 bottles of wine per night... or vodka (not as much of the lmatter, lol, but still enough to know that it's not good for me).... depending on what I have to do the next day... often drinking to the point of making myself either pass out or throw up, and more often than not, feeling tired and depressed the next day... I'm definitely happy I decided to to start the program and try the medication. But I also believe RJ is right when she says all of the elements in the program play an important role...

                        I hope I answered your question...



                          New with Topa/Adrafinil-Modafinil Question

                          Hi Christine,
                          finally found the thread again after tonights Chat.
                          Didn't get where you managed to get the Topa from though?
                          But it is so interesting to me to see you are in France - where it must be sooooo hard to stop drinking (and we have such a big desire to go and live in France, Cognac if you believe!)
                          You sound very positive and on the right track to your goal of moderation! Well done!
                          I am finally ready to start the program, can't believe how much time i have already invested in planning this!
                          Will start on wednesday in earnest, supps, cds and topa in place....

                          Would love to stay in touch with someone who has also just started. Would you?

                          Bonsoir, PinkMilk


                            New with Topa/Adrafinil-Modafinil Question

                            PinkMilk / Buddy


                            YES, yes, YES!! Absolutely!! Would LOVE to stay in touch!!! I'm so sorry it took me awhile to reply.. starting this program keeps you BUSY... You'll see! Yesterday I STILL had endorphins flowing fom working out the day before, and was so exhausted, just TOO TIRED to type at the end of the day.. Didn't WANT anymore wine... Just needed to sleep.. Tonight, was out to dinner with my Dad and boyfriend, both of whom are quite big drinkers, and I didn't even finish my one glass of wine with dinner (although I did have an ap?ritif/ coctail drink but still).. I CAN'T believe this... I hope this never ends... So today, I worked out again, only 1/2 an hour, and boy, I'm telling you, I can really feel the difference... My body is telling me it wants to go to bed now, instead of staying up to watch tv or have another drink...

                            So, I'm sorry I didn't answer sooner, but it seems that when I'm not busy trying to find time to work out or do some excercise, I'm trying to do the hypno, which I've sort of been procrastinating lately... and.. finally, my brain is a little blah.. I mean I feel more tired in the evening, after I take the medication... I'm really looking forward to talking to the doctor about taking the supplemental Adrafinil to compensate for the dopey feeling I'm getting in my head...

                            Anyway, enough about me... Your big day begins tomorrow... So, yes, please keep in touch, send me email, if you wish, I guess that would be more appropriate than typing on here. So I'll be thinking of you... Wishing you the best of luck! It's exciting, living through all this change, and seeing it happen to others around me at the same time. I'll be happy to hear about your experience as it evolves...



                              New with Topa/Adrafinil-Modafinil Question

                              One more thing -
                              To answer Pinkmilk's question: I got the Topa from a doctor

                              To answer Animal's question: in France, yes, you must have a prescription in order to buy the medication.

                              In France, Topamax is called Epitomax

