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I am going to try just 1 AF day......

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    I am going to try just 1 AF day......

    It's Monday morning and I woke up just saying to myself~ what the heck, just try to go tonight without a glass of wine.
    I'm so scared that around 4:00 it will creep up on me and I will cave......
    Any suggestions? I want to do this so bad. I have not had a AF day since October 15th and it's really worrying me that I will have terrible withdrawal symptoms.

    I am going to try just 1 AF day......

    I'll join you! Day 1 for me as well. Let's do it!


      I am going to try just 1 AF day......

      me too, i must do this. come on team!
      The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.


        I am going to try just 1 AF day......

        More the merrier!!!!!


          I am going to try just 1 AF day......


          You can do this.

          If it means sticking to MWO and going into chat, do it.

          If it means shaking it up and doing something else. do it.

          You can do one day. Seriously.

          I found doing something where alcohol is just not an option is a good idea. A movie, putt putt, a concert, you name it. Something that distracts and where you couldn't have alcohol if you wanted. (Well, we could but we won't.)

          Just do something.

          Now, as for withdrawals. I can't speak to that. I am absolutely not a doctor, a nurse or anyone in the medical profession. If you think you are in danger of serious withdrawals from alcohol, go to a doctor. Do something about it.

          You are the only ones who can. Take charge. Get free.

          AF April 9, 2016


            I am going to try just 1 AF day......

            Thanks Cindi!
            Struggling today. Not very happy with myself. Committed to not drinking today!


              I am going to try just 1 AF day......

              I'm in, we can do it guys!

              It's always a choice!
              "The greatest hazard of all, losing one?s self, can occur very quietly in the world, as if it were nothing at all. No other loss can occur so quietly; any other loss - an arm, a leg, five dollars, a wife, etc. - is sure to be noticed." Soren Kierkegaard.

              AF since 13 June 2010.


                I am going to try just 1 AF day......

                I'm rooting for you guys. If it were easy, we wouldn't need this web site, each other, etc. to make it through the day. But we CAN do it.

                I wasn't sure what to expect as far as withdrawls. I printed out the information about withdrawls that is "stickied" on top of the Need Help ASAP section. I reviewed it with my husband and he kept a close eye on me for a few days. Just a suggestion if you have a loved one who can help with that.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  I am going to try just 1 AF day......

                  I'm with 1 for me too and 4pm is my time of the day as well! we can do it
                  30 day Challenge...started 16.08.2010


                    I am going to try just 1 AF day......

                    So, do you guys all have a good plan for your "witching hour?" For me, it was helpful to be out and about doing something active that doesn't involve AL. Go to the gym at that time or go biking or hiking, take the dogs for a walk, go shopping , do yardwork or gardening, etc. Just something to keep my mind off of AL.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      I am going to try just 1 AF day......

                      I think I can

                      Thanks everyone for joining in.
                      I am pretty sure I can get through tonight, but not sure about tomorrow.
                      I'm trying to just not think about tomorrow or the next day ~ just concentrate on today!
                      It's such a habit!


                        I am going to try just 1 AF day......


                        Yes, that is the idea of ODAT. One Day At a Time.

                        Do not think about tomorrow, think about today. You can do this.

                        You will find over time, as you do ODAT, that it isn't that hard. It is quite simple, really.

                        Today I will not drink. I'll worry about tomorrow, tomorrow.

                        I am rooting for you guys.

                        I remember my first ODAT. It was amazing how empowering it was.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          I am going to try just 1 AF day......

                          Ditto what Cindi said ...........

                          One day at a time .............. or one hour at a time .............or even one minute at a time ............

                          Go for it .......... I can PROMISE you all that you will feel soooooo much better in the morning .........

                          Keep us posted, BB xx


                            I am going to try just 1 AF day......

                            i made it!

                            how about you lot?
                            The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                              I am going to try just 1 AF day......

                              well done girly. you can do today as well, just keep focussed on this. we are here with you. wishing you strength
                              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                              Keep passing the open windows

