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I need help

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    I need help

    I am on again. Right now I am toasted and I posted earlier, but no one responded to my pleas of help, so I am kind of unencouraged. I feel I need help, but am unsure where to turn. I though this was a good place and maybe I am doing it wrong, but I still am helpless. Is there something wrong with me.????

    I need help

    I am want to try to slow down my drinking, but it is verry hard. I start with one and keep going. I am trying to do this w/o any help. I feel so ashamed it has gotten to this point.


      I need help

      Try to Relax

      Nothing will get done tonight exept to stop drinking and try and go to sleep. I know it is hard to do.

      Tomorrow is a new day and you will need to make the decision.
      Starting over again 09/06/11

      "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



        I need help

        we are here if you need us
        Starting over again 09/06/11

        "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



          I need help

          I want to at least slow down, but it is a very difficult time of year. My mother passed away four days after Chistmas and all the holidays are coming up....


            I need help

            I feel so ashamed and so alone, like no on understands and I know that is now true. That is why I am here. I don't even want my family to know. I know they would make me stop.....


              I need help

              Hi jmose:

              It's good you came here. It's been a great help to me, and my quest to stop my drinking.

              This program is fairly comprehensive in it's approach, and as such, will take some effort to learn how to do, and how to do it that best works for you.

              Even after 10 months AF, sometimes I have to make the decision not to drink several times a day. They say in AA, "I will not drink today", and "One day at a time". I wish it were that simple for me. Sometimes still, I have to say "I will not drink now", and five minutes later, I have to make that decison all over again. I spent 35 years pouring booze in my mouth, and unlearning that behavior iis taking a major commitment.

              Over the last several months, it is getting less difficult though. I think it's because I am slowly learning how to be a sober person. Hard, extremely hard, but I am here on this forum, typing this right now, because it is SO WORTH IT.

              You begin your learning by the MWO book, and by reading the posts and stories on this forum. At first it may seem like tearing down a skyscraper you have built, with a small pocketknife. Keep after it, even though it may seem hopeless at first. I can only write this, because I've done it. Many others here have done it to. It's going to take some time and effort, and some members here fall from time to time. I have fallen so many times myself, I wonder how I ever got to this point I'm at now.

              If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, then take a little time to learn. We want to hear from you too. How you are making it, good or bad. It's part of the program too.

              It may sound corny, and trite, but it's a thousand mile journey, and the only way to start is by taking step one. You just took it by posting here with us.

              Be well.



                I need help

                Me again, I did see your other post, don't feel bad sometimes it takes awhile for someone to reply. I see you are having a tough time of it tonight to say the least and I (we) all feel your pain. Keep coming here it's a safe place and lots of people working on getting away from that voice that haunts us. Hope you can get some sleep.


                  I need help

                  My hasband is a drinker the only thing is he can't drink if he dose it will get him put in jail. As his wife I would like to help him anyway I can. He gose to AA meetings when he wants to and when he dose not want to go he dose not go. He has the meds and he takes them sometimes other times no. I don't know what to do I don't want him to end up in jail just because of drinking. Where can he go for the help he needs I know he has to do it on his own but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is not happening right now so where can he or we trun. I need help could someone please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  NEEDS HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                    I need help

                    Hi unregistered, I agree with Katesm your husband has to want to do this for himself. My husband, my children and even newspapers and television documentries were all telling me how bad drinking to excess was but not until a few weeks ago when my turning point came and I wanted to quit FOR MYSELF did I actually stop drinking, but I hasten to add I wouldn't have succeeded without this site, so if you can get him to just have a look at it and maybe read some of the posts on here he decide this is the time to do it.
                    I wish you luck
                    Irish xx
                    A F F L..
                    Alcohol Free For Life

