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Double Digits Tomorrow

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    Double Digits Tomorrow

    Hi everyone!

    I just wanted to say a quick hello and let everyone know that as result of finding this site, while surfing for symptoms of alcohol withdrawl symptoms 9 days ago (while suffering a category "10" hangover), I will be celebrating 10 days sobriety tomorrow!!!

    I am a drinker- and in recent years, with the stresses of work, kids, and chronic tension headaches, I have become VERY dependent on drinking to get me through most days. My dad is an alcoholic, choosing abstinence, with the help of AA over 10 years ago. I had been thinking about AA, but would not or could not see myself giving up something, that when done in moderation ( drinking that is) was quite pleasurable and was part of a lifestyle that enjoy very much. I am so relieved that there is an alternative to AA and the support that I can recieve is ever so easy to access ( just a click into cyberspace), versus arranging for meetings, babysitters, etc...

    I am hoping to remain clean and sober for 30 days. I think I can do it knowing, that it is not forever. And who knows- it took me 8 days to feel somewhat 'normal' again and the fact that I am feeling so good- just might keep my going more than the 30 days. Who knew a virgin Ceasar could taste so good!

    Thanks for listening!

    "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison

    Double Digits Tomorrow


    Maybe you could share a bit of hard-earned wisdom?
    (And, what's a virgin Ceasar?):welcome:
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.


      Double Digits Tomorrow

      Congrats!!! 10 days is amazing. Keep going dont stop!


        Double Digits Tomorrow

        Virgin Ceasar

        Is the Canadian version of a Bloody Mary, except made with Clamato Juice and a few varying different spices.With Vodka or Gin, it was my Favorite 'wake-up' drink.

        As for wisdom- dunno if I have any yet after only 10 days. I was VERY sick for days after this last binge and the thought of a drink still makes be gag a bit. We will see how well I do once I get my appetite back.


        "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


          Double Digits Tomorrow

          well done
          Enough is enough


            Double Digits Tomorrow

            Hi Scootie

            Waking up normal whow, you have had to been on the other side like most of us on here to know how great that feels ! Well done flo


              Double Digits Tomorrow

              i think that drink should be sporting all the garnishes too dont leave any of them out! Good for you.


                Double Digits Tomorrow

                Woo Hoo!!!

                Well done scootie!I wish i was in double digits!I'm only on day 2 an it's killing me.I think of drink every 5 mins!!God this is hard!:wd: :wd:


                  Double Digits Tomorrow

                  Big Thanks

                  ... for all the kind wishes! Right now, is tough- as it is my 'witching hour'... getting dinner prepared and my head and neck would soooo love a relaxing shot or two ( leading to bottle) of hot Sake!

                  I think I will take a Motrin, a glass of coke- straight up- and close my eyes for 20 mins.... sigh...

                  "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


                    Double Digits Tomorrow

                    Congratulations Skootie!! I am so rooting for you! Hope to be where you are soon, I am on my first AF night, taking the calms forte. You are awesome! Suz
                    The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.

