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It Happened Again

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    It Happened Again

    beautiful picture k9!!
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      It Happened Again

      Thanks Mama!
      I feel chubby in this picture, we were all bundled up at a Dodger's game! I remember this day distictly though because I was in the middle of my first real alcohol-free stint. Of course I ended up blowing it on day 39.....but I was so happy that day watching people around us getting drunk on their beers and knowing I wasn't one of them! All that matters is I tried again (eventually)...and here I am.
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        It Happened Again

        yes mam...that is all that matters
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          It Happened Again

          That poor woman and her poor children. So young.

          A young mother just died in much the same way at my friends daughters school. I think she was a depressed single mother and basically just drank herself to death. So terribly tragic.
          AF since Sunday 27th June 2010
          One Day At A Time

          Trying to be the best mother, daughter and friend that I can be.


            It Happened Again

            Very sad indeed... and very scary that this is something that could happen to anyone of us! I am 38 and I have drank lethal amounts of alcohol over the years.

            A stark reminder of that we are not invincible at any age.

            Those poor kids. This has been very sobering. I hate alcohol.

            Greenie, I saw that it was cowgal's 47th birthday yesterday too. Very sad.


              It Happened Again

              I saw this yesterday but didn't really know what to say. It's very sad. Usually happens once a year around here on the college campus where some young student will die from alcohol poisoning. I always wonder how much one has to consume to die like that. And was I ever close to that happening to me?
              Theres a professional skater who had a really bad alcohol addiction. At one point his liver was so shot that it was leaking bile into his system. The doctor told him he has three month of drinking left until he's dead. Thankfully he quit.
              Amazing how dangerous alcohol really is. Yet its still glamourized to a point.
              Sober since 4/8/10 -OVER 150 DAYS AND GOING AF!!!!

              Get busy livin or get busy dyin-Duane Peters
              No more bad future-Skull Skates


                It Happened Again


                I have become one of your groupies (heh, heh) and I always read your posts. You know the scary thing about K9's co-worker's death is that my niece is an ER nurse in a small town in Wyoming and she sees the SAME people every MONTH in the ER on the night shift for alcohol poisoning. She says they look 10 years older than their age. She knows when to expect them: month after month, year after year. She always has to do an AL assessment and she said, "Alcoholics underreport how much they drink by 3 times that amount." When she asks these people about treatment, they say, "no, I'm going to quit soon."

                I am thankful for your sobriety, mine, and others.....and pray for the sobriety for others who are struggling for that goal. But I know this.....the beast can come back and bite me in the *ss any hour or any minute...but now my guns are loaded and I am ready to fight back, and I know you are, too! :-)


                  It Happened Again

                  What I have groupies!??! I better start watching what I say! I just may start to get some self esteem. Just kidding. I'm glad people take time out of their lives to read my ramblings.

                  That is scary. Same time every month. Some people just don't want help or realize what they are doing. For others that's all they know. I've known people like that through the years. Hell I was always the one to say someone has a problem with alcohol but I never looked in the mirror. I don't have a problem, I'm not like them. Ugh I fi could only go back in time I'd save myself alot of heartache.

                  I too am thankful for my sobrity and everyone elses. I know the demon is still out there but it seems very afraid now because I know what it looks like. Not gonna sneak up on me.
                  Sober since 4/8/10 -OVER 150 DAYS AND GOING AF!!!!

                  Get busy livin or get busy dyin-Duane Peters
                  No more bad future-Skull Skates


                    It Happened Again

                    Very sad story, but sadly, all too often. A good reminder, however, why the work to stay sober is worth it.


                      It Happened Again

                      I am reminded all the time of the person I had become for 3.5 years and when I am alone, I cry with shame. The cancelled appointments....missing/showing up late for family gatherings. When I compose myself, I do everything I can to prove to the people who still love and support me that I am committed to change. And when they say they can see the change in me.....then finally I stop crying. Even if I can move on for that minute, hour or's one more minute, hour or day that I'm not drinking and I'm not letting myself down with disgust and shame.


                        It Happened Again

                        Rusty I learned in counsuling that I needed to forgive myself for what I've done. To let go of that shame and not let myself be defined by my past. The past doesn't matter. Today is all that matters. Holding onto shame and the past is just like dragging a anchor around. It makes living today that much harder to pull yourself through.

                        I don't know your whole story but whatever you did its obvious your family has forgiven you. I think its time you forgive yourself too. Look in the mirror and see the changes for yourself.
                        Sober since 4/8/10 -OVER 150 DAYS AND GOING AF!!!!

                        Get busy livin or get busy dyin-Duane Peters
                        No more bad future-Skull Skates


                          It Happened Again

                          Sweet Sk8,

                          Yes, I know you are right. I have been AF for many days now and feel so much better...and I just know those feelings of shame are to remind me that I could have lost everything I had created: a successful and very lucrative business, wonderful friends and clients, and the respect of my family. I never want to go down that path again.

                          I'm proud of you and the father you are to that beautiful, kissable, little boy.




                            It Happened Again

                            Rusty;894507 wrote: Sweet Sk8,

                            Yes, I know you are right. I have been AF for many days now and feel so much better...and I just know those feelings of shame are to remind me that I could have lost everything I had created: a successful and very lucrative business, wonderful friends and clients, and the respect of my family. I never want to go down that path again.

                            I'm proud of you and the father you are to that beautiful, kissable, little boy.


                            I posted this is another thread regarding forgiveness. i though you might find it interesting!?
                            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                              It Happened Again


                              Thank you so much! You have inspired me to get back into running and into Tae Kwon Do. I used to be a competitive runner and was just a little over a year away from getting my black belt in TKD before losing confidence in myself. Now I'm ready to fight. Thank you!!


                                It Happened Again

                                Rusty;894507 wrote: Sweet Sk8,

                                Yes, I know you are right. I have been AF for many days now and feel so much better...and I just know those feelings of shame are to remind me that I could have lost everything I had created: a successful and very lucrative business, wonderful friends and clients, and the respect of my family. I never want to go down that path again.

                                I'm proud of you and the father you are to that beautiful, kissable, little boy.


                                There is no shame in in failing. Only in giving up. And you haven't given up. Take those lessons from the past and use them. Throw the rest away. I kno whow you feel about never wanting to go down that path again. That is why I've destroyed that path. I will not and can not go there again.

                                I appriciate you're proud of me that does mean alot to me. I'm just trying to do the best I can for him. Unfortunatly his mother does see things like you all do. She is still living in that past that I've let go of. Until she moves on from there see won't see me as being improved.
                                Sober since 4/8/10 -OVER 150 DAYS AND GOING AF!!!!

                                Get busy livin or get busy dyin-Duane Peters
                                No more bad future-Skull Skates

