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Music Booze

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    Music Booze

    I've noticed a connection in my mind between the music I love and drinking. My fav bands are the likes of The Jam,Oasis etc etc basically lads music. It makes me think of being with my mates and being out at the weekend. I enjoy this music sober but maybe feel I don't fit into the image of someone who listens to it if I don't go out drinking at the weekend with the lads. Immature/Weird?

    Also Ive noticed over the last couple of weeks as Ive been dreaming that I wake up and I cant remember last night I must have been drinking. When awake I obviously know I have not been drinking. This happens even during the week when I would not have been drinking anyway - weird again?

    Music Booze

    Yep. That's a side effect. The body knows it should feel pissed about now and reacts accordingly. Takes a few weeks for it to realise it's been duped. Same thing with the morning after.
    It does come back to normal. Slowly.


      Music Booze

      A definite side effect. My experience is as a working musician and I have always feared that if I play sober, I won't be able to relax, connnect with the crowd, interact with the band or whatever. This is another big lie from AL. After couple of weeks sober, you'll hear the music clearer, you'll hear things you never heard in it before and you feel it so much better. I'm not sure how to describe it but it moves you more. The gay abandon that AL brings when listening to music is just another one of it's big lies.
      Diggin' being alive


        Music Booze

        Know what you mean about the side effect. I sometimes wake up feeling groggy and for a few seconds I feel hungover...then realise that I cant be. Although its been three weeks that I have been AF.
        Be strong-
        We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
        Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


          Music Booze

          woywoyboy;895289 wrote: A definite side effect. My experience is as a working musician and I have always feared that if I play sober, I won't be able to relax, connnect with the crowd, interact with the band or whatever. This is another big lie from AL. After couple of weeks sober, you'll hear the music clearer, you'll hear things you never heard in it before and you feel it so much better. I'm not sure how to describe it but it moves you more. The gay abandon that AL brings when listening to music is just another one of it's big lies.
          As a working musician myself, i find this to be true. Alcohol is a liar.
          Spot on Woywoy, spot on.

          It's all about how we perceive it Ian. Follow your bliss.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Music Booze

            Ian, for sure what you say is true for me too. I have music that is - in my mind - associated with drinking and smoking and the link seems to be strong. Pink Floyd for example. I still love the music, but I miss being in "that state" and listening to it. I certainly don't miss getting up in the morning feeling like crap. It's funny what we dream isnt' it. I still drink once in a while in my dreams, its weird. As a weekend musician, although it took me a while to get used to playing sober from a social point of view, my playing is much better (like said above) .Cool thread.
            Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


              Music Booze

              Ah, other muso'! We are not alone!!......;-)

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Music Booze

                Play a bit of guitar myself but never to an audience. I've never really played drunk - mostly sober.


                  Music Booze

                  Awesome post IR. I love music and of the old sex and drugs and rock'n roll kind. I felt guilty initially still enjoying this stuff. IAD clearly said hey RC we still live in this world. That was good enough for me. It is great music nonetheless and I am going to enjoy it and dance as the music calls me.

                  No weird drinking dreams here. Thank goodness.

                  Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                  St. Francis of Assisi


                    Music Booze

                    Hi, I have had drinking dreams to, but I remember when I quit smoking many many years ago, I also had dreams that I was smoking. So hopefully the drinking dreams will fade with time and I also know what you mean about the music, I listen to country and they have a lot of songs regarding alcohol. Still like my country though.



                      Music Booze

                      Guitarista;895484 wrote: Ah, other muso'! We are not alone!!......;-)
                      abstaining guitarist here (abstaining from playing as well as al). only played in the band pissed once. NOT A GOOD IDEA.. the sound guy turned me right down.
                      as for listening to music, i find i just cant listen to certain stuff anymore. i really love some of this stuff, sad, melancholy, heartfelt. just too many connections from hearing them off my head. also i used to listen to some songs to cheer me up (ha ha) that someone understood how i feel (good reason why singer/songwriter/guitarists get laid a lot??!). i really hope i can get back to appreciating the music again but i cant just now.
                      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                      Keep passing the open windows


                        Music Booze

                        Saw this post yeaterday but didn't jump in. I too played guitar or bass in punk bands for years (not anymore). I've played sober and complely wasted. Anyway music has always been extremely important in my life since I was in 7th grade. I can honestly say I enjoy listening to music alot more since I'm sober. It's almost as if the orginal rebeliousness of it has returned to me. I'm loving it on a whole new level.
                        Sober since 4/8/10 -OVER 150 DAYS AND GOING AF!!!!

                        Get busy livin or get busy dyin-Duane Peters
                        No more bad future-Skull Skates

