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    Oh I hear ya. Well drank some last night, so today will be AF for sure. Round and Round we go!

    Last night I was bartending for a bunch of rich, drunk, rowdy golfers. These guys can put the booze away let me tell ya. I guess when your rich and a drunk, its ok though. Not really, but it sure seems that way. These guys are most likely alcoholics, but there is no way they are changing their lifestyle. They are too stubborn and ignorant. Oh well, who am I to judge, I am just rambling on.


      ODAT SAT 26 JUNE

      You'll know when it's right for you OI. )

      I guess I wouldn't guarantee that I wouldn't still be drinking if I were rich, but I am not so I will not.

      Well, as you know I'm at work. Might sign into chat soon, but I pop in and out as duty calls. Enjoy your day. 5th day of rain here now!

      Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

      St. Francis of Assisi


        ODAT SAT 26 JUNE

        You know, my job certainly does NOT help my situation. I am constantly around alcohol, bartending, or watching other people get drunk. But I do have to be honest with myself because my job should not effect me and My decisions. It just does not make it easier in my challenges though, that is for sure.

        4 days off of work! I am going to put it to good use! Promise pinky swear for Mama.


          ODAT SAT 26 JUNE

          Hi OI, RC, & MB I am so sorry to hear about your husbands job mama. I hear this all too often these days. I hope and pray something will turn for him shortly. Stay strong, and we'll help as best we can through the ether...john
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            ODAT SAT 26 JUNE

            Katie sweetheart. So nice to hear from you. Sounds you're doing well. 7 days AF in the pocket and you're not spending a lot of time here. Guess the new Mr. Katie is taking up all your time?

            Mama. I am so sorry to hear abou the hardships you're going through. It just doesn't get easier, hey?! I'm sure it must feel that way. Hang in there please. Life is a journey of ups and downs. And when times are down... there will be an up again for sure.

            I've faced retrenchment several times last year and early this year and know all too well the worry and fear of losing my income. For it to actually happen I can only imagine the horror you're going through. Stay strong Mama.

            I've had an experience about a week and a half ago. I've had a very tough month because we moved and I had to pay rental deposits. I had about 100 rand left (about 10 dollars or so?) with a little bit of petrol left in my car tank, almost no electricity left (we have a prepaid meter in our apartment), no food at home whatsoever and having run out of nappies.

            I was standing in the work kitchen with my colleague who was equally struggling. And it just came to me and I told her. You know what, we felt similarly before and it's horrible. But you know what, in a weeks time we WILL look back and say we would have made it. So what the use for us to stand here stressing.

            Somehow that thinking helped us through the moment of desperation and hopelessness. Because we didn't know how to get through the next two weeks but we reminded ourselves that we HAVE always made it in the past. So what's the use stressing at that point of time. Given our situation was a very short term one and not with the implications of what is happening to you. But try and not focus too much on the problem and let yourself start feeling hopeless. Because it is not. You're a fighter through and through Mama and you will make it through this as well. You're a strong woman and I admire you.

            Love you Mama. Wish I could be there and give you one BIIIIIG hug!!!
            AF since 15th March 2010

            The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


              ODAT SAT 26 JUNE

              Thanks so much my really means alot.
              and we will make it.....God will make sure of that
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                ODAT SAT 26 JUNE

                Mama, where there is a will, there is a way. You and your husband are too strong of people to let this defeat you. You have already overcame so much, like you shared in your story. This may be a setback but it does not have to be lasting. Things will work out.

                I was once so broke that I was digging in my couch for change to buy some crackers to eat. Now thats broke! Somehow things turned around and in just a few year since, I have bought a home and a new car. So therefore I am broke again, LOL!!!

                And Yes, Mama, God has always got yer back.


                  ODAT SAT 26 JUNE

                  Hi all and hope everyone is having a good AF weekend.
                  Mama, having been self-employed for quite a while, I can offer this. Sometimes you can make more on commissions than you can with a salary. Yes, it is a little more stressful, but only til the money starts rolling in! Try to reframe it so you can cope without feeling overwhelmed. That will probably help your husband's stress too. Good luck to you both.
                  Regarding being rich and am alcoholic. I am not rich by any means, but being in So California, you don't have to too far to see people who have seemingly EVERYTHING (think Mel Gibson, Robert Downey Jr., etc.) who fall down a big hole with AL and have to scratch their way back up, just like us!
                  I am reading a book called Moment of Clarity written by Patrick Lawford Kennedy who certainly had everything and nevertheless became an addict. The book is about the moment of clarity for a number of people who he interviewed, all entertainers, sports figures or prominent people. It is very motivational if you feel you are struggling alone. prancy


                    ODAT SAT 26 JUNE

                    Thanks's just that lately the commissions are coming in....
                    Hey Over it....why we don't just all move in together??? Your little man would love having two big brothers wouldn't he??
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      ODAT SAT 26 JUNE

                      Yeah, he sure would! LOL! I would probably drive you all nuts though!
                      I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                        ODAT SAT 26 JUNE

                        i dont fink so........
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem

