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Guess What?

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    Guess What?

    I did not know what to title this, that is what came to mind.

    Just wanted to share my story regarding yesterday. Myself, husband, kids and brother were invited to my neighbors for a cookout, she is also one of my best friends, which usually involves booze. I have to tell ya, I was a little nervous wether or not I would be able to sit and enjoy myself while everyone else drank, surprisingly I got there and had no desire to drink, what a great feeling. My friend kept asking if I wanted a apple martini, I said no and she just kept saying oh just have one, and again I said NO. They were giving me a little bit of crap, because I did not want a drink, but I did not give in, Praise God! So anyway we did not leave there until close to 10:00, my brother was drunk, my friends husband, my husband, were on their way to being drunk and she had a really good buzz, it felt really nice to know I was not, especially when we have our kids with us. So we came home, myself buzz and drunk free. Later my brother came home via walking, I have know idea how he walked home, he was completely hammered and I remember thinking I am so glad that is not me. I had to go down and help him in to my mom's house, he could not find which key to put in the hole.

    Well, anyway just wanted to share that, hope it was not to boring to read or to long, just was happy with myself. 20 days today - YEAH!!!!!


    Guess What?

    BORING? Hell NO! That's is exactly what these forums are all about. Wonderful job, and I know you feel GREAT. I would too. Keep posting more experiences like this, as they show what determination is all about!
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      Guess What?

      wehey... thats brilliant. isnt it just a great feeling when we actually manage to do that
      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
      Keep passing the open windows


        Guess What?

        That is wonderful twosox - I am so proud of and for you - that must have been really hard for you. Didn't it feel great to wake up hangover free today? I smiled when I read it and just thought - I am so pleased that you shared that with us - it is always good to read the GOOD stuff too!!!! Congratulations on 20 days and a really hard test too!!

        hugs, Sunshinedaisies
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          Guess What?

          that's what your so called friends do when you stop.... they push and push and try to lure you
          back in... someone once described it to me like this "misery loves company" I had the same
          situation last week where I was supposed to go out and play pool with some friends..... I knew
          they would nag me to death until I drank at least just one, so instead I went home screw them.

          rather be alone and sober then with friends and back to drinking daily!


            Guess What?

            This reminds me of something I heard yesterday. I was working (bartending) for a bunch of really rowdy and getting very drunk golfers. The one guy was saying how this other guy was not drinking, and the guy said "fuck him, I aint playing with nobody who wont party with me" (as he was on his 7th beer)


              Guess What?

              HI Two,

              Great job on staying sober last night. That is something to be grateful for. And well done on 20 days.

              AF since May 6, 2010

              Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                Guess What?

                Good for you Two - it gets easier, congratulations
                It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                  Guess What?

                  Thats great news Two. I think its good to see drunk people when you are sober. It's a good wake up call. Shows how terrible you look when you are drunk! x
                  Be strong-
                  We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                  Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                    Guess What?

                    Thanks Guys,

                    Rebirth I feel the same way about seeing drunk people, like I said when I seen how hammered my brother was, I was so happy it wasn't me, knowing how absolutley stupid one looks while hammered. He told me the following morning that the last thing he rememberd was sitting on the porch talking with my friends husband and after that he remembers nothing. That is what happened to me 3 weeks ago today and that was enough to say I quit, no more. I felt so awful, not only that it is scary not remembering what the crap I did the day before (blacked out early afternoon).

                    OverIt, people are a holes, why they think if their drinking you have to drink is beyond me. My friend did finally stop asking the other night and hopefully she won't pressure me again, I don't think she will, now that she knows I am serious about this. When she asked me to have just one drink, I admitted I can't have just one, so maybe she will get it and if she don't then like bugz says "screw them", next time I will just stay home.

                    Thank you everyone for all your support and encouragment, I know it is silly, but I was a little worried I would have bored you to death with my post, I am glad I didn't.

                    Two :l


                      Guess What?

                      awesome job twosox .. way to go
                      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                        Guess What?

                        Very nice twosox and thanks for sharing, its stories like these we need to hear more of.


                          Guess What?

                          Good on you twosox... that is the way to go .. and you are going!!!
                          Take care


                            Guess What?

                            congratulations twosox that was a huge achievement and you should feel very proud of yourself!

                            I was in the same situation as you yesterday but wasn't so lucky. I wish I could be saying the same as you today!
                            AF since Sunday 27th June 2010
                            One Day At A Time

                            Trying to be the best mother, daughter and friend that I can be.


                              Guess What?

                              Great job!

