Just wanted to share my story regarding yesterday. Myself, husband, kids and brother were invited to my neighbors for a cookout, she is also one of my best friends, which usually involves booze. I have to tell ya, I was a little nervous wether or not I would be able to sit and enjoy myself while everyone else drank, surprisingly I got there and had no desire to drink, what a great feeling. My friend kept asking if I wanted a apple martini, I said no and she just kept saying oh just have one, and again I said NO. They were giving me a little bit of crap, because I did not want a drink, but I did not give in, Praise God! So anyway we did not leave there until close to 10:00, my brother was drunk, my friends husband, my husband, were on their way to being drunk and she had a really good buzz, it felt really nice to know I was not, especially when we have our kids with us. So we came home, myself buzz and drunk free. Later my brother came home via walking, I have know idea how he walked home, he was completely hammered and I remember thinking I am so glad that is not me. I had to go down and help him in to my mom's house, he could not find which key to put in the hole.
Well, anyway just wanted to share that, hope it was not to boring to read or to long, just was happy with myself. 20 days today - YEAH!!!!!