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Struggle Street Sunday...But some things help

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    Struggle Street Sunday...But some things help

    Hiya all
    I am really struggling today.. its Sunday, my day off, its hot, I don't need to drive anywhere, my son is being looked after and... damn I feel like a glass of wine. I have had 3 L-glut this morning, I think it the habit part rather than the craving part kicking in.
    So STOP I say to myself... and will try no to think about it anymore. There is no chance of a 'washing machine' delivery.. its just getting through this day
    I tell myself ODAT and that helps a lot . Today

    What is also helping me on this journey is MWO and all the support:thanks:

    Also.. I have a notebook and some nice coloured funky pens and everyday I write down the supplements I take, what I am eating and brief notes about when I have the AL cravings.. and what I do to allieviate them.. then at the end of the page at the end of the day I write the date, ,AF and Day 10 (or whatever day it is.. I have also stuck a few photos in there taken on Day 1, Day 10 etc....This notebook fits into my handbag and I take it everywhere... Its my plan and notes on my progress. It really motivates me when I open it up the next morning and can write the next AF day there - its a visual record which I need.
    I am a fairly disorganized person and this helps me to be more organised... I seem to be getting much more done since I stopped drinking.

    One last thing.. as some of you know I had the 'washing machine' slip last saturday - It was on day 5 and I wrote about it and had lots of support... I went straight back to AF the next day and have been since.. I didnt know whether to count back as Day 6 with a slip or Day 1 again. I decided at the time that it would be too demotivating to go back to Day 1 and I think that was right for me at the time...The counting thing is quite important for me at the moment because it does keep me focused.
    But a week later I am stronger so have now decided to Count again from day 1 which was last Sunday... So today I am on Day 8!!!
    I will amend the drinktracker Blue Healer
    Thanks, I hope these little thoughts will help others starting on the journey.
    And now 10mins after I started writing this... the cravings and thoughts have GONE!!!:target:

    Struggle Street Sunday...But some things help

    It does get easier Patrice, and there's a sense of achievement too. Hope you read the 'Forever Grateful' thread in General Discussion yesterday. That's a motivator if ever I saw one.
    PS...I'm still looking over my shoulder and I see you there.
    All the best.


      Struggle Street Sunday...But some things help

      just try to remind yourself of the misery drinking has done to you, that's what I try to remind myself
      when I crave it...and damn it it's still hard I'm on day 21 and I still think of it several times a day.



        Struggle Street Sunday...But some things help

        Patrice I am also really really struggling today too. I have woken up feeling absolutely miserable. I could kill for some cava!! But I know that drinking will NOT take my misery away as the cause of it is deeper than alcohol can handle. Alcohol will just mask it.

        I follow the same approach as bugz...I remind myself of the misery of drink. And that is much much worse!If I drink today I will wake up the next morning hungover and in a deep depression because I caved in. I wont allow myself to go there.

        Stay strong!! Come on you can beat this wicked evil manupulative drug! You dont need it
        Be strong-
        We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
        Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


          Struggle Street Sunday...But some things help

          Hi Patrice - find a nice fancy non-al drink to treat yourself with when you feel like a drink. You will start looking forward to that drink instead. For me it was icecream sodas (we call them spiders) and I would have one at the end of each night.

          You're right also - cravings do not last long - stay strong
          It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


            Struggle Street Sunday...But some things help

            hi patrice,it sunday chill out get your self a new hobby, keep posting here,There are hundreds of things you can do that dont involve alcohol,;-) forward & up

            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


              Struggle Street Sunday...But some things help

              mario;896222 wrote: There are hundreds of things you can do that dont involve alcohol,;-) forward & up
              And you will find it is hard to juggle them all and that there isn't enough time to even THINK about alcohol.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                Struggle Street Sunday...But some things help

                Thanks all...
                truly true and it worked .. I did chill a bit, ate healtily and finally got photos and things together to send to my mum... And I filled in my new passport application!. Yes there really is so much to do and I have been in such a drunken haze for months, I have learnt nothing new,,, It took me a 1/2 the day learning how to upload photos on my computer..Will have to leave trying to work out how to download music onto ipod another day!!!
                Its nearly day done here in Borneo... going to watch the game tonight with a bit of green (tea that is)
                Take care


                  Struggle Street Sunday...But some things help

                  Good job Patrice!!!!
                  what is cava???
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    Struggle Street Sunday...But some things help

                    Sounds like your staying strong Patrice, AWESOME!! Like zeppie said have a fancy non-alcoholic drink, I drink a large glass of tonic water (diet) with lime, it taste really yummy, not very fancy buy good.



                      Struggle Street Sunday...But some things help

                      mama bear- lol. Thats what I love about this forum. That it's so international. Cava is a sparkling spanish wine that tastes very similar to champagne. But it's a fraction of the price. I use to guzzle that stuff like it was fruit juice. Someone mentioned rootbeer. Whats that?
                      Be strong-
                      We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                      Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                        Struggle Street Sunday...But some things help

                        Patrice. I am so awed by the strength you are showing. Your determination is clear to everyone. I love the idea of your little journal just capturing the issue re: sobriety, nutrition, and handling the emotional aspects of being AF. I am going to incorporate that idea myself. Again, you are doing great, and I think of you often. John
                        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                          Struggle Street Sunday...But some things help

                          Yes, your counting strategy sounds sensible.
                          In the past I've failed because when I've messed up I thought, well hell I have to start from day one so WHATEVER. The cycle started again.
                          So, I think your idea is good as long as it keeps things moving in the right direct.
                          Keep at it!

                          patrice;896005 wrote: Hiya all
                          I am really struggling today.. its Sunday, my day off, its hot, I don't need to drive anywhere, my son is being looked after and... damn I feel like a glass of wine. I have had 3 L-glut this morning, I think it the habit part rather than the craving part kicking in.
                          So STOP I say to myself... and will try no to think about it anymore. There is no chance of a 'washing machine' delivery.. its just getting through this day
                          I tell myself ODAT and that helps a lot . Today

                          What is also helping me on this journey is MWO and all the support:thanks:

                          Also.. I have a notebook and some nice coloured funky pens and everyday I write down the supplements I take, what I am eating and brief notes about when I have the AL cravings.. and what I do to allieviate them.. then at the end of the page at the end of the day I write the date, ,AF and Day 10 (or whatever day it is.. I have also stuck a few photos in there taken on Day 1, Day 10 etc....This notebook fits into my handbag and I take it everywhere... Its my plan and notes on my progress. It really motivates me when I open it up the next morning and can write the next AF day there - its a visual record which I need.
                          I am a fairly disorganized person and this helps me to be more organised... I seem to be getting much more done since I stopped drinking.

                          One last thing.. as some of you know I had the 'washing machine' slip last saturday - It was on day 5 and I wrote about it and had lots of support... I went straight back to AF the next day and have been since.. I didnt know whether to count back as Day 6 with a slip or Day 1 again. I decided at the time that it would be too demotivating to go back to Day 1 and I think that was right for me at the time...The counting thing is quite important for me at the moment because it does keep me focused.
                          But a week later I am stronger so have now decided to Count again from day 1 which was last Sunday... So today I am on Day 8!!!
                          I will amend the drinktracker Blue Healer
                          Thanks, I hope these little thoughts will help others starting on the journey.
                          And now 10mins after I started writing this... the cravings and thoughts have GONE!!!:target:


                            Struggle Street Sunday...But some things help

                            patrice;896245 wrote: Thanks all...
                            truly true and it worked .. I did chill a bit, ate healtily and finally got photos and things together to send to my mum... And I filled in my new passport application!. Yes there really is so much to do and I have been in such a drunken haze for months, I have learnt nothing new,,, It took me a 1/2 the day learning how to upload photos on my computer..Will have to leave trying to work out how to download music onto ipod another day!!!
                            Its nearly day done here in Borneo... going to watch the game tonight with a bit of green (tea that is)
                            Take care
                            Great Job Patrice. Think how great you will feel the next day knowing that it could have been so different if you had made a different choice You are an inspiration.
                            "The greatest hazard of all, losing one?s self, can occur very quietly in the world, as if it were nothing at all. No other loss can occur so quietly; any other loss - an arm, a leg, five dollars, a wife, etc. - is sure to be noticed." Soren Kierkegaard.

                            AF since 13 June 2010.

