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Is sobriety difficult or is it me???

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    Is sobriety difficult or is it me???

    Sheri;896241 wrote: Hi Rebirth,

    Sounds to me like you're experiencing PAWS which a lot of us do (I did), but the good news is that there are ways to combat it as outlined in the article below.

    Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) ? Why we don?t get better immediately) ? Digital Dharma

    I followed the supplement, diet and exercise recommendations in the MWO book, and tried to the extent possible to keep myself away from people, places and things that triggered or made my symptoms worse, but just knowing that it was part of the healing process also helped me to keep my expectations in check. We just have to keep reminding ourselves that recovery is a process, not an event, and it takes as long as it takes.

    Congratulations on 23 days, and keep up the good work!

    Sheri - thank you for this article, I will be bookmarking it.
    While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
    Benjamin Franklin


      Is sobriety difficult or is it me???

      Rebirth - I was the same way in my first 30 days. But remember you are having to relearn how to behave sober. The supplements really helped to moderate my emotions, also I take Evening Primrose 2-3 times per day. Don't worry, stay sober and your moods will even out. It just takes time.

      Congrats on 23 days!
      While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
      Benjamin Franklin


        Is sobriety difficult or is it me???


        Not only are we on the same AF day, we're in tune with our moods. It is all part and parcel of being AF (damn it) That is what my doc told me anyway. I was very angry at him when I saw him last and he just took it in stride complementing me on how far I had got. I was looking to moderate, but he wanted me to abstain for 2 months. I hate these moods. You should have seen the fit I threw in an ice cream shop, when there was no mango sorbet to go with my vanilla ice cream. Luckily my friends found it funny!

        Think I'll read PAWS from your link.

        Keep up the good work!


          Is sobriety difficult or is it me???

          Thank you for the link.I never heard of PAWS.Its a very interesting read and i can see how nutrition and stress aids with recovery.I definitely need to change my diet. I have been pigging out on junk food when ever I have a craving but maybe the food is backfiring on me.
          Eating spoonfuls of chocolate spread isnt good for my waist is it. Shame!!
          Funny Girl and kslc2001 - It's comforting to know that I am not the only one trying to control my moods. God it can be really difficult at times. ARGGHHH
          I won't be giving up though. The ones who have stayed off the drink say the same thing " it gets easier". This gives me the incentive to pull through and take it ODAT. x
          Be strong-
          We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
          Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


            Is sobriety difficult or is it me???

            Hey Rebirth.

            I wouldn't be overly concerned. Yes, there remains work to be done. But think about it this way. Your way to deal with anger and frustration probably used to be AL. I know it was for me. AL had a calming effect and allowed me not to deal with my issues.

            Now there's no more AL and for a first time in a long time you're probably left with having to deal with things. You can't just hide in a bottle anymore. So it's time to relearn to cope with things. Counselling may well help if the issues persist.

            Same goes for the paranoia, checking on the door, etc. If you are anything like me you probably used to get toasted at home and were beyond worrying about anything. Now being sober for more then 3 weeks all your senses become more awake again, you might feel slightly vulnerable.

            Well, well, well done for the 23 days AF. That's fantastic! And don't let those things discourage you. Being AF is life changing in manny aspects. Some things have to be relearned. But that's a good think as well.

            Keep doing it!!!
            AF since 15th March 2010

            The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


              Is sobriety difficult or is it me???

              hi r. b. multiply the number of years you drank,by 2,this is somthin someone told me years ago,he has 35 years sobriety,he only drank for 10 years,he still has episodes,drink or a meeting of minds,there are so many things a person can do,other then drink,ive said to many,its not if you drink,its how u present yourself when you drink,as you get longer into your sobriety,youll figure that one out,and by the way congrats on the 23 days,sometimes one shouldnt keep referring to the number of days theyve remained without, theres 24 hours ona clock,and were only up for so many of those hours,maybe you should look at wwhat youve accomplished so far,rather then counting days,i wish you well gyco

