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ODAT Tuesday 29th June 2010

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    ODAT Tuesday 29th June 2010

    Hey everyone,

    Day 11 for me today.. had a busy and fun day, took my son to the park with my partner and some friends.. had a lovely picnic lunch.
    Everything is going well.. I have had no temptations to drink, I am keeping very distracted, and feel well supported right now..
    I hope everyone has a FAB AF Tuesday!!!
    Katie xxx
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


    ODAT Tuesday 29th June 2010

    hi katie

    i love seeing you post these days, brings a smile to my face every time!

    day one for me agian. been up since 3 am reading the toolbox so a nice sober day planned. stay safe odaters xx
    The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.


      ODAT Tuesday 29th June 2010

      girly wirly;897746 wrote: hi katie

      i love seeing you post these days, brings a smile to my face every time!

      day one for me agian. been up since 3 am reading the toolbox so a nice sober day planned. stay safe odaters xx
      Thank you girly!
      It's great to be back to my "old self".. beautiful pic of you btw
      Here here for a nice sober day for all..
      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



        ODAT Tuesday 29th June 2010

        Hi Katie

        Great positive post and well done on day 11AF

        Girly enjoy your sober day and many more to come. I have been awake since 3am too but listening to a thunderstorm!!!! Will be checking the tool box myself after work I am working on a new plan and one that I can and will definately stick to!!

        Beginning of day 2 and after a full week on the wine I am back to feeling lethargic, muscle ache and headache!! Should be my reminder to keep sober today

        Hi to everyone popping in, have a lovely busy day :l
        Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


          ODAT Tuesday 29th June 2010

          Hello Katie, Girly, and Panno!

          Woke up this morning to read the first post by Sheri about willing to do whatever it takes basically, so decided that was just what I needed to hear to begin taking my Antabuse today. Girly, I know it was not a good experience for you, but I will not know until I try. Been debating this for a very long time now, and in my case, its pretty much now or never. My son deserves to have a sober Mom so if it takes the extra mile to get there, so be it. Ill keep you all posted for sure.


            ODAT Tuesday 29th June 2010

            Mornin' Odaters!

            A beautiful day here! Day 8 for me..... but I am not that thrilled as I have had many in the past. lol.

            I have a prescription for Antabuse from early last year. I have been taking it myself this time around. Not that I am craving a drink or anything but using it to kill the option of having one. Especially since it is a 4 day weekend for us coming up.... Canada Day. Then I return to school and hit the books again on Monday. Need to keep myself in check!

            I honestly love Antabuse. When I was going to Court last year, it kept me sober. (I was in Court proceedings for over 9 months - postponements every 2 weeks) It was soooos stressful. I could have drank and drank if I had the opportunity. Antabuse took away the option of getting wasted every time I left the Court room. It is a security blanket. It worked well for me.

            So, I have decided to utilize this tool again to get me grounded.

            Have a wonderful day everyone! xo


              ODAT Tuesday 29th June 2010

              Thank you Accountable, I needed to hear that. I was reading coffee and Antabuse not a good mix? Well, I just drank like 2 cups so waiting until lunch to take it? Im nervous a bit, but I cant turn back. Not this time.


                ODAT Tuesday 29th June 2010

                Over it...I am proud of you, but I will be worrying
                Day one for me...had some beers last night after a stressful day at work...
                not upset...just gonna start over...the gaps are getting wider so that's good
                can't even tell i am taking bac...that's a good thing, i think
                have a good day friends
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  ODAT Tuesday 29th June 2010

                  Hi Mama!

                  Yes, your drinking has really spread out, so that is very good! The bac could be working well, you just not used to it working yet. Mama, I think the Antabuse is a good choice for me based on how I drink. I have no willpower. I need to get my willpower from somewhere and this seems the best choice. Dont worry about me ok? Waiting until after lunch to take it to get caffeine out of my system. Am I nervous, um yes!


                    ODAT Tuesday 29th June 2010

                    Hi Over - wow go girl - so pleased you've decided to start it, I'll be watching you now :sofa: stay safe :h

                    Hi Mama - Stress is a killer but as you say the gap is getting wider, just be careful though my gap widened and then wham last week - well that was last week ........... :h

                    Started my new diet regime today, started so many and never focused but hopefully this one will get me in a little black number :H:H
                    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                      ODAT Tuesday 29th June 2010

                      Ahhhhem... Well just took my first Antabuse pill, down the hatch. I actually had it in my mouth and spit it out, and then just said FUCK IT! ANd gulped it down again. Oh the mind games we play with ourselves. The greatest thing we have to fear is fear itself right? Its gonna be Ok, I just know it. Im just one of those types of scardy cats who fears change, but change can be a good thing, I know.
                      I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                        ODAT Tuesday 29th June 2010

                        I am still gonna worry.....
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          ODAT Tuesday 29th June 2010

                          Thank you Mama, I appreciate that, but this is a good thing, I know it. THere are many people who have had big success with it. As long as I dont drink, things will be just fine. I would have to be really really really really dumb to drink on Antabuse, so I wont. But I love you and thank you for worrying about me. Ill keep you posted every step of the way of course! Shit it aint like Im not on here every single day, LOL!

                          Mama, just think about Johnny and K-9. I can be just like them.
                          I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                            ODAT Tuesday 29th June 2010

                            me too ......
                            Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                              ODAT Tuesday 29th June 2010

                              I love you too Panno, but as long as I dont drink, I am very very sure things will be fine. I appreciate your worry, but It will be ok. If I become another Antabuse success story on here, then guess what? Maybe somebody out there can benefit from my experience, maybe even you who knows.
                              I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!

