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    hello all

    Hi I am 33 and have a wife and 1 yr old son. I function well going to work every day but i drink way too much with probably 35 beer coming through my house a weekend. I still have time with my wife and son but feel that the drinking after he goes to bed has to stop other then say a wedding etc. . I am sitting here reading your stories and crying like a baby i know i am a man and i shouldn't,but it is like there is something in my life that needs to be fixed and i know it is my drinking. I have made some stupid mistakes and don't want to make any more!I love my family more then anything and i need to change. Any ideas on where to look first.:new:

    hello all

    Hi imntense
    I am quite new here too and firstly I have found the people on this website and threads very empowering, honest and willing to give practical and achievable advice... I live in the middle of the tropics far away from family and friends so these great people are proving invaluable to me.... So I think as everyone told me.. its a good idea to read and post your thoughts.
    I have a 5yr old son and am a single mum who has been drinking way too much for way too long...
    But I have had 13 days sober within the last 14 days which is a record.. I think you need to plan how you are going to stop and look at taking supplements etc
    Also there is a toolbox thread here which I found very useful when starting up.
    Your family are more important then Alcohol.. I find even after those few days without the booze I am much more there for my son.. I probably don't spend more time with him but the time we do spend is quality...
    It is a struggle, for me anyway, but even after this short time I am feeling much better emotionally and physically.. and that is getting stronger by the day. I think you just need to make that first step and tell yourself that it is just a day at a time ( for me that has been the MOST important thing because to say I will never drink again is too daunting for me).
    Another thing that is helping me is excellent nutrition... I am being quite serious about that and I really think that is helping me stay off the booze too. The L- Glutamine is also a winner for me because I think for a lot of people alcohol is so interrelated with sugar and this amino acid seems to stop those cravings for that sugar in the AL.
    Great that you are realising you need to stop at 33.. I waited too long but now I am on that mountain..
    Don't worry about the crying - its really good for you to let it all out so you can make a plan and develop some strategies to get things how you want them to be.
    As I said, I'm very new to this myself and lots of people here have infinite experience with this devil... these a re just small ideas that have been working for me over the past 2 weeks
    Welcome !!!!!


      hello all


      My Way Out is a great program. My advice is to start by reading the book which you can order or download in the Health Store here on the site. There are quite a few men on the forum. Keep reading and posting and you will get lots of support.

      Good for you for doing this at 33. I had some great times when I was drinking, but somewhere along the line, it turned into a problem. My new, sober life is great, and I am a much better mom.
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        hello all

        Hi Imntense,

        I think a good place to start is always with a trip to your doctor. Do you have a doctor? Its always good to just see them, perhaps get a check up, and be honest, no matter what, about what is bothering you. Thats how I started just by being honest with someone and making sure I was healthy. Of course, this website has lots of tools to help you in your journey as well. Some really amazing people here to help you along the way.

        If you are determined, you will find the path that works for you best. Keep posting and get to know the wonderful people here who can become your friends and be here when you need them. If you truely want to get sober, there is no doubt in my mind that you can.

        Glad your here and looking forward to learning more about you!



          hello all

          Hi imntense,

          Welcome to MWO, this is a good place!
          You need to make a commitment & a good plan for yourself.

          Take a look in the
          for good ideas to help you make your plan.

          I highly recommend the Hypnotherapy CDs. They really helped me to relax & change my thinking about AL. Do it for yourself & your family, you won't be sorry!

          Wishing you the best on your journey!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            hello all

            Thank you so much guys ... i still haven't fully admitted how bad i feel to my wife but i am sure she will back me like no one else thanks for the words!


              hello all

              Hi & welcome imntense, you have come to a great place with lots of support and great advice,keep posting your thoughts and feelings, you are not alone,hope you give yourself a chance and stick with us.

              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                hello all

                Wishing you all the best on your journey here, Let us know more about you!
                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                  hello all

                  Hi Imntense, welcome..I am also reasonably new here, I started great had 8 days alcohol free then got the 'wobbles'...and realised this alcohol thing was actually much bigger than I ever anticipated, had a couple of days of feeling really blue but back feeling great again with no alcohol in the system...
                  Lots of support here, I come daily to read and find it so helpful, am working long hours so sometimes its only for 10-15 mins, but it is time well spent,

                  Keep coming back and all the best!
                  30 day Challenge...started 16.08.2010


                    hello all

                    Hi and welcome,
                    I only joined early this month but I stick to this forum like glue. There is so much wisdom on here. All the best in your journey to happiness. x
                    Be strong-
                    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                      hello all

                      :welcome: Have you downloaded the book yet? That is the outline of the My Way Out program. Good for you recognizing alcohol as a problem in your life at a young age. I stayed in denial for many more years, even though my problem was obvious at 33 too. (or 23, but that's another story!)

                      Strength and hope to you. Be willing to do whatever it takes.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        hello all

                        Welcome Imntense,
                        I'm 35. I have had some serious fun drinking. But as time progressed the fun has decreased and I realised that my weekend sessions were bourne out of habit and some deluded belief that I needed AL to socialise etc. I have also realised that certain people have a certain perception of me which is totally at odds to what anybody who is close to me knows. This as a result of a facade or my drinking persona - so at 35 I've decided to be just me. At 33 you have a great opportunity for a better life - grab it. i have only recently joined but have found the forums a source of strength and wisdom - I hope you do too.



                          hello all

                          Hi and welcome...
                          Its so great that you have found us.. you have come to a great place to get some support, and you are amongst friends here.. its a good idea to write a list of reasons as to why you want to stop, a list of all the negatives to drinking.. and put it somewhere so you can read it every day,
                          AL is a depressant, it will not do you any good in the short or long term.. it feels so good when AF (alcohol free) - you will become stronger and healthier.. read and post often, and let us get to know you,
                          Katie xxx
                          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


