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ODAT Wednesday 30th June 2010

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    ODAT Wednesday 30th June 2010

    Hey all,

    Day 12 for me today.. feeling good, drinking lots of soft drinks, water and (occasionally!) coffee.. I am working today again, son is in daycare.. have a busy next few days planned.. fun things, and not-so-fun things..
    I hope everyone has a fantastic AF Wednesday,

    Katie xxx
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


    ODAT Wednesday 30th June 2010

    Morning Katie and all to follow

    Lovely bright and sunny here - yippee!! Katie it is so nice to switch on and see you starting this thread once again and also to hear you sounding so positive :l

    Beginning of day 3AF and today I will not drink

    Take care everyone and have a lovely sober day ...... catch you all later :h
    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


      ODAT Wednesday 30th June 2010

      hi katie and panno and all to come. well done on your progress! no drinkies for us today!

      day 2 for me!:goodjob:me!
      The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.


        ODAT Wednesday 30th June 2010

        Enjoy the day all. Nearing the end of day 26 here and I've still got a mountain of things I need to get done but no wukkas as funnily enough, when not drunk I'm not lazy!
        Diggin' being alive


          ODAT Wednesday 30th June 2010

          Happy Hump Day!!!

          Hey Panno, Day 3 for me too, and since you KNOW I cant drink, we can be at same days, since your not drinking too right??

          Hi Katie, Girly, and Woywoy. What does WoyWoy stand for I wonder?

          I know Katie is doing good, things good in your world Girly? Are your new meds working yet??

          Enjoy your day and right! No drinking!!! Unless you want to feel like crap tommorrow!!!


            ODAT Wednesday 30th June 2010

            Hi All here,
            no drinking for me today too.. day nearly done here in the jungle.. lots of fresh coconut juice and quite a few L-glut.. Nothing like a conversation with the ex to get those stress levels soaring.. although because I am not drunk, the conversations do seem somewhat smoother... mmm I see a connection!!!
            Legs 11 for me.
            Everyone here is doing good as gold!! Strength to us all and everyone else..
            Good onya Over, looks like you are right on the track
            Have a fab day



              ODAT Wednesday 30th June 2010

              Good Morning All,

              Day 24 for me, still feeling great. Every now and again, I get that feeling of wanting just one glass of wine, but I know it won't just be one, so I remind myself of all the awful feelings of drinking to much feels like and even when I did not get drunk, I drank more than what your suppose to and I remind myself all the damage I have done to myself over the past 20 years. I read somewhere it takes 6 months to 2 years for your body to completely cover from alcohol abuse and that even a small amount of al can hinder that process. I was thinking of a non-al beer, but even that has a small amount of al and I am afraid it will make me want the real thing and hinder that process, so I will NOT have that non-al beer. My skin is actually starting to look a bit better and I am starting to feel more engertic, those first few weeks were hard, I was so exhausted.

              But anyway, I hope you all have a great af day!!


                ODAT Wednesday 30th June 2010

                Mama here

                at work, with bosses hovering
                af day today for me too!!
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  ODAT Wednesday 30th June 2010

                  Hi guys.

                  Just realised that I didn't pop in yesterday. Argh... I'm getting complacent.

                  Well done on everyone on your respective AF times. Fantastic to see.

                  Mama, how's things? Any news on your husband's work situation?! Hope you're coping.

                  Happy AF day to all
                  AF since 15th March 2010

                  The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                    ODAT Wednesday 30th June 2010

                    Congratulaions, this is day 14 for me. Cool to see someone else is on the same timeline as me when it comes to staying AF. Good Luck with the day and stay strong.


                      ODAT Wednesday 30th June 2010

                      Morning all!

                      Day 9 for me.... feeling fabulous!

                      A 4 day weekend coming up as of tomorrow. I am prepared and looking forward to spending the time with my family sober and happy. They have a forest museum here and it is open tomorrow with free admission and train rides.... I am going to take my and my little one and my sister's kids there. Should be a fun day. Although they are calling for a chance of rain, but OH WELL. That is why they made rubber boots and rain jackets!

                      Overit, in regards to your posts yesterday.... I would like for you to know, that in my experience with Antabuse.... is that it makes me feel a bit more mellow. Kind of 'tired-ish'. Which is a good thing as I am pretty high-strung. When I drink coffee on it, it really doesn't do much of anything different than normal. But I am sure if you drink too much coffee in general - it can make you feel irritable and jittery.
                      Good luck with it!!

                      I just want you friends to know that taking Antabuse is a blessing for me. It really is. Not having those thoughts of 'should I drink?' is really a relief. Even if others are drinking around me, it makes me feel great that I cannot and will not drink. At least I will be waking up all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in the AM. I have learned over the last couple of years to find the fun being sober. It was tough and I felt 'deprived' quite a bit in the beginning. Resentful that I could not drink normally. I ALWAYS drank way too fast and the result was always the same..... drunk. No fun, and definitely not worth it!

                      So, everyone, have a wonderful day! Stay sober! xo


                        ODAT Wednesday 30th June 2010

                        Yip, yip, yip. Antabuse is faaaantastic!!! Can't say that it's ever had ANY downsides for me. Havn't felt tired either and do drink loads of coffee. We're all different and our bodys react differently, but if you're committed to being AF and are willing to throw everything at it, Antabuse is fantastic.!!! it just helps you through those week moments to be nothing more then a passing thought. Because deliberating having a drink won't take you anywhere in anycase because you just simply can't!!!

                        Go for it Overit
                        AF since 15th March 2010

                        The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                          ODAT Wednesday 30th June 2010

                          Morning All!
                          Day 90 here! Woo hoo!!!
                          I'm catching up on posts because I was home yesterday with a bit of a ucky tummy At least it wasn't a side effect of alcohol (Oh I remember those days!)
                          Congratulations to everyone in your different stages of AF-ness
                          I gotta go catch up now, did I hear Overit is going to (or did) take Antabuse? Gotta go find out...
                          Everyone have a great AF day :h
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            ODAT Wednesday 30th June 2010

                            Ok, finally found what I was looking for.

                            Overit!!! I am SOOOO proud of you girlfriend for taking that Antabuse!!! Doesn't it give you a relieved feeling? Knowing that drinking is not even an option? It totally takes away that inner struggle that so many of us feel, every day. I haven't taken a pill in 2 or 3 (maybe 4?) days, but I am gonna take one today. 3:00pm was always my mental witching hour when I'd start planning, so that's when I do my AB poppin'.

                            I'm so, so happy for you. Did you start out taking 2 pills? I took 2 per day, for the first 2 weeks, then went down to one per day. Now I take 2-3 per week, just enough to keep it in my system.

                            Keep us posted on how you feel!

                            Love ya!!!
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              ODAT Wednesday 30th June 2010

                              Accountable for Me;898846 wrote: Morning all!

                              Day 9 for me.... feeling fabulous!

                              A 4 day weekend coming up as of tomorrow. I am prepared and looking forward to spending the time with my family sober and happy. They have a forest museum here and it is open tomorrow with free admission and train rides.... I am going to take my and my little one and my sister's kids there. Should be a fun day. Although they are calling for a chance of rain, but OH WELL. That is why they made rubber boots and rain jackets!

                              Overit, in regards to your posts yesterday.... I would like for you to know, that in my experience with Antabuse.... is that it makes me feel a bit more mellow. Kind of 'tired-ish'. Which is a good thing as I am pretty high-strung. When I drink coffee on it, it really doesn't do much of anything different than normal. But I am sure if you drink too much coffee in general - it can make you feel irritable and jittery.
                              Good luck with it!!

                              I just want you friends to know that taking Antabuse is a blessing for me. It really is. Not having those thoughts of 'should I drink?' is really a relief. Even if others are drinking around me, it makes me feel great that I cannot and will not drink. At least I will be waking up all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in the AM. I have learned over the last couple of years to find the fun being sober. It was tough and I felt 'deprived' quite a bit in the beginning. Resentful that I could not drink normally. I ALWAYS drank way too fast and the result was always the same..... drunk. No fun, and definitely not worth it!

                              So, everyone, have a wonderful day! Stay sober! xo
                              Is there a wolf compound close to this forest, by chance? I'm in Canada too?

                              Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                              St. Francis of Assisi

