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Help please?

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    Help please?


    This is my first post though I have lurked for a while. I need help. I feel like I am two different people sometimes. People who know me think I am confident, successful and capable, but I feel quite the opposite. I have gone from being a weekend drinker to not being able to remember my last sober day. It has to stop. Today is going to be an AL free day; I am determined to make that happen. I don?t know what will happen after that, but if I can just get this one day over, that?ll be a start.

    Nobody in my real life knows just how bad my drinking is. I have no one to talk to or confide in. I hide from my problems. I tried to be AL free yesterday, I walked, read, visited family, but come the witching hour I sank two bottles of wine. I picked them up while shopping, two bottles. I told myself as I opened the first that I would only drink that one but I knew I was kidding myself.

    Please help me. I just need to get through this one day so that I can see some hope for myself. I want to go back to work tomorrow, I want to be the confident, capable me again. How do I break the cycle?

    Help please?

    Stay here and talk. We know what it's like. Say anything you like. You don't so much need reason at the moment, you just need to let go puffs of air (unimportant words) and feel part of this place. Hop on the keyboard now.


      Help please?

      :welcome:welcome, Fighting back, you can start by downloading and reading the MWO book, there are many ways out and you have now started.
      make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


        Help please?

        Welcome Fighting back. And fighting back you are!
        Have a read of the 'Toolbox' thread in the 'monthly abstinence' section. Some great tip's and info for you there. Read, read and read some more here, and you will see you're not alone on your journey.

        Go for it! G.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Help please?

          hello and :welcome:

          It's a lonely feeling isn't it? It's a prison really. I'm so glad you want to free yourself! The toobox has good ideas for getting through the day. May I also suggest the MWO book that you can download from the Health Store at the top of this page. A plan is essential for your success. Going to the store obviously is not a good idea for you today. Make that part of your plan, right?

          Let us know your questions. Best to you in your journey!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            Help please?

            fighting back;898723 wrote: :new:

            This is my first post though I have lurked for a while. I need help. I feel like I am two different people sometimes. People who know me think I am confident, successful and capable, but I feel quite the opposite. I have gone from being a weekend drinker to not being able to remember my last sober day. It has to stop. Today is going to be an AL free day; I am determined to make that happen. I don?t know what will happen after that, but if I can just get this one day over, that?ll be a start.

            Nobody in my real life knows just how bad my drinking is. I have no one to talk to or confide in. I hide from my problems. I tried to be AL free yesterday, I walked, read, visited family, but come the witching hour I sank two bottles of wine. I picked them up while shopping, two bottles. I told myself as I opened the first that I would only drink that one but I knew I was kidding myself.

            Please help me. I just need to get through this one day so that I can see some hope for myself. I want to go back to work tomorrow, I want to be the confident, capable me again. How do I break the cycle?
            I want to welcome you to the best place in the world when it comes to dealing with this problem. I was exactly like you - going from a weekend drinker to being drunk everynight. It happens before we know it and it seems that there is no way out. No one knew how bad my problem was and I had no one to talk to; nor did I want anyone to know - feeling so ashamed and embarassed. Then I found this site and all the wonderful, understanding people. I was very surprised to learn that there were people just like me. It is such a relief to know that I was not the only person with this problem. I am now coming up to my 5 month anniversary alcohol free. For me, I am using a med that many have had success with - baclofen. There are many tools out there to help get through this addiction; wether it be meds, supplements, relaxtion tips, etc. If you need help finding your way out, we all are here; we all are on the same journey as you - at various points of the road, but on the same road nonetheless. The best thing you can do is never stop stopping and stay close to this site for support.
            Again, welcome. My name is Road and I am available if you need any advice or you just want to talk.


              Help please?


              Welcome fighting back! I can completely relate to your story. Most people see me as a fun, outgoing person.......but if you hung around long enough until the end of the night you would always see a different picture. It is a slippery slope from we find ourselves on and you have taken some important action, which is to start disucssing your situation here.

              Trust me you are not alone and there is always support here for you. I have recently been going onto live chat which has also been amazing......great people everywhere. I have made promise to myself to visit here EVERY DAY, to read, post, encourage and be inspired.

              "You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down." Mary Pickford:h


                Help please?

                Welcome fighting back... and you will!!!! You will get all the encouragement you need to do just that...fight back and win
                Take care


                  Help please?

                  thank you all so much for the encouragement. I plan to get out of the house today and keep busy, then come back here later to keep myself occupied at wine oclock. I am grateful for all of your thought and comments, it is good to know I am not alone. :thanks:


                    Help please?

                    The chatroom is a great place to pass the time when you are your most vunerable. Sometimes it can be overwhelming in there but all you need to do is ask for support. Some one will definately listen and talk to you.
                    Hope this helps! And no - you are definately not alone!


                      Help please?

                      hi fighting and welcome to a great place. your post could be written about many of us here. one thing for sure, you will realise you are not alone here. you will find lots of great advice and support. wishing you well on your journey
                      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                      Keep passing the open windows


                        Help please?

                        Hi Fighting
                        I felt exactly the same very recently...especially the bit about passing the shop and buying 2 bottles of wine and sinking them after a day convincing mysellf that I would have a AF day. Found this place and at weekend did same as you just have. Just finishing day 5 AF now. I've had so much support its been amazing..its just here if you need it..even if its just reading..all helps. Stick with it..we can do it together. Sending you good thoughts.
                        ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                          Help please?

                          Hi Fighting & welcome. I hope your day goes as you planned. We are here round the clock, so just post if you need support. I wish you well and hope to hear more about you!
                          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                            Help please?

                            well I made it so far, but it is getting towards the time when the corkscrew would normally come out. I didn't buy any AL today and I am fighting the urge to go and get some before it is too late. I have taken L Glut and some kalms (herbal stress relief) had a long bath, painted my nails and toenails... thak you so much for being here and posting your replies. I might pop into the chat room as suggested before if the urges get too strong. I have to take my mother to the doctors in the morning and then I have a full day at work ahead. I really don't want a hangover tomorrow! :thanks:


                              Help please?

                              Keep on fighting!!

                              Remember YOU ARE WORTHY OF SOBRIETY! You are worthy of a life that is not filled with alcohol and all of the nastiness that come with the disease.

                              You can do it!

