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Help please?

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    Help please?

    I made it through day 1 guys. I am just off to bed, not hoping for much sleep but at least in the morning I will be tired but not hungover. I just wanted to thank you all for listening and for making me feel welcome and less alone. I have a busy day tomorrow and I really don't have any great expectations for long lasting sobriety, but I achieved my first goal today, my first AL free day in a long time. I am telling myself the sweat on my brow right now is due to the heat and not withdrawals but who am I kidding. I am focussing on my tasks for tomorrow and will take the L glut and the kalms, I think they helped a bit. One day at a time, and I can at least say that I have one under my belt now. Thank you all so much. :thanks:


      Help please?

      Have a goodnight fightingback. I'm happy you made it through day 1. Remember, tomorrow is day 2. Nothing more, nothing less, just day 2. ODAT!
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        Help please?

        :goodjob: fighting back!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          Help please?

          Hi fighting back,

          I'm new here too and working on finding a way to break the cycle, as you are. "Wine O'Clock," as you put it is a tough, tough, time.

          I can relate, and wish you well. I think we've found a place, and people who will help light the way.



            Help please?

            roud: GREAT WORK fighting really is about small steps and taking it one day at a time. Today you won!!! congratulations, you should feel very proud of yourself.
            "You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down." Mary Pickford:h


              Help please?

              Blue Heeler;898736 wrote: Stay here and talk. We know what it's like. Say anything you like. You don't so much need reason at the moment, you just need to let go puffs of air (unimportant words) and feel part of this place. Hop on the keyboard now.
              Hi there..I can only reiterate what everyone else has said...and absolutely as blueheeler says...we 'just need to let go of puffs of air...' I like that ...I have felt like that lots...take heart you amongst freinds:welcome:
              30 day Challenge...started 16.08.2010


                Help please?

                This place was great for me yesterday, I made it through my first sober day in a while thanks to you guys. Going back to work today, no AL in the house for when I get home and no opportunity to buy any either, so I am very hopeful for day 2. I feel much better about things! :thanks:

