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Doing alright

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    Doing alright

    Hi all, sorry I've been away, working this past weekend. This is day 14 for me and i've got mixed feelings. I feel proud of myself but I'm still scared to tell anybody about my alcohol problems. Other than my wife nobody else in my life knows. Her and I are going through a rough patch while I'm working my sh-- out. I'm feeling a bit down but at the same time My son just turned 2 this past week and I couldn't be happier. Lot of mixed emotions but at least I'm still sober. Had 2 weddings these past 2 weekends and didn't even have the urge to drink. I guess I'm making some progress.

    Doing alright

    Well done!!! 14 days allready. That's fantastic. And welcome to sticking it out through those weddings. Those events are just too tempting!!

    Most ppl don't know about my problems with AL and quite frankly it's non of their business. So don't worry too much about it. You just simply don't drink anymore. That's it. Call it for health reasons or whatever else makes you feel comfortable. You don't have to explain yourself.

    Good going and keep it up
    AF since 15th March 2010

    The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


      Doing alright

      Well done on the 14 day!

      I agree with johnnyh! It really is NO one's business about your problems with AL. Ultimately it is up to you to share.... in my personal experience, I wish I hadn't of in many cases! I choose who I share it with nowadays, only if it will help another person suffering....

      Your moods will go up and down for quite sometime. I find myself to be quite emotional for the first few weeks. Just go with the flow and know it is perfectly normal.

      Make sure you drink lots of water and eat well. It will really help with keeping your moods a bit more stable.

      Keep at it! You are doing awesome!


        Doing alright

        Great job ineed. Those weddings were a big test and you passed. You can tap into that strength going forward. I wish you continued success. Please keep posting.
        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


          Doing alright

          Hi there ineedhelp, and first of all congratulations on your 14 days, and attending two weddings and not drinking - that is awesome. You seem to have many emotions going of right now, and I would say that is normal. Battling the devil of alcoholism will present a lot of challenges, and so far you seem to be doing well. The other battle, that I did not know about, was the "social" battle. How much time alcohol still robs from me, in regards to other people and my "not drinking". Like you, I am not totally out of the closet sober. My family know, and a few friends. I slowly, as the months went by expanded the circle of people - but it was excruciating for me. I was so tired of people talking about me for my exploits while drunk, that I just wanted to be left alone to be sober. I worked through it, and things are better.

          The bottom line, is you have the rest of your life to tell people - if you want to - about your drinking. For now you can be "sick", "taking the night off", "driving" etc. Enjoy your little boy, try to get yourself feeling better, and hopefully your relationship will begin to improve. Keep adding those sober days together. Don't forget, a bad day is like an urge to drink - it will pass; like a wave, so ride it, and you can also feel it go in time. All the best,
          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

