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jmose?how r u today?

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    jmose?how r u today?

    I'm gony be feeling the same way tomorrow.Iv had 3 glasses of wine this evening and i don't want to drink another one but this glass has one more sip in it and im dying for a so confused by this compulsion.I hate myself for just being able to refrain for one night!!!!I didnt sleep a wink last night and the cold sweats where awful.I couldn't bear to put in tonight like that too.Maybe that's just my excuse?
    Anyway im going to be wracked with guilt tomorrow because of my lack of willpower.Or whatever it is you need to stay away from the wine opener!
    I spent all day saying to myself"Annie,wise up,you have a serious problem with alcohol"
    Come 5pm i opened a bottle!!!!???

    annie x

    jmose?how r u today?

    I'm bewildered too hun, your not alone. Every evening I start in on the rum at 10pm ,finish up at 11:30 ,go to bed , wake up in a malaise,work it off,go nuts all day,wonder why the hell I drink, and guess what happens at 10 again every night. By 11AM the glow is great, watch some TV, go to bed, bla bla bla .

    It's kinda like the never ending song, It goes on and on my friends, it's the booze that never ends....:H

    The fact that your here is a good thing, we all need to unload , and we need the positive support of others that are like minded . I've only been here a few days and I'm already cutting back. I put no pressure on myself, lets just see where I can go on my own first, and have a plan if it doesn't take me down the road
    that I prefer .

    Have a GREAT Evening !!



      jmose?how r u today?

      Thanks Robert

      You're right about needing to offload here.Although i opened that wine having promised myself i wouldn't i still havent got anywhere near my quota!Ok say so im not off the wine but i'm not off my head (which is what usually happens....i drink until i can't remember going to bed---at least 4 nights a week.I'm not feeling so bad as i know (i hope) il never get that bad again.You sound like a moderate enough drinker?10pm - 11.30?That would be really good for me!

      Thanks for replying,really good to hear from you!

      annie x


        jmose?how r u today?

        Thanks Mike

        Your words ring true and what you say is 100%.....
        The reason for me drinking today (wait for it,it's a good one)My nine year old daughter wanted me to help her with her homework and a was shaking so bad i couldn't help her.(any excuse will do eh?)

        And I just dread bedtime!!!!(excuse no 2)
        If i havent had a drink i just lie there and think stuff(past stuff),sweat like a pig(even though im freezing) and die a slow death.How many nights are like that?

        So many changes i have to make to my life/lifestyle....
        Started yesterday and threw the towel in today.

        But im not off my face and going to make some tea & toast now.
        Not refilling my glass----much as id want to!

        Maybe im on the right road here but need to travel a few more miles to get where i really want to be?
        Hope So!

        annie x


          jmose?how r u today?

          I also feel the same way often. Start with one around dinner, got to get another one I am relaxing watching t.v. By the time I know it I am sloshed and when I wake up the next morning (no problem falling asleep because I pass out) I don't remember what I did or said the night before. To make matters worse I am at home drinking with my family watching all of this. I have three young kids and they have asked me why I drink so much. It breaks my heart. I tell them because it makes me "happy", but how much of that is true?


            jmose?how r u today?


            I certainly don't have much wisdom for you as I am in the same boat ... except that what Fan said ....

            You're "thinking" about it ... same for me tonight .. its a start .. starts are good ...

            I know I didn't get here in one day .. and I sure as heck am not going to get back in one either ...

            Did you get the book? I downloaded the PDF early today ... I didnt want to waste time waiting for it ...

            Tonight will be reading to try and not open that 2nd bottle of wine ... *sigh*

            Hang in there ... type your brains out! I will listen if you will listen tome!



              jmose?how r u today?

              ANNE HERE - you all make so much sense...I am the same - this is my first day on here - and just
              reading about this all and your situations makes me feel that I am not alone...that you suffer
              the same things I do....
              this has really opened up my eyes alot....
              it is terrific to unload....we will all get through together...

              anne - australia.


                jmose?how r u today?

                I am so wondering if this "newbie" part of this site if often like this ? Look at us! I have read at least a dozen people today tha tare new here within a few days .. all in the damn boat!

                Amazing .... gratefully amazing ....

                Anne .. we ARE going to get through this ...

                WaitingToExhale - california

