Whether you purchase from us or a local shop, we want you to have the most updated nutritional supplement recommendations (new since the book was published). They follow:
Nutritech All One Powder: (Original, Fruit Antioxidant or Active Seniors Formula)
Kudzu: We have increased our original recommendation to higher levels: 1,000 mg. to 3,000 mg. depending on craving and program customization. Note: You shouldn't take kudzu if you have endometriosis. a reproductive cancer, are pregnant or breast feeding, or suffer from a serious heart condition. If you have diabetes and take high doses of kudzu, check their blood levels regularly to make sure you do not develop hypoglycemia.
Milk Thistle/Silymarin: 300-600 mg.
Magnesium: 200
Evening Primrose Oil: 2,600 mg
Calms Forte: 2-6 tablets
L-Glutamine: 1,000-3,000 mg.
Additional amino acids: as per provider's recommendation
I'm confused because not all of these can be purchased from the MWO store, and the store has things I don't see on the list.
Thanks for any help,