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Day five....Bring it on!

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    Day five....Bring it on!

    So, My internet connection went down for a while, hence me not posting my progress yesterday, but now its up and running again I thought I'd best check in so ya'll know I'm still on the wagon!
    well, I'm In to the early hours of day five now and I'm pretty proud of myself. Its friday night so thats always gonna be a tricky one but I havent touched a drop, and strangely havent really felt a massive urge to do so, despite my house mates drinking wine in the same room as me as we chatted and watched tv....I keep expecting the bubble to burst but for now I seem to be holding out . Yey.
    On the way home on the tube I did start to think about how nice a glass of wine would be when I got home but then I gave myself a mental reality check that it would not be just one glass. I thought about how proud I'm going to feel when people, months down the line, realise I meant business when I said I was taking control...thats gonna keep me going on and on fingers crossed.
    Hope everyone had a great day, I'm off to bed for some lovely sober sleep. Night everyone.

    AF since 19th August 2011

    Day five....Bring it on!

    Oh we all get those feeling Time. You're doing GREAT. You want this for yourself. I love waking up know knowing how I got to bed. Have a GREAT night!
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      Day five....Bring it on!

      Well done Time - the first few days are so hard - especially when others around you are drinking - you should be really proud of yourself! Great job!

      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        Day five....Bring it on!

        Sounds as if you are getting the same result I did. It is no harder than you make it. After the first few days I didn't have any cravings. I am dead-set certain that it is all attitude.
        I was determined I was going to do 30 days come hell or high water.
        If you feel the same then it will be a breeze.
        No doubt. No surrender. Give it everything you've got.


          Day five....Bring it on!

          Well done Time, Friday nights are a tough one too so double pats on the back. I hope you enjoy your clear head in the morning and reward yourself with a well deserved, smiling day
          "The greatest hazard of all, losing one?s self, can occur very quietly in the world, as if it were nothing at all. No other loss can occur so quietly; any other loss - an arm, a leg, five dollars, a wife, etc. - is sure to be noticed." Soren Kierkegaard.

          AF since 13 June 2010.


            Day five....Bring it on!

            Great work Time to Change! Getting a weekend under your belt is a real milestone. The first one is the hardest, but you'l soon find that weekends can be about getting up early on Saturday and Sunday and enjoying the days in full. You are making big strides and are well on your way. Keep it up!
            While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
            Benjamin Franklin


              Day five....Bring it on!

              i just love your positive attitude time. keep it up and enjoy sober saturday
              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
              Keep passing the open windows


                Day five....Bring it on!

                Well done i'm on day 6 again and weekends are always triggers for me but no strong urge to drink yet either. I'm sick of being sick. :eeew:


                  Day five....Bring it on!

                  Fab One and Fire... I love to see that punching the fist the air and no brick wall in sight!!!
                  Get through the next day and all will be as it should.
                  Thats what I'm trying to do as well!


                    Day five....Bring it on!

                    Well done Time, I found once I got through the first week it just seemed easier to sort of say 'well I did it last Sat so I can do it this Sat' sort of thing. I kind of agree with you BH, attitude is a very big part of the whole thing, it would be unfair to underestimate the power of addiction - some experience it worse than others, but definitely the attitude 'I won't' as opposed to 'I hope I won't' is a very large part of this, probably the difference between success and failure in the end?
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Day five....Bring it on!

                      Thanks everyone for your messages,
                      I'm really loving this community, I think it helps so much to have people there to check in with and to follow each others progress, because of the nature of the subject and the anonymity everyone is really honest as there's no reason not to be, Really motivational, you're all stars!
                      Well, thats day five under my belt and I turned down what I'm sure would have been a great night out with friends tonight as I just don't trust my will power THAT much yet, but I don't feel downtrodden about it, there's no point. I've just got to be sensible for a while until I find my feet.
                      Had a bit of a wobble on the way home again, seems to be a pattern there as it was the same yesterday. I wanted wine but I bought cake instead!
                      Cake was good.
                      I'm still feeling pretty lack lustre in the mornings even though I'm getting enough sleep. I'm hoping that will change over the next few nights as my liver gets used to its new easy life.
                      I am feeling really positve right now but at the same time I'm aware that I will probably hit a wall at some point in this mission so I cannot afford to get complacent. I've got to keep the positive attitude at all times....And the cake!
                      Hope everyone had a great day, Always fab to read everyones posts and updates.
                      AF since 19th August 2011


                        Day five....Bring it on!

                        Hi are doing really well and should be proud of yourself. I am on day 8, feeling great and ready to go to work tomorrow without a 3 day hangover (imagine the productivity!!!!). Great to see you doing so well........I look forward to reading future posts of your success. Enjoy your cake, I have a big stash of lollies!
                        "You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down." Mary Pickford:h


                          Day five....Bring it on!

                          I'm having a bit of a moment right now, Its sunday afternoon and I've just got back from shopping to an empty house. This is always a trigger for me, when I'm still on the high of a shopping trip looking at my new purchases...Makes me want to celebrate! I'm feeling pretty fed up that I can't have the thing I want so much right now, A nice bottle of Merlot. I keep thinking how nice it would be to have a nice big glass, especially seeing as the weathers beautiful today, The main thing thats stopping me skipping off to the off-licence right this minute is imagining how I'll feel afterwards, and I don't mean the hangover. Tomorrow will be day 7 which is such a milestone I really don't want to mess it up now.
                          well done Blinder, hope day 8 is going well for you. Thanks Sheri, I can't wait start this wonderful new life, How long did it take before you felt you were mentally al free? I find myself thinking about it alot of the time.
                          AF since 19th August 2011


                            Day five....Bring it on!

                            Time to change;902636 wrote: I'm having a bit of a moment right now, Its sunday afternoon and I've just got back from shopping to an empty house. This is always a trigger for me, when I'm still on the high of a shopping trip looking at my new purchases...Makes me want to celebrate! I'm feeling pretty fed up that I can't have the thing I want so much right now, A nice bottle of Merlot. I keep thinking how nice it would be to have a nice big glass, especially seeing as the weathers beautiful today, The main thing thats stopping me skipping off to the off-licence right this minute is imagining how I'll feel afterwards, and I don't mean the hangover. Tomorrow will be day 7 which is such a milestone I really don't want to mess it up now.
                            well done Blinder, hope day 8 is going well for you. Thanks Sheri, I can't wait start this wonderful new life, How long did it take before you felt you were mentally al free? I find myself thinking about it alot of the time.
                            It's a big LIE. The alcohol is taking to you. PLEASE see "Junkie Thinking" thread by Sheri it has helped me several times!
                            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                              Day five....Bring it on!

                              I went and bought a big doughnut from the local bakery and I'm having it with a cup of tea. I had to walk past the off-licence twice to get there and back. Will power still intact! phew.
                              AF since 19th August 2011

