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What are the symptoms of liver problems?

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    What are the symptoms of liver problems?

    I've only been here just a few days myself. Getting a lot of good advice.

    I do read some of you talking about liver problems you're having. What are the symptoms of these liver problems?

    Thanks, Benji

    What are the symptoms of liver problems?

    Can't speak for anyone else here, but I had some mild liver problems, which is a blessing considering how much I abused it.

    Mild jaundice was my symptom. Yellow tinges to the skin, eye whites, and even my gray hair had a yellowish tinge to it. I had tests done, and luckily I escaped cirrohsis, and my enzymes were still barely within limits.

    Now to the happy story. Within maybe six months after my last drink, many people noticed that my skin color cleared up. My eyes became white again, and even the iris in my eyes is getting a more pure color now. The lady that cuts my hair noticed how it went from a yucky yellowish gray, to a nice silvery shiny gray. I wish it was the original dark brown of my youth, but some gals like the silvery gray, so thats OK.

    Liver tests are fairly easy to do I think. Doctor draws a few tubes of blood at a physical, and tests for the stuff. Doc usually lets me know within a short while after the bloods are drawn.

    My digestion was not so good either during my drinking. It's getting better with time too. Healthy liver is part of good digestion.



      What are the symptoms of liver problems?

      when I drank too much (not too long ago) I'd get a dull pain and swelling under my right ribcage...can't be good whatever that is exactly...swollen liver? but it goes away in a few days when I'm doing well. People with poorly performing livers are sick all over...lack of energy and as Neil said digestion goes down the crapper.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        What are the symptoms of liver problems?

        Go to ur Doctor and have a blood test if u are the slightest bit concerned. Upper right abdo pain, ichcing, night sweats, high cholesterol, pale stool, dark urine, yellow eyes, yellow tinge to your skin, swollen abdomen fatigue, are all symptoms.Its fine to go to the doctor if u feel bad or u are worried. Dont feel alone on this loads of people go to the doctor about this worry. A simple test rules out any problems. If u do have anything to address its normally something totally different. Dont worry too much if u have the symptoms, just get to the docotor and see whats up. normally something not connected. You will be ok, if u act upon it. Dont leave things, that dont help. Remember that most things connected to the liver can be sorted, as long as u know the trouble, hey trust me im a nurse! Take care of yourself hey, and if in doubt drink plenty of water, pints, to flush your system, and eat well most of all take care and try not to worry ok! xx


          What are the symptoms of liver problems?

          Yes blood work is key high bilirubin levels are an indicator of a compromised system
          I can fly ... I just don't know it yet


            What are the symptoms of liver problems?

            liver problems

            Thanks for your replies,
            For the past 8 mos. I've had a dull like pain around my upper to lower right ribcage. As a matter of fact, I can push with my fingers just below the back bottom right of my ribcage and can feel pain. I've had two blood tests over the past 8 mos. (most recent - this past May), with no abnormalities other than a high total cholesterol of 243. Also, I suffer from indigestion. Just greatly curtailing my alcohol intake over the past 7 days has improved both of these situations. No doubt that alcohol is the culprit.

            This liver thing along with just overall bad feelings when not drinking has scared me sober. I'm willing now to do whatever it takes to stay clean of alcohol. I want to be able to play with my grandkids and see them grow.

            Thanks again, Benji

