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ODAT July 3rd, 2010!

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    ODAT July 3rd, 2010!

    Where the heck are you people today?? Sleeping in??

    Well, I will be more than happy to start out the ODAT thread for today. Lets see, day 6 AF and day 5 of taking Antabuse. I have to say, I am liking the Antabuse, it has been the push that I needed so badly to get my AF time. Left up to my own devices my rotton brain kept lying to me saying that having a drink would be "good". Yeah whatever! Would I do it over again? Absolutly!! Anyone who has been debating Antabuse and thinks its what they "might" need too, do some research or talk to me, or some of the others here that take it, or to your Doctor. Remember there are many options to take for your sobriety!!

    Happy Sober 4th of July!!!! Will be watching Fireworks with my son tonight, and enjoying every moment of it happily AF.


    ODAT July 3rd, 2010!


    OverIt2007;901440 wrote: Where the heck are you people today?? Sleeping in??

    Well, I will be more than happy to start out the ODAT thread for today. Lets see, day 6 AF and day 5 of taking Antabuse. I have to say, I am liking the Antabuse, it has been the push that I needed so badly to get my AF time. Left up to my own devices my rotton brain kept lying to me saying that having a drink would be "good". Yeah whatever! Would I do it over again? Absolutly!! Anyone who has been debating Antabuse and thinks its what they "might" need too, do some research or talk to me, or some of the others here that take it, or to your Doctor. Remember there are many options to take for your sobriety!!

    Happy Sober 4th of July!!!! Will be watching Fireworks with my son tonight, and enjoying every moment of it happily AF.

    And you sound wonderful---- so happy--Overit, that you found what you needed to help be AF!! Enjoy!!!! Really am sooo happy for you! Thanks again for answering my questions yesterday!
    xoxo Staywell



      ODAT July 3rd, 2010!

      Hi Staywell!

      Hope you are doing awesome and you are finding what you need to get your sobriety. It truly is worth it and a much much better way to live!

      Have a great weekend!!


        ODAT July 3rd, 2010!

        Hi Overit
        All I can say is I'm very very proud, pleased and happy for you!!!. Whatever works, works and if it works then it Works!!! ( not sure what that means, I just made it up.. maybe I'm fooling myself that I'm becoming more lucid)
        Happy AL free July 4th to you and everyone else in the States... from the Jungle.. where the humidity is rising, the hair is getting bigger and sadly no fireworks ( except the US embassy - my invite must have got lost in the mail!!!!)


          ODAT July 3rd, 2010!

          Hey Overit, Glad to see someone is in the land of the living around here! I used Antabuse when I started giving up last Christmas. I knew I would NEVER get thro a first sober christmas for 35 years without something, and it was brilliant - absolutely no options! A word of warning, when Christmas was over I stopped taking it and 7 days after I stopped I drank - and wow did I suffer - mad flushing, palpitations, felt so ill I thought I would die! I believed after 7 days I would be fine - NO!!!
          Hi Patrice and Staywell, oh and a happy sober 4th July to all our American friends!
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            ODAT July 3rd, 2010!

            Thank you Patrice.. It IS about whatever works.... works!

            Thank you Mollyka for the words of advice and warning. Its good for me to know that even after 7 days still going to get effects. Thats good to know in advance, not that I will test it, but information is power.

            Enjoy the day!!


              ODAT July 3rd, 2010!

              i totally screwed up. again. i'm bloody useless. sorry to all, i feel like i shove your advice and support right in your faces at times, and im sooooo grateful for it! sorry again xx
              The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                ODAT July 3rd, 2010!


                GIRL!!! YOU ARE NOT USELESS!!!! I know you feel that way, but its simply NOT TRUE!

                Do you know how long I have been on this website???? Close to 4 freaking years!!!! In 4 years I got a whopping 30 days AF. It took me getting my butt on Antabuse, which I know you cannot take due to anxiety, to get me sober!

                I have failed over and over and over but kept my butt coming back! As the wonderful people reminded me here time and time again, you only fail when you give up, and I KNOW you are nowhere near giving up. Just keep trying ok?


                  ODAT July 3rd, 2010!

                  Girly, the person who matters to you is you - no one else, don't worry about anyone here, and believe you me I've stumbled and fallen over the years so many times. All it takes is one of those times to work and you'll be there, so keep trying, that's the important thing now, not to feel 'useless' etc. you have the power its all in your own hands, back on the wagon and try again.
                  Molly x
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    ODAT July 3rd, 2010!

                    Hi everyone

                    Girly - Overit has given some great advice. There a lots of us here years and who keep trying and trying. The alternative is to keep drinking and end up in an early grave.

                    Glad the antabuse is working for you Overit. I have some that I ordered last year and take it sparingly when I need to. I have let my supplements slip and I need to get back on track taking them. They really help too. Whatever it takes right!!!

                    Hi Molly, you sound good, everyone else big hello.



                      ODAT July 3rd, 2010!

                      Hi all - The antabuse is helping you OI and that's wonderful. Now get over to the pool kiddo. Girly never ever give up. Our hands are always outstretched to you. Good to see Molly, Patrice, Stay, and Rust. Have a good day...john
                      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                        ODAT July 3rd, 2010!

                        Evening everyone. Day 6 for me again. Just been busy cleaning and doin some laundry. Not much on for the weekend. Bit boring so far but i'll go for a walk later and tommorrow and do a bit in the garden. Girly don't beat yourself up no one is useless i've stpped and started so many times i've lost count of how many times i fell of the wagon. It me a long time to end an alco it will take i don't how long or what to be af forever i can't even think that far its scary so its odat 2morrow's another day. Anyway happy 4th of July to all our American members and a goodweekend to us all. :cheering:waving::cheering:


                          ODAT July 3rd, 2010!

                          Hey Techie,

                          The Antabuse is alright. Last night I found myself a little bit Irritated that I could not have a drink, but just a bit irritated, not really that big of a deal.

                          Once you take the Antabuse, the issue is out of your hands, its a done deal whether you like it or not.

                          When I was doing some research regarding Antabuse, I saw this posted by a girl. I really connected to it.

                          She said "Antabuse was the tool to help get me involved in activities that did not involved alcohol. I had to create a new life without it, and once I was used to that routine, staying that way was easier."

                          Hey Firefox! Day 6 awesome!
                          I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!

