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Alcohol and nicotine- any advice would be great!

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    Alcohol and nicotine- any advice would be great!

    Hi everyone,
    I am still on the AF journey and have been AF for 18 of the past 19 days - the slip I had was early on so I havent had anything to drink for 14 days. I'm eating really well, taking 6000mg Lglut, liver regenerator, spirilina and a host of other antioxidants etc. I stocked up on chocolates etc but don't want them ( is that the L-glut??).. sleeping well although taking time to fall asleep.
    The problem I am having now is that since i stopped drinking, I have been smoking much much more and this is stopping me from exercising because I sure don;t feel like doing any cardio or aerobic after my lungs are full of smoke.
    for 6 months before I stopped drinking.. wine and cigarettes were always intertwined and I originally wanted to give up alcohol, cigarettes and start going to the gym the same day... now I realise that was insane.
    Now though after a bit of AF time, I do want to give up smoking but am wondering if it is still to early to attempt that??. I used to love smoking with wine but now i smoke with non al drinks and really want to stop so I can do the exercise I want to.. i'm doing the other things its just the smoking and its getting me down a bit because I keep saying 'today I'm going to stop smoking'.. just like I did with booze.. but find myself lighting up after breakfast and feeling bad about it.
    I know a few people here have talked about the relationship between these 2 addictions.. and I would be very grateful for some advice or strategies. or just to hear of particular experiences . I DO want to give up and have got the patches ( I do need some kind of nicotine replacement and the patches have worked for me in the past ) and have read 'Allen Carr'.
    Does the ODAT mantra work with smoking ??
    Its making me kind of stressed because while my liver, kidneys, brain function, mood, emotions etc are slowly recovering, my lungs are taking a battering ..
    sorry if this is off topic I didnt know where to post this

    Alcohol and nicotine- any advice would be great!

    Hi Patrice,

    Thank you for starting this thread. I too am wondering how others may have kicked both alcohol and nicotine, since that's what I'd like to do as well. Hoping you get a lot of feedback about what worked and what didn't.


      Alcohol and nicotine- any advice would be great!

      Hi patrice,

      I use to be a very heavy smoking ( 1 pack a day and more if I was drinking) and quit about seven years ago. I personally think to quit drinking and smoking simultaneously must be incredibly hard. It's something I could not have possibly done. I had to give up my addictions one by one otherwise i would have thrown in the towel and not bothered at all.

      I found giving up smoking was alot more difficult than drinking purely because I smoked all day, every day. I would be intrigued to see whether someone has actuelly managed to quit both at the same time. Hats off to them!
      Be strong-
      We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
      Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


        Alcohol and nicotine- any advice would be great!

        Hi Rebirth
        I'm that smoker too.. and no I coulnt give up both at the same time.. but maybe now? not sure
        And also I'm so proud for you on 30 days.. you are a winner and an inspiration to me.. I'm taggin along after you!!!


          Alcohol and nicotine- any advice would be great!

          hi pat,as ive said b4 every once in a while a thread comes up,tht ticles yur fancy,hardest thing youll ever do is quit smoking,i was a 3 deck a day man,and stop,so if anyone can say it,if i could stop anyone can,id be dead if i were not have stopped,im 57,my mother smoked 75 cigs a day,my dad stopped layer in his life,he ended with asma,plus he worked in the mines,so the question is,does are parents choices in life,effect us,i beleive so,much like drinking,if they wer e big drinkers,the chance is you will be to,the only entity tht gas control of your life is you,toook me 57 years to figure tht out,so im helpin you,take control of your life, gyco


            Alcohol and nicotine- any advice would be great!

            Hey patrice I have not clicked onto one of sheri's links as yet because I am at work and pretending to be working on spreadsheets. Naughty me.
            It would be interesting to see what your opinion is after reading them though.I wonder if it's in our make up to be generally addictive people. You are worried about your smoking and I am now worried about my diet coke and chocolate spread intake. Man am I getting fat! My trousers are getting tight! Ugh. I can eat a small jar of nutella when I feel sorry for myself and i drink gallons of diet coke. I am only little as well ( 5 ft 2).
            Be strong-
            We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
            Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


              Alcohol and nicotine- any advice would be great!

              er...I lied about my height. I am 5ft 1
              Be strong-
              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                Alcohol and nicotine- any advice would be great!

                I was going to the gym 3 times a week and am still a smoker - I would push myself to the limit - dam it make you feel good. Try saying to yourself on the training day im not going to smoke before training and this should help you - early morning workouts are good - If you go do some cardio in the morning before you even think about smoking without eating breakfast it is suppose to burn off fat stores from the previous day so that you are always ahead (30 - 40 mins steady excercise)

                ps im not saying you should smoke because its very very naughty.
                Don't Let The Bastards Grind You Down - Eat Them Alive

                1 - 2 - 3


                  Alcohol and nicotine- any advice would be great!

                  G'day Patrice. Wait 'til you've got the 30 up. One dragon at a time. Make it too hard and it'll be like running onto the guns. Heroic...but futile.


                    Alcohol and nicotine- any advice would be great!

                    I wanted to let you know that I have sucessfully quit drinking and smoking at the same time. I had to because they were so intertwined. One led to the other and vice versa. I quit with the help of Chantix. It helps with both the cigg and AL cravings. It did give me vivid dreams, not bad dreams but very vivid. I am happy to say that I left them both behind 3 months ago. All my best to you. PM me if you have any questions.



                      Alcohol and nicotine- any advice would be great!

                      Yay you Tip! I am so proud of you!

                      Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                      St. Francis of Assisi


                        Alcohol and nicotine- any advice would be great!

                        Hi Tippylou. Is this a precription drug?Chantix...never heard of it. Hats off to you!
                        Be strong-
                        We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                        Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                          Alcohol and nicotine- any advice would be great!

                          Hi Pat - I did quit both smoking and AL within a week of each other - I was taking Topa and am not sure if that made it easier but it wasn't too terribly bad for me. I also read (for the umpteenth time) the Alan Carr book both for AL and Smoking - the smoking one is good - you smoke all the way through it. I also tried Chantix and stopped once with that - started again when a friend died (AL related) and when I tried it (Chantix) a 2nd time, it didn't work.

                          I am 6 months out now from both AL and Nic and feel that if I can do it, ANYONE can!! It isn't easy but definitely worth it! You can do this Pat!

                          hugs, Sunshinedaisies X
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            Alcohol and nicotine- any advice would be great!

                            Hi there. I for one had to give up drinking in order to quit smoking and that's how I ended up here at MWO over 2 years ago.

                            Thanks Sheri for posting those links. I used quitnet and got a lot of help from Allen Carr's book. There are lots of great ideas on my thread from other members. There are a bunch here that have successfully quit both addictions.

                            All I can say is you will never regret quitting. It is so worth it!
                            NF since June 1, 2008
                            AF since September 28, 2008
                            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                              Alcohol and nicotine- any advice would be great!

                              rebirth - its also known as "champix" - and yes, you get it with a doctor's prescription.. im thinking of going back on the gum soon as i really want to quit smoking..
                              "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


