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1st 12 hrs

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    1st 12 hrs

    hi and welcome just going through my 1st 12hrs without a drink after a really bad wk on it the ills the sweats the depression the pane my drinking has caused lost of family and just gagging 4 a drink then all this will go away why do we do it sorry if a rambling sat here just feel low

    1st 12 hrs

    :welcome: KING

    Sounds like you're in a rough spot at the moment. That's it though--this moment.

    I wish your next moment is full of consideration and fortitude!

    Please read and keep posting.

    Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

    St. Francis of Assisi


      1st 12 hrs

      I second RC. Keep reading and stay here for a while. It will perk you up to know you are not the only one in the boat.


        1st 12 hrs

        Welcome kings. many of us have been where you are. That means you can make it. I was one of them. Here is our tool box has some good ideas and strategies for dealing alcohol free. I wish you well. As the others have said. Read, hang in here with us, post, and ask questions.
        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


          1st 12 hrs

          Hi King,
          I'm sure we can all remember those first 24 hours after a mad batter, yes I can remember thinking I wanted to just die I was so ill, but trust me, it passes, drinking water really does help its not just a cliche, it sort of clears the poison thro your system, and yes you feel low now, persevere and you will feel a million times better in a very short time. All this doesn't go away with a drink, it just extends it - honestly
          Good luck and hang around and give it a chance an hour at a time, a minute at a time, every moment contributes to you feeling better
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            1st 12 hrs

            :welcome: Kings. It's good that you have found this site. I felt like you on Thursday it was awful I felt like I was 'chasing my tail' not knowing what to do with myself. One part of me was saying don't drink and another saying 'just have a glass of wine it will make you feel better' but this is a lie it just prolongs the problem. So I drank loads of water and didnt drink and it was so worth it!!!! Its Sunday now and I feel great. So please just try to stick with it and your body will recover and then your depression should lift. I kept posting and reading on here and it helps so much to know that you are not alone and other people have gone through what you are going through. Sending you a :l I hope this helps.


              1st 12 hrs

              thank you

              19 hrs of hell so far been a heavy drinker now 20+ yrs still only 39 can still that 4 9mths. what a great night of sleep NOT!! this now my 3rd or 4 th atempt at soberity longest i put my toes in that swimming pool 9mths still fell back to my crutch of beer and the friday night specials wich wound normaly last 4or 5 days ,but why when u start again this illnes comes back harder and faster normalie by now would of and few beers just to face the day couldnt work with out 1 (not in the the best job at mo im landlord but on leave at mo) i wonder why! that magic half which never runs out ,social point of being in a pub ,last night or this morning the noices and what very very strange halicantions and really strong this time did try aa 4 awhile some help but im not great beliver in the high side of life a didnt get that bit on stat of last wk got a day place on a course for my drinking but had nervers so what did i do get on it great turn up 4 1st meeting still smashed from that last drink faild entry, woke up sat morning not knowing what or were the drinking had taken me all week ,its nice to find this place knowing that this horriable illnes is out there to help us LIKE YOU HAVE ALL SAID IT DOES GET BETTER BUT I HAVE SAID IM NOT DRINKING TODAY AND LETS MAKE 48HRS WITH OUT A DRINKIM NOT DRINKING TODAY SAID IT


                1st 12 hrs

                Good on ya have come this far..keep going...
                It really is so worth it even tho you feel so crap at the mo, your body has already started healing...just think of every discomfort you experience as your bodys way of letting you know it it getting rid of the poison...

                Hang on in there and keep close to the boards.xx
                "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                AF 10th May 2010
                NF 12th May 2010


                  1st 12 hrs

                  24 hrs of hell

                  the full 24 hrs now hand so sweaty ,the constin throwing up the ,baths the not wanting to go to the shop just to get milk ,thinking abot whats also in the same fridge but tommorow will be better it will this is quite a nasty withdraw this time but not drinking today


                    1st 12 hrs

                    hang in there kings today should be slightly easier.
                    as you feel better distract yourself when you start thinking of drinking.
                    i know it is hard.. i myself wish i could turn back time and hadn't created this history for myself.
                    this was the theme in one of my dreams last night actually.
                    I was starting again from when I had never taken enjoyment in alcohol. Best not to know what you are missing I'd say! gee.... am i having a mid life crisis? if so, i think this one will be for the better and end ultimately in an improved me.
                    i have to go lie down again. i will go to the gym but i had a terrible sleep... just need one more hour.

                    hang tight kings!!

                    (( hhee... i like playing with the colors!))


                      1st 12 hrs

                      How's it going Kings??

