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Liver Damage?

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    Liver Damage?

    Hi Everyone!
    I was here about a year ago, and was unsuccessful in my attempt to quit drinking..Not thru anyones fault but my own.

    I am a 43 year old Mom of 2...

    We were away on vacation for about 10 days, and I drank heavily each evening, lots of wine and beer.. We were with friends, and just having fun. The drinking continued thru the past week and into this weekend.

    I did not drink last night, and have not drank this evening ( yet) A couple days ago, I noticed abdominal tenderness in the upper right quandrant of my abdomen.. Of course I went on line, looked it up and discovered all the horrible things that can happen to your liver when you have been drinking for years, like I have..

    My last physical was in September of 2009. My liver enzymes were elevated, the Dr had an ultra sound done, and the report was a little fat, but not "fatty liver" Well, If I calculate correctly. Almost 1 year later and still drinking?? Prob not such a good thing

    I know better, my body is trying to tell me something. I dont really want to drink tonight.
    Has anyone else had abdominal pain after drinking, I mean right about where your liver is?

    Happy 4th of July!!

    Liver Damage?

    Hi ! Whitemarsh....I'm from Charm City myself ! Ha! Your a Home Girl ! Take it easy...and you've come to the right place.....again. Keep fighting it. That's why we are all here ! Help each other out.....Have you tried the Herbals and products that this site has to offer ? Hay what ever it takes...AA , then here for support. Join a thread..their is one here that you might find interesting. Welcome...again. IAD
    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
    Dr. Seuss


      Liver Damage?

      Hi whitemarshmom,
      I haven't had any pains like that myself.. but I am only 32.. I would definately see these pains as a wake up call though! You have come to a great place to get support.. look after yourself.. drink lots of water.. and like IAD says - maybe try some vitamin/herbal remedy supplements? maybe seek medical advice from your doctor first..
      Katie x
      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



        Liver Damage?

        Hello whitemarshmom - I have experienced similar pains when I was drinking to excess. Several years ago I had slightly elevated liver enzymes. The next years physical they were normal. I was and do continue to take a high quality multi-vitamin, B-Complex 100mg, & Milk Thistle for my liver. I haven't had any problems since!
        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


          Liver Damage?

          Thanks! I am definitely taking it as a warning sign.. Tonite was AF 2 nights.. Thats 2 days more than I have Ever done since my daughter was born.. 2 years and 10 months ago today. Maybe the grace of god. Chat tomorrow, everyone have a wonderful rest of the day/evening....... wherever you are......


            Liver Damage?

            Hi WMMom and welcome back,
            Yes I had tender feelings around my liver which started me on my AF route. I went to the doctor and my liver was pretty bad which frightened me a lot at the time. I knew then I had to give up or I would die, simple as that. That was back in January. In March my bloods were better but not great, then in May despite a one night cock up blow out, everything was perfect but I know I came very close to being in deep deep trouble. Take it as a serious warning - go to the doc, and all the things Techie is talking about are a very good idea. I'm just lazy and never got around to getting them, I try to eat as healthily as possible, fresh fruit etc.
            Do not ignore your body - it's telling you something!!
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Liver Damage?

              A few months ago, i started getting spontaneous pins and needles in various parts of my body. Apparently, that is linked to nerve damage and diabetes. I am also a rampant sweet tooth. I also have a condition whereby my right side foot goes almost numb and there is a constant "twinge" feeling pain on the top of my right foot. I've read this could mean poor circulation, also related to nerve damage and diabetes. It scared me enough 6 weeks ago to stop drinking for 5 days, and guess what?! Pins and needles started to subside and i was sleeping better. I really need to motivate myself to quit this dangerous drug.
              One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                Liver Damage?

                Hi WMM,

                Don't drink now, ya hear?!....;-)

                Change, research 'Peripheral neuropathy' if you need some motivation. I wonder if what you describe is the beginning's of it?

                Best wishes all!

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Liver Damage?

                  Hi WMM, I have recently found out that my liver enzymes were high,from being in the hosiptal for drinking /detoxing from what else booze.They told me to go to my primary care doctor and get blood work done in a month,I couldn't wait that long and had them done in about 15 day's after getting out of the hospital.I was told im very close to getting cirrhosis of the liver and he also told me I am lucky to have stooped when i did.He STRESSED to me to STOP DRINKING! I and im not best of luck to you ...And Sheri alway's has good advice read her post again. Trucker


                    Liver Damage?



                      Liver Damage?

                      Hi WMM! Milk Thistle (Silymarin) is very good for Liver Detox! Can be found in any drug store vitamin aisle, Health Food Store, etc.
                      If you don't take care of your body....Where will you live


                        Liver Damage?

                        Hello ,
                        New to this venue, just want to manage /stop this behavior that is upsetting my stomach, causing GI upset and back pains. Looking forward to making friends who will support me.


                          Liver Damage?

                          shrimp;904788 wrote: Hello ,
                          New to this venue, just want to manage /stop this behavior that is upsetting my stomach, causing GI upset and back pains. Looking forward to making friends who will support me.
                          shrimp you have come to a safe place...just keep posting, you will get so much good advice and help...good luck in your journey,
                          30 day Challenge...started 16.08.2010


                            Liver Damage?

                            Maybe you could start a thread and introduce yourself? Let us know how we can help you..
                            Katie xx
                            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                              Liver Damage?

                              Welcome Shrimp, you will get as much support as you need from this site, that's a promise - it's a great place
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14

