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first time here-help

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    first time here-help

    Hi everyone, this is scary, but a kindof lifeline nontheless.
    I suppose everyone starts out with a bit of their own story.....heres mine..the edited version at this stage...all the shame, guilt, self-depreciation etc etc almost make it too scary to take the first step.

    I am mid-thirties,and have been drinking excessively on and off for probably 15 years or so, and what I now consider "seriously" for maybe 5 years. I am what people would consider a "controlled" drinker, although obviously not always controlled - ie when I don't have to be up for work! Presently, I would be drinking a bottle of wine a night, with possibly a can of beer, sometimes 2 on top of that.
    My mother is an alcoholic, which seriously disrupted our upbringing, but clearly a learned behaviour!
    I have a very responsible job, and a very lovely responsible husband, (at the moment!)
    I have had horrible horrible things happen in my life, but discussing that would only be an excuse, of which my mother made many!!
    My father has stayed with my mother throughout many years of essential mental torture, and often public humiliation. I am going to become my mother at present, and unless I change NOW I am quite sure my husband will leave.
    I really want a family, but my husband has essentially not touched me in the past 2-3 years, which is also understandable. Although, I am able to carry of the persona of a responsible person at work, he sees the real "holly!, and the fact that my evening evolves around taking just that "right amount". I have lost interest in everything, except the one thing I seem to be really really good at!.I hate myself so much, and really really want to change.

    first time here-help

    Yikes Holly! I am only here since 2 Am this morning when I could not sleep and found this place! Do I UNDERSTAND what you are talking about...

    I have already posted in the tell us your story" in the wee hours of the morning .. and what AMAZING response.. I THINK WE MAY HAVE FOUND SOMETHING!

    I am so ready to grab on because for ALL the times I have been mad at myself .. I didn't have any tools to make it dirfferent. Now tired of hating myself ... just like you said....

    Wanna be newbie buds? I'm scared as hell ...



      first time here-help

      Welcome Holly-

      Your story sounds alot like the ones I have been reading on this site as it does to mine also. I have been on this site for two days and already I feel like I have found some "friends" who understand how I think and why I do the things I do sometimes. I hope you feel the same way.


        first time here-help


        Thanks waiting to exhale - finally found a way this may be possible, would like to be buds?


          first time here-help

          Hi jmose, I suppose many peoples stories are similar. After reading a couple, I felt like a fraud, as some horrendous things seemed to have happened topeople all at once to give them essentially a reason to drink. I am so glad to be able to say it to someone, it has been impossible before tonight


            first time here-help

            Hi jmose ... pleased to meet you as well. Wow, how did I ever find this magical place?

            Holly, many of us seem to be in the same boat .. we've all had "stuff" .. sure you have as well ...

            Important part is we have found people to share it with. And to be honest about it! **MEGA sigh of relief**

            I have a feeling we are ALL going to really, really change if that is what we want .. i sure as heck do!

            This is our chance!



              first time here-help

              Holly, I'll keep check in with you .. if you check in with me?

              I have a feeling getting and staying connected to this site may really help us. Your thoughts?



                first time here-help

                Definately want to check in waiting to exhale, thanks.
                Had a quick look for your "post", but couldn't see it. Nevermind, guess we are all using this portal for the same reason, and that in itself is somewhat of a relief, to speak to someone who won't judge you!
                I have admitted this for a considerably long time to myself, and wanted to do something about it; but that "witching hour" seems to come every night now, and theres always "tomorrow" to really consider the consequences, and give up.


                  first time here-help

                  Waiting to exhale, I will go to chat if you want to talk?


                    first time here-help

                    the 'witching hour'...

                    I can totally relate! I am taking this one hour at a time- it's not easy- and as more time passes between my last binge, feeling better, the more scared I get! What if I can't ever drink again? It had become such an integral part of of my life and identity... who the hell will I be, resemble, like, be liked by, if I give it up???

                    Mercy- need a calms Forte STAT!

                    Hang in there... 10 days in... you CAN do it.... one hour at a time!

                    "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


                      first time here-help

                      Hey Holly .. Checking in with you did last night go?

                      I feel this amazing sense of "I can do this" this morning. Where that came from .. no clue!

                      I can't pretend that I can stop all at once, but even yesterday (day 1) I drank MUCH less than normal, and actually had an almost normal night of sleep (in my bed instead of passed out on the sofa).

                      Just started reading the book .. have you gotten it yet?



                        first time here-help

                        Bumping this up that holly may see it ... holly come back and let's help each other ...



                          first time here-help


                          Discovered this site yesterday. My story is the same as the others. I am a little skeptical. Waiting to Exhale, are you taking the medication recommended? If so, does it help craving?


                            first time here-help

                            Hi I am new here too ... I selected my screen name prior to seeing the icon ... my choice for that name is because my birth announcement (many years ago) stated that with a little stick figure holding a balloon... I see this site and support group as a way towards a NEW start ... my situation is sooo similar to the stroies that I have read... wine is my drug of choice and I can easily drink a lottle an evening... I have had some times of complete absitinence but not long... hoping this will help... I need support as I do not have any here...
                            I can fly ... I just don't know it yet


                              first time here-help

                              Hi Animal! I discovered this site 6 days ago this is day 5 for me of trying to get some control ..

                              I have ordered the suppliments and the CDs .. but they have not arrived yet.

                              I downloaded to book and printed it ..working through that ..

                              I have to say .. just this site has been a good focus for me, and controlling beter than I have been in a long time.

                              There are many stories here and what each has tried .. reda on and let us know how it goes!


