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first time here-help

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    first time here-help

    imnewhere ... I hear ya! I was drinking 3-4 bottles a day/night ... toss in a martini everyone in a bit ...

    crazy how much time and energy I lost ...

    So doing baby steps now ...

    A freind of mine who quit drinking year ago said to me: It's amazing what you can get done when you don't drink" .... oh boy am I finding that true!

    OK .. gotta get my butt outta the house and get things done!

    Stay in touch,



      first time here-help

      Thank you again Waiting To Exhale,

      I forgot that this is the just starting out board. I have downloaded the book since my last posting (this morning) and read it. I am desperate. My wife is not a happy camper and neither am I. I hope to join you on the road to recovery.



        first time here-help

        Hello Holly

        I am replying to you because my situation is very similar tou yours.
        My mother was an alcoholic also. I am 31 years old and my partner is on the verge of leaving me if i dont do something about my excessive drinking.I am a horrible nasty person when I am drunk and dont know how i can change things. I cant commit to never drinking again because i am scared so i have found this website today and taken the first step. I really dont know what to do. hopefully communicating with others will keep me going. I have lost my job through alcohol and nearly my relationship and most of my family because i am such an embarrasment. I have a 7 year old daughter who is desperate for me to sort myself out.
        Last nigh was the last straw.I tried to throw myself out of my partners van whilst coming home from a meal.
        Things need to change


          first time here-help

          Hi Wanting to Exhale, are you still around the site. I've only just come back, and would like to chat. Had about 5 days of absolute sobriety after joing the site, without any problem. Then, thought it was ok for just one - and so I haven't been back since!
          Hows it going with you?


            first time here-help

            Hi All,

            I'm pretty new also and am 38 yers old been drinking since I was about 12 but heavy off and on since about 22. I lost the love of my life over my drinking habit so my advise is do something before it is too late. I have been on the program now 19 days and it has changed my life. Hange in there guys change is possible but you have got to make it happen. This place and the people here are fantastic they are so supportive and non judgemental, ask anything and they will answer to the best of their knowledge. We are all worth it hang in there we can do this together. Kim
            Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


              first time here-help

              Hi Holly
              Your post sounds very familiar. You have come to the right place. There are a lot of people with the same guilt and self-hate ( me included ). I have tried to do something about it on many occasions, but have always failed.....until now. I intend to do 'the program' fully once the holiday season is over, but I have dramatically reduced my drink intake over the last month with the help and support that I hace found here. You could do the same'
              All the best


                first time here-help


                Nice to see you back. This is a moving on process. It's great that you managed a few days without drinking. That's how I began. A few days here and there. I found day 5 the hardest to pass through.

                It was when I resumed exercise and multi-vitamins that I felt more able to move slowly on. Am still moving slowly after four months but I am definitely moving forwards and life is getting better.

                I suppose what I am trying to say is that we can't expect a magical cure. It takes some time and effort. But it sounds like you really want to make this work and you have achieved your first 5 days of AF very quickly. Others will follow. :l

                Love Waves
                Enough is enough

