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ODAT Monday 5th July 2010

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    ODAT Monday 5th July 2010

    Happy Monday My Friends!

    I am in the 8 Day club as well, and have pretty much settled into my new AF life. Panno, you go girl, I KNEW you could do it! YAY Foxfire too, and for those of you with time beyond that, I am thrilled for you!

    For those of you not familliar, I take Antabuse at the moment, and have realized that is NOT as scary as I thought it would be. I put off taking it for many many months, and kept slipping about every 3 days. When you take it and KNOW you cannot drink, you WILL adjust to it. The cravings are very mild because you know it is not an option. So its good!

    Hey Johnny, My Buddy, Girly, you hanging in there!

    Saw some amazing Fireworks with my son last night, and I was grateful to just be in the moment. Cant tell you how many times I watched Fireworks wasted and had no idea how they were next day.


      ODAT Monday 5th July 2010

      Good Morning Everyone!
      I'm new. This is day 3 for me. The longest I have abstained from Alcohol in the past 2 years is 30 days. I'm hoping I can do it again. It's good to be here!:new:


        ODAT Monday 5th July 2010

        Hi everyone,
        This is day one for me again after a slip up last night, I'm determined not to let that happen again.
        Overit, you sound like you're doing really well on the Antabuse. Did you have it prescibed? I'm thinking it maybe a good option for me, I know that if the option to drink was taken away then I'd beable to put it right to the back of my mind and get on with enjoying my day. One thing that worried me about Antabuse was all the things you have to avoid, perfume, certain deoderants etc. What happens if you accidentally get AL on your skin?
        AF since 19th August 2011


          ODAT Monday 5th July 2010

          Hi Time to Change!

          I was going to talk to you more about Antabuse, Im glad you asked!

          I was prescribed Antabuse by my Doctor months ago, I filled my prescription, but like you and others, I had a serious Fear of taking it. I kept thinking, Oh I can do this. Well, I have a very serious Willpower problem, and go back to drinking about every 4 days.

          A few of my dear friends on here encouraged me to try it. I also did alot of research too.

          I have been taking it for a week now. The scariest part was just putting the pill in my mouth. I almost passed out! Then once I had the pill in me, I just realized.. Well I cannot drink! It was an easy adjustment. Once your brain knows the outcome if you drink, well you just dont want to!

          I have had no reactions to anything, and I even pushed the limits and gargled with mouthwash with alcohol. I asked my doctor about reactions and he said, "As long as you dont drink, you will be fine"

          I take one low dose pill 250mg once a day. Thats it. P.S. No problems with perfume, shampoo, ect, ect.

          Just something to think about... But I am enjoying the freedom that comes with KNOWING, I WILL NOT drink today.

          Best of luck to you and let me know how things are for you!!!

          Antabuse-Disulfiram Facts for Alcoholism and Addiction


            ODAT Monday 5th July 2010

            KatieB Im with you all let's stay sober in july! Trucker


              ODAT Monday 5th July 2010

              Thanks for that Overit,
              Did you have much of a battle to have it prescribed, did you ask for it? I know that I would benefit from it, its all in my head that I want a drink and if the choice is taken away then I wont be thinking about it. I was worried about the reactions to products but i take it you only get a reaction if you actually ingest AL?
              You sound like you're doing so well, good on you!!
              AF since 19th August 2011


                ODAT Monday 5th July 2010

                Day one. Don't really know you all yet but wanted to say hi and I'm so glad you all are here.


                  ODAT Monday 5th July 2010

                  Hi Skye
                  I'm new and on day 3 today. Nice to meet you and I'll see you around!!


                    ODAT Monday 5th July 2010

                    hi sky and imagine

                    really looking forward to getting to know you both. as the title says, we like to do one day at a time. post a bit and read some threads. the inspiration and help here is second to none!
                    The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                      ODAT Monday 5th July 2010

                      Good morning!

                      Welcome to Sky and Imagine Peace!

                      I'm on day 14... feeling pretty good. Yesterday was tough as I was bored to tears.... Just a very long weekend (4 days). But thanks to Antabuse and not wanting to drink to curb the boredom, it went well. I was in bed by 8:30pm. Lots of rest this weekend!

                      Today I am heading back to college.... I was initially enrolled in the Nursing Program but have switched fields and am heading into Social Work. I work in a hospital, and just couldn't get use to dealing with people dying... I think social work will be a better fit for me. I truly want to work with families that are struggling.

                      With all of the bad that has happened to me due to my abusing alcohol, I want so very much to turn it into something good for someone else! I think that, at the age of 38, I finally know what I want to do when I grow up! Tee hee!

                      Anyway, must run. Have a good, sober, day everyone! xo


                        ODAT Monday 5th July 2010

                        It's wonderful to see so many of you who have really been struggling making it happen! Katie, Panno and OI, I've such admiration for your success. Congratulations!!

                        Welcome to the newcomers as well and everyone.

                        I will remain sober today! )

                        Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                        St. Francis of Assisi

