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Today should have been day 7......

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    Today should have been day 7......

    Hi Time,

    I appreciated the honesty in your post. I used to be in deprivation mode, too. I used to look at other people drinking and think, "Damn, why shouldn't I be able to drink, too? Do I HAVE to punish myself?!" I couldn't get that thought out of my head for the longest time.

    And then, I started thinking about my beautiful, blonde-bombshell sister who is very happily married with 3 kids whom I adore. She stopped drinking (she never had an AL issue) after her son was born 20 years happened quite suddenly that whenever she took a sip of AL she would get a raging headache that would not go away for an entire day. She said she doesn't miss it, and talk about a fulfilling life....she has wonderful friends, lots of them, a fantastic husband and great kids. She does what she wants to do, and gets it done, every day, because she isn't drinking.

    My younger neighbors also don't drink and by far they are one of the most attractive couples I have ever met. I asked the wife why she doesn't drink and she said, "I get lightheaded." Because she doesn't drink, she has the body she wants (which I don't's been destroyed by AL) and the freedom to enjoy all of her outdoor activities with a clear, happy head and heart. I decided several weeks ago that I want to be the same way and it's great!

    Time....these are a few examples of how my life is better without AL: I am finally losing some weight, my sister-in-law, who wouldn't visit me anymore because of my drinking, called me yesterday and invited me out to lunch....her treat. I have the love and respect of my family again. They can count on me to show up sober and on time to family events and feel comfortable knowing that I won't be repeating myself because I'm wasted.

    I didn't think I could ever do it, but I have, and I just wish I hadn't waited so long.

    Wishing you strength in your journey,



      Today should have been day 7......

      That was such a lovely post thank you so much for that. I've actually told everyone close to me the truth today about my situation which feels amazing, the supportive messages and calls I've had this afternoon from friends and family have made me realise what's actually important, and how many people are there for me when I need them. Very humbling. My slip up yesterday is what pushed me into admitting to everyone so in that sense it was very positive thing. No repeats though. I know so many people who don't drink and have the most full lives and I want one of those please!!
      AF since 19th August 2011


        Today should have been day 7......

        Hi Time and well done on telling everyone you care about about the booze, I haven't done that yet. My own immediate family (hubs and sprogs) sort of found out in dribs and drabs - I never made an announcement and I never told my friends - actually lost a few friends cos I don't think they understood what was going on.
        I think you are right - at this stage there is no point in me doing the same but definitely you will feel more 'accountable'? Well done and don't worry about what has happened, just remember how rotten it feels today and tell yourself you don't want to feel like that again!
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Today should have been day 7......

          This is me:

          *JUNKIE THINKING:* I'm doing so well, one won't hurt me now.
          RESPONSE: The only reason I'm doing so well is because I haven't taken the first one. Yet once I do, I won't be doing well anymore, I'll be drinking again.


            Today should have been day 7......

            Quit Quiting... I cannot take credit for the Junkie thinking post... I just thought it was great and posted it again!
            Somehow I need to save it to my iTouch so I have it when I need it.
            Got lots of painting done today!
            I am afraid my life is NOT going to change a lot for some time. I won't be ready for a good long while to socialize as alcohol is part of most social gatherings on the island. I will not go down that road until I am entirely ready... will that ever be possible?
            (big sigh)


              Today should have been day 7......

              Thanks Molly, It felt like the right time to tell people and I'm really glad I did. The accountability aspect will definatly help me but at the end of the day its me and me alone who can do this, great to have the support though. The friends we lose are just a nessersary casualty for our recovery, It doesn't make them bad in anyway its just not everyone can understand what we're going through. Felt really bad today initially but with my new day one almost under my belt I'm moving on. I aspire to have 2 months sober as you have today!! well done Molly. x
              AF since 19th August 2011


                Today should have been day 7......

                1967 Glad you posted the junkie thinking. I am also gonna print it out and take it with me on my hols in four weeks.
                I love the wisdom in these threads. Whenever a craving comes I always find someone somewhere saying the right words needed to kill it.

                time. Its amazing that you can manage to slip and then start again the very next day. I am like sheri. I just need one drink and it will be a good few months until I find the willpower to abstain. So I try not to even go there. Best of luck. x
                Be strong-
                We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                  Today should have been day 7......

                  1967 is the avatar one of your paintings? Its beautiful. I also paint. x
                  Be strong-
                  We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                  Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                    Today should have been day 7......

                    Hey Time,

                    One day at a time kiddo, you can do it. Telling people is tough but I think that by being open we give ourselves the opportunity to stand back from an issue that had previously been so up close it was hard to get any perspective on it. Telling people also helps to rubber stamp the issue which in my opinion is a helpful thing. I, like you, am unable to use alcohol in the way that most of the people I know do, that is because I am an alcoholic and I find that the more I say this, the harder it becomes for me to deny it. I am learning that people are generally a lot more understanding than I would have give them credit for. Above all else it is so important that as an alcoholic I am honest, with myself above all others. I am starting to find it hard but I have regular counselling and I have begun to attend AA meetings, both of these things are really helping me. I think we all have tough times ahead, the truth is that life is tricky enough for everyone, for an alcoholic like me it's a little harder cause being pissed isn't the same for me as it is for others. I can't moderate my use of this drug so I have to stop using it or my life will not be the life I want it to be and that will just take me to very dark places!

                    Don't be too tough on yourself kiddo, the desire to change is your greatest asset and it is a real credit to you. You can well afford to be proud of that. With a few good moves, an open and honest mindset and a positive spirit you and I and all of us can live in a way that is worthy of our will to change for the better.
                    "The greatest hazard of all, losing one?s self, can occur very quietly in the world, as if it were nothing at all. No other loss can occur so quietly; any other loss - an arm, a leg, five dollars, a wife, etc. - is sure to be noticed." Soren Kierkegaard.

                    AF since 13 June 2010.


                      Today should have been day 7......

                      watched the uTube video... thanks.. I will continue to watch. Great to see such a pragmatic explanation of our problem.


                        Today should have been day 7......

                        You are right....I can't take that first drink when I am home by myself. If I am out with my family, friends, clients, no problem with just the one's ALWAYS been like that, and I don't feel the need to stop at the liquor store on the way home. But, I live alone, and I'm not driving anywhere, and I think, "what the hell, I'm not hurting anyone. Who cares?"

                        The reality is...I have to be more responsible than that. I'm a 49-year-old woman, not some 22-year-old college student. My 83-year-old mother has battled cancer and has had numerous surgeries, some which have gone awry, and my sister could call me any time and say, "You've got to come home.' What am I supposed to do when I'm passed out or I answer the phone, slurring words, not making any 75 miles? I don't think so. I am so over with drunkenness. I'm so done with AL. It's the only way.


                          Today should have been day 7......

                          yes rebirth... the avatar is an old self portrait, thanks for the compliment!


                            Today should have been day 7......

                            Time to change;903728 wrote: Thanks Molly, It felt like the right time to tell people and I'm really glad I did. The accountability aspect will definatly help me but at the end of the day its me and me alone who can do this, great to have the support though. The friends we lose are just a nessersary casualty for our recovery, It doesn't make them bad in anyway its just not everyone can understand what we're going through. Felt really bad today initially but with my new day one almost under my belt I'm moving on. I aspire to have 2 months sober as you have today!! well done Molly. x
                            Good on you Time, I am trying to pluck up the courage to disclose this to my closest family and friends, would love to hear your experience of this... keep up the good work:goodjob::
                            30 day Challenge...started 16.08.2010


                              Today should have been day 7......

                              mayday;903862 wrote: Good on you Time, I am trying to pluck up the courage to disclose this to my closest family and friends, would love to hear your experience of this... keep up the good work:goodjob::
                              I dont even think my friends understand, I have told one of them and it didnt make a blind bit of difference. Cant turn to my Mum and Dad as a tad old fashioned. They can t even come to terms with me have physiological general/social anxiety problems and think that everyone gets it so I should just be able to deal with it.

                              ps: Im only saying this is my case here and not saying that it will be the case for everyone.
                              Don't Let The Bastards Grind You Down - Eat Them Alive

                              1 - 2 - 3

