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I have a date tomorrow!

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    I have a date tomorrow!

    Yes, A Date.
    A date with a guy I really like. This is all very exciting but a completely sober first proper date is not something I've experienced before..Eek!
    No AL to take the nervous edge off is a scary thought!
    I thought I'd have 8 days sober under my belt by then whereas I'm back to day two!
    I will not drink, I'm confident on that but it ain't half nerve wracking!
    From another point of view I am looking forward to my first ever sober date. I'll let you know how it goes.
    AF since 19th August 2011

    I have a date tomorrow!

    Hey, best of luck Time! When is the date? Looking forward to all the gory details!!
    Like you, I don't think I ever had a sober date!
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      I have a date tomorrow!

      Thanks Molly,
      I've had some first dates that I can't even remember going home from. Needless to say, there were no second dates on those occasions.
      Gory details a plenty tomorrow, I promise.
      AF since 19th August 2011


        I have a date tomorrow!

        I'm really nervous about dating too, but (and please excuse the male slant on this) I'm guessing that once the initial nervousness has been successfully negotiated there are a few things which are going to be more than a little better... :devil:
        "The greatest hazard of all, losing one?s self, can occur very quietly in the world, as if it were nothing at all. No other loss can occur so quietly; any other loss - an arm, a leg, five dollars, a wife, etc. - is sure to be noticed." Soren Kierkegaard.

        AF since 13 June 2010.


          I have a date tomorrow!

          Oh the mans brain and its worldly wisdom eh! ha ha x
          AF since 19th August 2011


            I have a date tomorrow!

            Time to change;903767 wrote: Oh the mans brain and its worldly wisdom eh! ha ha x

            We speak it but not always to follow it lol

            Someone said to me. How old are you? I asked why and they said you sound really wise
            but at some instances quite young.... Im 30 by the way.....
            Don't Let The Bastards Grind You Down - Eat Them Alive

            1 - 2 - 3


              I have a date tomorrow!

              Good luck time!
              Though I drank on my first (and second) dates with my current partner.. i dont anymore.. and things are better than they have ever been! we get along so well, and have such fun, i hardly even think about AL anymore.. remember to feel good about yourself.. you will be fine.. its all very exciting.. see it as a challenge, a challenge you can and will conquer! let us know what happens,
              katie xx
              "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                I have a date tomorrow!

                ohhhhhh...keep us posted...
                I have been married 19 years, so i live thru you!!!!
                have fun and no booze....i will be thinking of you tonite
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  I have a date tomorrow!

                  Ohhh GOOD LUCK!!

                  Wil be loking forward to hearing how it goes!
                  "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                  AF 10th May 2010
                  NF 12th May 2010


                    I have a date tomorrow!

                    How exciting. Don't drink Time!! Like you I have never been on a date sober and ended up doing things I regretted! Ahem moving on swiftly.
                    I will be thinking of you. Don't let me down sister! Self respect remember that. x
                    Be strong-
                    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                      I have a date tomorrow!

                      rebirth;904080 wrote: How exciting. Don't drink Time!! Like you I have never been on a date sober and ended up doing things I regretted! Ahem moving on swiftly.
                      I will be thinking of you. Don't let me down sister! Self respect remember that. x
                      oohhhhh what are the details lmao

                      only kidding x
                      Don't Let The Bastards Grind You Down - Eat Them Alive

                      1 - 2 - 3


                        I have a date tomorrow!

                        Hi Time Time to:

                        If you feel tempted tomorrow here's my first date horror story as a deterent:

                        So I'm at dinner with this wonderful guy whom I have really liked for long time and am finally on a date with him.! :happyheart: We go to a terrific restaurant and I am very nervous. He orders wine and when he gets up to go to the mens room, I down a glass, refill and continue on, great conversation and more wine for the rest of the evening.
                        Needless to say by the end of the night I am completely shitfaced, converstaion going nowhere feeling surreal and slurred. He takes me home; I invite him in, and that's pretty much all I remember...except waking up the next morning and finding a note which read 'Hope you are feeling better in the morning...' perched neatly on top of my open psychologist bill!

                        Oddly enough there was no second date...

                        I want you to have a great time tomorrow. Order wonderful food and a great view.
                        Thinking of you and report back !
                        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
               tool box
               newbie nest


                          I have a date tomorrow!

                          At least you will remember what happens!
                          HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY


                            I have a date tomorrow!

                            Wasn't that two years ago, lol? I wonder what happened. Wonder if they're married now.

                            I drank thru the first year and a half of my relationship I'm in now. Might be why the blinds are open and the light shining through is a bit harsh now.


                            "I like people too much or not at all."
                            Sylvia Plath


                              I have a date tomorrow!

                              nothing like a spammer to bump a thread, eh?
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

