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    ODAT TUES 6 July!

    GM EVERYONE I like sol have my 30 day's today and im ready to go like this for july, august ,sept and so on, let's all stick together WE WILL DO THIS! Trucker


      ODAT TUES 6 July!

      Good morning everyone

      Well done Sol and Trucker on your 30 days, what an achievement.

      Well done too to Anon and Time for getting back on the wagon. Never be ashamed to post, that's why this ODAT thread was started. Originally there were only 30 day threads and yes people were ashamed when they slipped and just stayed away. Taking it ODAT, means yesterday is forgotten about, start with today, thats all you have to worry about.

      Great news Katie, so pleased things are going so well for you.

      Have a great day everyone.



        ODAT TUES 6 July!

        I am so proud of everyone and their success....
        Katie....HELL YEAH!!!!!!
        With Rustop....never be ashamed to post........never, ever, ever.....
        I think I am at a week....
        started bac a week ago....
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          ODAT TUES 6 July!

          KatieB;903923 wrote: got my wishes granted! My ex can now no longer contact me by any means whatsoever except through a solicitor!
          CONGRATULATIONS! See, it's always worth the fight isn't it?! I tell you, i've fought a few giants lately (not an ex), and have come out smiling, so for anybody doubting out there, nothing ventured, nothing gained

          Day 1 for me, feeling a bit more positive thank goodness.
          One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


            ODAT TUES 6 July!

            Good morning! Day two for me too. I'm so in awe of you all that have 30 days or more. I'm hoping I can be in that group too.

            Hope everyone has a good day.


              ODAT TUES 6 July!

              Elo, Elo.

              Very busy here this morning!!!
              Well done Sol!!!

              Well, very, very well done Katie!!!!! I actually hope he does send you another sms or give you another call so he finally gets what he really deserves. Which is to be locked away.

              Well done everyone!!
              AF since 15th March 2010

              The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                ODAT TUES 6 July!

                Overit here too!!

                Good Morning Everyone! Thats great news Katie!! Happy to hear you have some peace now, and Solitare YAHHOOO for your 30 days! Way to go!!! Trucker has 30 days too! WOW, Look at all the success stories!

                PANNO is keeping up with me at day 9. YOU GO GIRL!!! I KNEW you could do it!

                Hey FoxFire, Anon, Girly! Time to Change, Skye! Oney! CherBear, Johnny! All doing good too!

                Mama and Johnnyh, two of my favorite Peeps, I love ya!

                Day 9 for me too, same as Dear Panno. You KNOW I am going to get many days racked up dont you? It almost feels a little bit like cheating on Antabuse, but NAHHH Whatever works!!

                Hope you all have a Blessed Day!


                  ODAT TUES 6 July!

                  Way to go Sol! And Trucker too!
                  Sounds like like a good day for everyone as it has been for me too.
                  Diggin' being alive


                    ODAT TUES 6 July!

                    Hey Overit,

                    Love you too.

                    Just ordered some more Antabuse myself via goldpharma. first time I'm going the online pharmacy way so wish me luck everything goes right with the order. Buying 6 months supply of Antabuse. Probably invested a little too much money in a supplier I havn't dealt with before. But delivery and prescription cost as much as the medication so had to order more to make it viable.

                    So, so glad you're on track and doing so well!!!

                    How's the dating going by the way?! and what happened to Mr. picture perfect?! (the christian non-drinker).

                    Have a super blessed day
                    AF since 15th March 2010

                    The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                      ODAT TUES 6 July!

                      Hey Johnny!

                      I guess its obvious your Doctor will not prescribe Antabuse? Thats too bad. I had no problem with the Dr. here. In fact, thats the ONLY thing he wanted to prescribe me. Its worked out good though

                      It shows your commitment to get a 6 month supply of it. Are you aware if its ok to take it every other day?? This "seems" like a good idea, and thats what I have started doing is to take it every other day. Is this not a good idea???

                      Im glad you are doing so well. Do you get regular check ups too to make sure everything inside is ok too?? I read thats a good idea, so after my script is up I am going in for a full physical and bloodwork, and more Antabuse of course.

                      OH!!! Dating that guy ended up a dead end street. Just was not enough connection going on there really, and we both knew it. We went on 3 movie dates though. Saw some good movies, and of course it was a nice experience to date a non drinker. Just not enough connection for us.
                      I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                        ODAT TUES 6 July!

                        Good morning to all the ODATer's!! I have always loved this post! Lots of good news out here today and lots of successess! There are a lot of "s"'s in successessess - for SMILES


                          ODAT TUES 6 July!

                          Morning odaters!

                          Day 15 for me. Feeling fabulous....

                          Congrats to all who have reached milestones in their sobriety!!

                          A BIG congrats to you, Katie!!!!! I am so happy for you!

                          Well, must run. 7am here and must get little one's lunch packed for daycare so I can head to school.

                          Have a wonderful, sober day! xo


                            ODAT TUES 6 July!

                            Hey Overit,

                            No no. My doctor does prescribe it. Actually I have repeat subscritpion for 6 months so can go for a while without seeing him and paying again. However it works out to a fourth of the price ordering from the online pharmacy. The South African pharmaceutical market is a rip off.

                            One of the reasons I stopped taking Antabuse at times was because of the cost factor. IF this online works out, it's a solution that I can do it more long term again.

                            Taking it every 2nd day is ok. It will still built and maintain a strong enough reaction to AL, to knock you of your feet and be very damaging. However, taking it every second day also means not having as much of a routine, and before you know it you've forgotten to take it and you're three days without it, etc.

                            I suggest if you need to half the dose for financial reasons like me, to rather take half tablet every day. That worked well with me.

                            I'm glad you got out of that dating experience without a broken heart and realised soon enough it wasn't going anywhere. There's plenty nice guys out there like him for sure. And there will be the one with whom you will feel that connection for sure
                            AF since 15th March 2010

                            The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                              ODAT TUES 6 July!

                              Solitaire;903836 wrote: Hello! Beat you all to starting this again!!!
                              30 Days for me!!! Can you believe it!!!
                              60 Days will be here in a blink!
                              Strength and willpower for all of us, but above all of that, "I wish us love"!
                              Congrats again Sol and you all for your super achievements!

                              I watched this last night and can't get it out of my because of your wishes Sol, this is for YOU!

                    [/video]]YouTube - Seasons of Love - RENT

                              Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                              St. Francis of Assisi


                                ODAT TUES 6 July!

                                Thank you!

                                Thanks RC... What a beautiful song!!! xxx

