I am still lurking in the 'just started forum' as I am now making a fresh start at alcohol free and on day 2.
A breif recap..I started last month, felt positive, made a plan, took supplements went 8 days without alcohol and felt great, really proud of myself... then out of the blue (I didn't even really have an overwhelming urge to drink!) came home after a long day at work, and in the fridge was a cold bottle of my favourite wine..it didn't take long to convince myself that, actually I didn't have a problem with alcohol and that I had just gone 8 days without it and now I wasn't craving it so I was obviously one of those people who could moderate..so I downed the bottle of wine, next morning was disgusted with myself but still told myself I would just get back on the wagon...7 days later, I did get back to being alcohol free, and started all over again!! going well.. then with my daughters 21st looming felt panicked as to how I would handle it..it went really well, I made the conscious decision half way through the evening to have a glass of wine which I did (there was a huge amount of mental 'chatter' going on in my head I can tell you!) when someone poured me the second glass I took a sip then thought, NO actually I dont want this, so poured it down the sink...Man was I proud of myself so come next morning I awoke bright and chirpy with no hangover and felt great but was mad with myself that I would have to start all over again counting at day 1!. Then started to think... actually I dont think I have a problem after all, as I managed to have a glass of wine and leave it at that...but by 4pm that afternoon I was thinking mmm a glass of wine wont hurt as I can now moderate my drinking...so a bottle of wine later, there is no moderation. Next day I think, 'Oh that was just a blip... I really can moderate..' next night another bottle of wine..!
So I am now day 2 alcohol free after that little episode!
And what is becoming clear to me is that while the last 4 weeks have had many more alcohol free days then the last year...
It is in the Thinking not the Drinking!!
There is no moderation
There is no "just one drink"
I feel a bit disheartened when I read of those who started their journey about the same time as me and are doing really well, while I am still trying to figure it out, but I guess some of us take longer to get to that place.
So today I am just venting really..and I apologise for the ramble, but I feel so much better for having got it off my chest and just want to applaud those who have started this journey,and a big thank you to those who have been around awhile who give great advice...we really rely on you and appreciate it,
We can beat this beast !!:thanks: