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Day two. I woke up this morning...

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    Day two. I woke up this morning...

    not hungover! Not that I always do, just always have that fog of drinking wine the night before. Made it through day one! I was quite confused this morning. Had a conversation with that new person I have living inside my head. My wino self maybe? Heres how it went as soon as I woke up, still laying in bed......

    That voice....Did you drink last night?
    That voice....How do you feel?
    That voice.....Ready for day two? Do you think you can do it?
    Me................Yes! Well, I think. Maybe. Why not?
    That voice......You really do have some issues that are tough to get through. Instead of worrying about them all day, you could take a break, pick up a bottle of wine tonight. Give yourself some "time for you". You do deserve it and why bother with this "no wine" thing. You've got enough on your plate to think about. Give yourself a break.
    Me...............hmmmm. But one thing I've got going for me today is that fact that I feel NO GUILT about drinking last night. I have so much guilt and worry to deal with that one less is a blessing today. Its only a small comfort, but it feels so good knowing I did it. ITS ALL I HAVE TODAY TO GO ON! SHUT UP!!!!!!!!

    So, the mental game began 3 minutes into opening my eyes. As much as I'd like to believe that that alcohol is not big deal, obviously a normal drinker isn't having these "battles" in the morning. I may not be going through any real physical withdawals, but the mental one is strong.

    I will begin today AF, and remain today AF. I do wish though I'd have someone behind me, slapping me on the back of my head when that voice speaks up!

    Have a great day, thanks for listening, and hope you all are well today!

    Day two. I woke up this morning...

    this is a real good thread,sobriety,i watched interventions the other nt,how much do u want it,you hav to want it,has nothing to do with antone else,i wish u well,gykes


      Day two. I woke up this morning...

      Hi Skye
      Its great waking up without a hangover and guilt. This is what I have been focusing on each day, feeling better and brighter as each day passes with out AL. Keep moving forward and good luck with your journey!
      "You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down." Mary Pickford:h


        Day two. I woke up this morning...

        Hi Sky,

        Good Job on getting to day 2. Be strong today so tommorrow can be day 3! From personal experience, I can honestly stay that once you hit the one week mark, for me, thats when things just got a whole lot easier. My stumbling block was always around day 3 or 4, so try very hard to get past those days!

        Without a doubt, what I love the most about being sober is my hangover free mornings. There is nothing WORSE than having your very first waking moment with that awful feeling of doom when you remember, SHIT I got drunk last night.

        Looking forward to seeing your double digit days very soon



          Day two. I woke up this morning...

          Hey Sky - you can have as many people as you would like popping you on the back of the head when that voice pops up - just sign on here and voice your intention of having that drink!! I know that many folk would oblige!! Really well done on day 1 - it is the hardest in my opinion!! I could hardly believe it when I did that first day! Just One day - so now - just today! you can do this!

          Hugs to you,

          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            Day two. I woke up this morning...

            Gyco - you're right, it has nothing to do with anyone else, just me and my mind. Funny how I blame drinking on external reasons....when ANY reason seems like the time for a drink. Good news, LETS CELEBRATE! Bad news, I NEED A DRINK!

            Now it doesn't matter what is going on externally. I can remember saying to a friend years ago that I would never drink alone. Why? It would just make me want to go out and party some more. It was true then. But I no longer have that filter. Now, I don't even think twice about running to get a bottle of wine when home alone. I actually looked forward to chillin with my wine alone. It seems all my life has revolved around alcohol one way or the other. The beginning it was for a "good time". Now, its just a day in the life of me. Wine in the late afternoon into evening, no matter where I am or if I'm with anyone. Making sure if anything urgent had to be done, it was done in the morning so I wouldn't have to worry about it interfering with my wine time.

            Overit - thanks for the heads up on day 3-4. Its nice to know what I may be facing so early in the game.

            Blinder - I will put much focus on not feeling shitty the next day! Its been a nice surprise, being quite a bit more clear and level headed far!!!

            Sunshinedaisies - thanks for the encouragement and I hope EVERYONE will be popping me on head in here!


              Day two. I woke up this morning...

              Good job Skye. I lost that filter myself. Mine was drinking in daylight. As soon as ithat filter was gone my life revolved around alcohol. Funny, for the first week sober I still had ghost hangovers. I get out of bed a stagger. My brain was so used to it that it kept acting that way for a week!
              Sober since 4/8/10 -OVER 150 DAYS AND GOING AF!!!!

              Get busy livin or get busy dyin-Duane Peters
              No more bad future-Skull Skates


                Day two. I woke up this morning...

                Way to go Skye! I was the same as sk8. I also had ghost hangovers the first few weeks. I forgot about that.
                Keep at it. x
                Be strong-
                We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                  Day two. I woke up this morning...

                  Good for you Skye! I can relate to that mental chatter, and the constant thinking about drinking and those mental conversations. You are right that "normies" do NOT have that going on in their heads! I am married to a true normie and so I'm fortunate that I can do a "reality check" on all the nutty stuff my alcoholic mind does with him. (now that I'm in recovery and will talk about the "truth" to him!)

                  As my drinking progressed and I got closer to the basement, drinking was on my mind every waking moment. When could I pour the first one? Do I have enough stash at home? Can I drink earlier than I should and get away with it? Let's have "just one" (hahahaha) before ________________(insert virtually any activity here, including the morning shower).

                  The good news is that this CAN get easier as time goes on if you build a good sober life with a good sober plan.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Day two. I woke up this morning...

                    Well done Skye,
                    I'm another one who as soon as my eyes opened I'd have to do a quick count to see what I had in the house, what time I could shove my husband out to work and how many it would take me to feel 'normal' to teeter round to the shops to stock up for the following day. Then I could start to 'enjoy' (what was I thinking) my day.
                    Remember there is someone here 24/7 to give you a quick slap round the head. Just shout out.
                    J x
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Day two. I woke up this morning...

                      Hi Skye,
                      Join me...
                      We can do this together...
                      30 day Challenge...started 16.08.2010


                        Day two. I woke up this morning...

                        Hi Skye,
                        You speak what many of us have gone through.. well done for telling the AL beast to "shut up!" - that's the way to do it.. come and join us on the ODAT threads.. we will be there cheering you on every day! you can do this.. you have the insight and have come here for help.. that's half your journey over already!
                        Katie xx
                        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                          Day two. I woke up this morning...

                          Doggygirl;904282 wrote: drinking was on my mind every waking moment. When could I pour the first one? Do I have enough stash at home? Can I drink earlier than I should and get away with it? Let's have "just one" (hahahaha) before ________________(insert virtually any activity here, including the morning shower).
                          You forgot "who's working at the bottle shop tonight", "shit, i went to that bottle shop last night, i'll have to go to another one tonight"... Really sad, but funny.
                          One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

