That voice....Did you drink last night?
That voice....How do you feel?
That voice.....Ready for day two? Do you think you can do it?
Me................Yes! Well, I think. Maybe. Why not?
That voice......You really do have some issues that are tough to get through. Instead of worrying about them all day, you could take a break, pick up a bottle of wine tonight. Give yourself some "time for you". You do deserve it and why bother with this "no wine" thing. You've got enough on your plate to think about. Give yourself a break.
Me...............hmmmm. But one thing I've got going for me today is that fact that I feel NO GUILT about drinking last night. I have so much guilt and worry to deal with that one less is a blessing today. Its only a small comfort, but it feels so good knowing I did it. ITS ALL I HAVE TODAY TO GO ON! SHUT UP!!!!!!!!
So, the mental game began 3 minutes into opening my eyes. As much as I'd like to believe that that alcohol is not big deal, obviously a normal drinker isn't having these "battles" in the morning. I may not be going through any real physical withdawals, but the mental one is strong.
I will begin today AF, and remain today AF. I do wish though I'd have someone behind me, slapping me on the back of my head when that voice speaks up!
Have a great day, thanks for listening, and hope you all are well today!