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First step

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    First step

    Today i told myself I have a problem with drink, today I have to do something about it. I don't want to loose my job and sure as hell don't want to get ill from drink. I found it really hard to tell myself but then I found this place and read some of your posts and I know I'm not alone. I'm going to the doctors in a bit to get some help then I'm going to go to my parents and tell them what I've been hiding from all this time. I want my life back and it starts today.


    First step

    Welcome ss

    Hang on to your hat - it's gony be a bumpy old ride!!! We can all bump along together!But hey it's great to have the support of everyone here.I was so surprised to hear so many other people out there like me!Im trying to control my drinking,don't want to stop altogether.It's hard - i had 3 glasses of wine las nite --which is good for me(normally i hav 2 bottles) but i was trying not to have any at all until sat nite.I just gave in - after one night abstaining!Feel ive let myself down but im def not having any tonight!
    Listen to me ranting on......i just have to put it in writing to help myself believe myself!


    annie x


      First step

      Hi annie

      Thanks for the post and yeh I know it's going to be real hard. But i have to start sometime, I can't remember the last time i didn't go a day without a drink or not have the shakes or feel sick. I know i wont be able to stop cold turkey so gonna get some advice from the doctors and hopefully get some councelling through work. I want to be able to sit at home without getting up every 20mins to go to fridge for another beer. I don't know many people here (just moved to a new house) and don't have a partner so all I have is the beer to keep me company. Think I might buy a cat!!!


        First step

        I think you are going about it the right way by telling your parents. They can be very supportive in this. Going to the doctor and coming clean realy helps people. The doctor can help you with support.
        I am going to the doctor today to lay everything on the table after hittin rock bottom last weekend. I havn't had a drink since sunday.

        Good luck!
        Starting over again 09/06/11

        "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober


