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My first day here

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    My first day here


    This is my first day here after another night of too much wine and afraid that my boyfriend would notice. He did say to me, "every time you drink, you start telling me things that you don't like about me".

    There have been several instances in the last few months that I feel I could have lost my relationship b/c of something that I did or said while I was drinking. I am NOT proud of it and I know that I need to address this issue asap.

    I moved to NC for my boyfriend and his 4 children, feel lonely, work from home, and then go to his house at night to make dinner, watch TV, and drink a few glasses of wine. I find myself refilling my glass when he's not watching.

    I was going to order the supplements as a start and was curious if the topamax REALLY is necessary. I too, am a wine woman. That's my vice.

    Any advice would be appreciated!

    Karen:new: :thanks:

    My first day here

    Hi Karen ...

    I'm going to be watching this post because i have some of the same issues and questions, this is day two for me. Just started reading the book last night ...

    Don't you HATE it when you (we) start sneaking the refills? I am forever doing the same if anyone (other than ex-BF) is around.

    Maybe buy less wine to have at his place? I have been drinking a good 2 bottles a day for years ... yesterday bughtone ... and this morning its still half full! Yeah!


      My first day here

      GOod for you! Thank you for your reply. Are you going to get the topamax? I am still on the fence. Some of the side effects scare me.. and I kind of want to start with the supplements first. W hat did you choose to do?


        My first day here

        Hi Karen, welcome. A lot of us are going this program without the topa and just the supps and it works. It is not a cure-all, you have to have the determination to want to cut down or quit, whatever your choice may be. When I am consistent with taking the supplements I find I can go nights during the week without anything. Not easy at first but once it becomes more of the norm it becomes easier. Keep us posted on how you are doing.
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          My first day here

          I have been doing the program with just the supps with great success..and have cut down from a bottle of pinot grigio a night to now a few glasses or none at all. It is still difficult to go more than 3 days in a row AF through. I am now considering going the route of using Topa but, I too am afraid of the side effects of being absent minded. (just can't be with my job!) Anyway, ease in with the supps and see how it goes! Everyone's chemistry is different.
          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


            My first day here

            Which supplements? What about the CD's. I am on the order form and they seem pretty pricey to me! I'm stumped!


              My first day here

              Hi Karend, the CDs were very helpful to me when I first started the program..well worth the price. I just went off the topamax now that I feel stable enough to go Abs. I took it for 3 months. The side effects were not pleasant, but neither were the hangovers and feeling out of control. I have to say that the absent mindedness was minor and that no one really noticed it but me...I never felt that I couldn't perform my job or function effectively, and those side effects subsided quickly once I got used to the drug. The side effects that bothered me the most were physical..feeling tired and lacking energy...not mental. If the program doesn't work for you without the topamax, I would definitely try it with it..even if it's just for 3 can really help transition you from drinking heavily to moderation quickly and then at that point you can decide what is best for you.
              Good luck!


                My first day here

                Just Joined

                Hi Everyone,
                Well here's the first step ... I just ordered the CD's and supplements and can't wait for them to be delivered. I've been wanting to get control over my drinking for some time and today is the day. I'm sick and tired of sneeking in another glass of wine when everyone else still has half a glass and waking up with regrets of drinking to much..again... When I read karend2 posting it was like I was reading my life Karen maybe we can check in with eachother since we're both just joining?

                So wish me luck on this new journey in life!



                  My first day here

                  I take all the supps, the All In One and listened to the CD's for a month and ahalf straight. Yes, they are pricey, but so is all that booze. I swear it's cheaper in the long run.
                  Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                    My first day here

                    I am on Day 4 with no wine..joined the community two days ago. I just ordered the CD's yesterday and downloaded and read the book. I am on my way to Sunflower Market to pick the supplements. I am still feeling anxious, but not as bad as two days ago. Feels better than being hungover. I am going to try this w/o the Topamax, and then if I feel I need it, I will seek it. So far so good....Friday night will be the real test. Good luck to all of you...I know we can do this!


                      My first day here

                      Kimberly and All - yes! Let's check in on one another. I am printing the book as we speak. I just ordered the supplements and the CD's. There is another really good site.... I am karend22 on there as well. I wish we could message on this site. I'm on yahoo im at karend_26.

                      Thanks all!


                        My first day here

                        Friday Night

                        I agree Friday night will be a test so will Saturday...I will be checking in all weekend for support as I know the cd's and supplements won't be here by then to help me through it!


                          My first day here

                          From One Bubble Blower to Another!!!

                          Hi There,
                          We both hav the same pic.....have a lot in common.
                          I laughed when you talked of refilling your glass when your b/f wasn't looking.I used to open 2 bottles and hide one in "the" cupboard and pretend i only had one bottle,,,,wen actually i had drank 2!And i also bought cups with a black inside so that i could fill one with red wine and my kids would think it was black coffee!!!

                          I often found half filled cups in loads of hidden cupboards the dreaded morning after!
                          Who was i kidding?????

                          I have resorted to stop hiding my drinking and try and make it more sociable.I didn't pour my first glass til 9pm tonight and i still have half a glass.This is a real improvement for me!!!


                          annie x


                            My first day here

                            Hi Karen been on here about 2 weeks myself, have been doing the sups cds and topa, it all works can now just have a couple of glasses of wine not a couple of bottles not been drunk for the last 2 weeks the longest time i can remenber in the last 25 years apart from ahving my kids. Feels amazing. Side effects of topa not that bad felt a bit funny but layed off them for a couple of days and gone bacl on today. The general advice on here seems to be trial and error see what works for you. But the main thing i think is keep coming on here talking whith others sharing getting inspiration giving and recieving support Good luck we can all do this Flo x


                              My first day here

                              we could go into the chat room and message in there

