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Relapsed occasionally into eating disorder

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    Relapsed occasionally into eating disorder

    I went on a business trip recently and so did not want to drink in front of any associates and ended up having two alcohol withdrawal seizures and wound up in a Kansas hospital where I had a third one. Once home I began the MWO program, already had the tapes , and supplements and the read the book. Had to stop drinking anyway b/c dr told me I couldn't drive. I found myself reverting back to my old eating disorder (builimia) that I have not had in nearly 18 years b/c I was so afraid of gaining weight, since my alcohol was always my dinner in the evening. I only weighed 107 pounds. any advice??

    Relapsed occasionally into eating disorder

    G'day Mary. That sounds like a major bummer. How well do get on with your doctor? It seems as if yours is a case for fairly prompt medical attention. I wouldn't go it on my own if I were you.
    I don't know what medical services are available where you are, but I would find out. Online or hospital advisory services would be a start.


      Relapsed occasionally into eating disorder

      Hi Mary,
      I would suggest seeing a counsellor.. it sounds like you have some issues that you need some professional help with (i am seeing one, who is fantastic)./. have you also thought about rehab? They can help you with alcohol-related issues.. i wish you all the best,
      Katie xx
      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



        Relapsed occasionally into eating disorder

        EDs and AL problems seem to be closely related. I only now realise how so similar my drinking behaviours and bulimic behaviours were. The way I got over Bulimia was to force myself to eat properly after binges and not worry about the kcals. Easy said but very difficult to do however if you eat properly your body is extremely efficient at burning those kcals - it's only when you mess around with it via the ED that you get into an awful mess.

        Yes AL is an appetite supressant but it has an awful lot of kcals in it and it mucks up your blood sugars. I think you will be suprised how healthily you can eat not drinking, whilst not gaining a single pound.

        I'm also concerned your Bulimia could send you back drinking. You see whenever I allowed myself to drink whilst having the ED I'd go to excess, firstly in the hope I'd be sick and secondly as the relief of the escape from worrying about food was so good I didn't want it to end. Not surprisingly as I managed to beat the food binges that was when AL took over.

        So eating regularly and sensibly is the way however I know only too well how difficult that is to do when you are like that. Food will help you stay sober. Remember you need to eat 3500kcals to put on a whole pound - and that is an awful lot of food.


          Relapsed occasionally into eating disorder

          Here is the cavalry Mary. UKB knows what she's talking about. Personally I know Dick about this, but I mean well.


            Relapsed occasionally into eating disorder

            Mary, I have lost 45 lbs since December when I started giving up alcohol, I eat as much and more as I did when I was drinking - all those empty booze calories obviously added up. I had 'marginal' anorexia when I was young so I know what it is like, don't substitute the angst of a booze ridden life with that of eating probs, and yes UKB IS right, 3,500 extra cals to put on just 1 lb, that is ONE HELL OF A LOT OF CALS!!
            Good luck and get into a regular eating pattern for a few days and you will be on the right road
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Relapsed occasionally into eating disorder

              I suffered from anorexia for many years. For me it steamed from a need to regain and maintain control over my life. It wasn't until I was under the care of an amazing doctor who during our session never broached the subject of my weight or what I had eaten that day. Just got to the heart of the matter. There are many studies that show that eating disorders left untreated will get progressively worse and can reach a point where they may not be able to be cured. I would encourage you to get to a doctor or counsellor that specialises in eating disorders. My thoughts are with you, you can regain control over this. I now have a very healthy relationship with food, enjoy eating, and being healthy. Wishing you the best.
              While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
              Benjamin Franklin


                Relapsed occasionally into eating disorder

                I can certainly relate to your post, Mary! I feel like I got over my 7 year bulimic episode by drinking 3 glasses of wine at night instead! Unfortunaltely, 20 years later, I drink atleast twice that amount and lately, have reverted back to bulimia maybe 4 times per month. Of course, that is better than 4 times per day, but still?! I think bulimia and alchohol abuse are very closely related!!!!:new:


                  Relapsed occasionally into eating disorder

                  EDs and Alcohol addiction seem very closely related to me too. Warm welcome to you Mary. I am with the others who have suggested finding a doctor and/or counselor who can help. I also would encourage you to be totally honest about the drinking and the ED. My own MO was to lie about all of it to the medical professionals, so how could they possibly help me?

                  MWO is a great place for support too. We just have to know when professional help is beneficial. :l

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.

