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Starting to get cravings..

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    Starting to get cravings..

    Hi All,

    I have been doing really well re: the not drinking thing.. however, the last 2 days (since yesterday afternoon actually) - I have really started to crave a glass of wine.. I know I can't, I know it will lead to more and more AL until I end up stuffing up again.. how do you all cope with the cravings in the early days? I am Day 21 today, and have found it easy not to drink so far.. but now I am starting to wonder if I can have a drink or 2 and stop (though I have never really been able to in the past).. Can everyone please remind me how to get motivated again! The weekend is looming and I am fearful of giving in.. thank you..
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


    Starting to get cravings..

    Katie, this is SO common at your stage. Most of us have been there. But you are better than this craving. You have seen the difference. Stay with us. PM me if you need, and I'll give you my phone number. Just think about the fallout for losing your hardwon success up till now. And you CAN beat this. Giving in now will only make you have regrets tomorrow, while surviving this give you such pride. Let me know how I can help you, OK?
    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


      Starting to get cravings..

      Hi KatieB,

      Don't know why the wine in particular seems to be such a bugger for so many of us. Hang on, precious one! So smart of you to post!!


        Starting to get cravings..

        Hang in there Katie, I didn't have many cravings but when I did I would something, anything to get my mind off of it. The cravings will pass. Just tell yourself "I don't want or need a glass of wine" force the thought out of your head.
        Sober since 4/8/10 -OVER 150 DAYS AND GOING AF!!!!

        Get busy livin or get busy dyin-Duane Peters
        No more bad future-Skull Skates


          Starting to get cravings..

          Once these mental cravings kick in Katie it is best to talk to people about it straight away. Don't leave it lingering for days (and I mean REALLY talk to someone who's been there) Take Rubies offer and give her a call. Just connecting with another person is sometimes all it takes to relieve it. These mental cravings will usually subside after a short time. What has triggered it? Do you know what your triggers are?
          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


            Starting to get cravings..

            Glad you opened up about these normal cravings. You've recognized it so you can arm yourself before the weekend. I use the toolbox Katie. It has not failed me yet. You'll beat this...john
            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


              Starting to get cravings..

              Hi Katie

              I am struggling with the same issues and its definately a worry. I will give you the advice my husband gave me...

              1. When the cravings come say to yourself "No, I don't want AL. I know its bad for me and will destroy my life. I choose to be happy without it"
              2. Get busy doing something else - exercise, housework, painting, baking, something mentally and physically challenging so you don't have time to think, and you feel good about yourself when its accomplished.
              3. Put some music on that you like, turn it up loud if it helps not to think
              4. Do something to help someone else who is struggling like you.

              Hope this helps...sorry I don't have more.
              Allen Carr’s book changed everything for me. The easyway to control alcohol. Highly recommended


                Starting to get cravings..

                Hi Katie. Good for you for reaching out for help. That was wise and brave of you. Next step is to take it. I know a telephone call can be expense and personally I find PM a bit of a nuisance. If either of those aren't appealing to you, you can go to chat with Ruby or anyone with experience. PM them to meet you there and have a private conversation outside of the main room. I really like the immediacy of chat as it feels more like a real conversation. I am very worried by your post Katie and I do care. Don't give in now or ever Katie. Get some more tools under you belt as Techie says.:l

                Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                St. Francis of Assisi


                  Starting to get cravings..

                  Thank you all.. it's still only morning here.. I just took my son to the shopping centre and treated him, and myself to some things to make me feel good about myself.. I didn't even look at the bottle shop.. I am determined to stay AF. I am much stronger than I was a month ago.. my partner is going to be here in just 4 hours too.. I havent' seen him for a few days (due to our work and the fact he lives quite far from me) and I think I have just been feeling a bit lonely.. as when he is with me I dont think of AL hardly at all..
                  Thanks for the offer of a phone call, Ruby, but I think I will be ok once my partner gets here.. thank you all again, and I'm going to look over the toolbox thread once again,
                  Katie xxx
                  "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                    Starting to get cravings..

                    KatieB, keep on reading and posting. You will get through this. You did the right thing coming on and reaching out to everyone. Glad your partner will be there soon to get your mind off AL.



                      Starting to get cravings..

                      Hi Katie

                      Sorry I was offline most of the day. You hang in there precious one........I know you have the stength to win today. I will check on you tomorrow.

                      "You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down." Mary Pickford:h


                        Starting to get cravings..

                        Hi Katie,

                        I'm new to this site but unfortunately, I'm no stranger to alcohol. Congratulations on your AF days - hang in there. I've been through it all so I know your feelings. Let us know how you're doing today OK?


                        P.S. SK8punk, your avatar is so cool ....
                        Dean Wormer to Bluto (John Belushi) from the movie Animal House: "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life son."


                          Starting to get cravings..

                          I was wondering if instead of framing your problems as not being able to drink you frame it as all the things you get to do if you don't. You have 21 days of abstinence. that is awesome. You probably already feel much better. Our culture and our alcohol dependent minds tend to exagerate and emphasize the positive aspects of drinking. but for most of us on this forum it is almost always negative. We lose out on our lives and hurt the ones we love. Enjoy the freedom you have today by not drinking. Embrace the positive.
                          Good Luck. Thank you for your honesty


                            Starting to get cravings..

                            Thank you all for your kind responses,
                            I am feeling good today, pleased I did not cave yesterday.. my partner came round and we watched a movie and had a nice meal together. woke up this morning feeling bright and refreshed..
                            sunnyvalenting - you are very very right; after a while of abstinence, our minds do start to look at just the positives of drinking, forgetting the negatives.. of which there are so many.. I will remember those negatives and be thankful I am not drinking, therefore having a better life as a result,
                            Katie xxx
                            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                              Starting to get cravings..


                              There are many things to counter the craving thoughts and nothing beats talking to another alcoholic - a sober one that is. It's saved me more than once. The other thing is of course ODAT but make it into 1 minute at a time. Yep at day 21 I found myself at an event I'd been looking forward to sitting for a whole hour taking things in 1 minute sections as I was so close to drinking. Guess what?It went away and I was able to enjoy life again. 1 drink is highly likely to ruin at least 12 hours if not several days or a lifetime. A craving generally only lasts 40 minutes. Another technique which is also very much ODAT is to keep plodding on with my day. Best way I can explain is just putting one foot in front of the other, finding a mantra if that helps. Some of mine were/are "I can deal with anything as long as I don't have a drink", "As long as I don't drink everything will work out fine". Generally those statements are true although we might not always get exactly what we want - but that's life.

                              The other thing I'd recommend is getting used to being with your[sober]self. Something we can't do when drinking, and something most rehab/addiction programmes say is essential to recovery. It's also a good thing to practice as although support is here as well as with your partner, unfortunately no-one can be with you 24/7 and there will be times when you are without that person for various reasons. Just learning to 'be' is a great thing even if it means watching mindless soaps - which is what I did at first. Being able to have the faith to know I can actually stay sober through my own efforts has given me a huge sense of pride - and confidence too. I'm sure it will for you too.

                              Keep on going!

