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Tell us a little bit about yourself..

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    Tell us a little bit about yourself..

    My name is Julie, I am 46, married and a mum to an 11 year old daughter, a 14 year old son, a 25 year old stepdaughter, 28 and 30 year old stepsons, a step nan to an 18month old with another on the way. I work as a sales administrator to a real estate company.

    (Isnt it sad how we define ourselves by who is in our family and how we earn a living!).

    I began drinking at 14/15 and drank for the next thirty years. It is probably the only thing in my life I have been truly commited to and given it my best. I dont trust many people or things, hence I dont have many friends. But the ones I do have, I truly treasure.

    I've done alot of things in my life I am not proud of. I've always been a bit of a loner because I like to have relationships on my terms. I wish I was a more tolerant person. I dont tell people when they hurt me or if they are doing something that upsets/annoys me although I wish I could. I am willing to try new things. I am trying to get out of my comfort zone and do things that frighten me. I am still learning how to live without AL. At the moment, alcohol has been removed from my life and hasnt been replaced with anything better because I dont know what I want. I wish I could do something purely because I wanted to and not feel I have to consider anyone else before I did it.

    I love to travel to new places and try new cuisines. I hate people who are cruel to animals, children and old people. I would love to know why I dont just get off my arse and do all those things I would like to do.

    I truly love this site and all my friends here that I have met and my yet-to-meet friends. I love to think that maybe my experience can help others here who are struggling. I try to be as honest as I can here and feel this place is the start of turning my life around for the better.

    Hippy Chick
    I finally got it!
    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


      Tell us a little bit about yourself..

      Hi hazel - I am also a registered nurse.. and was a single mum, only up until recently when I met my new partner.. you have come to a great place to get some support.. we are here for you.. xx
      Hippychick - i see some of myself in you.. I have also seen myself as a bit of a loner.. i thought there was something wrong with me.. but I have realised over the past year, that like you, i am also not very tolerant of people and find many frustrating! but am often too shy to say anything.. but now I know myself better, i have people in my life now that i truly like and treasure their friendships.. and the same goes for my new partner.. I also could not find what i really wanted in life, and looked to AL to enhance my life.. and to prevent boredom at times, as i could not think of a hobby to do! but that has now changed thankfully.. i am finding so much more to do and have fun in life rather than AL!
      Katie x
      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



        Tell us a little bit about yourself..

        Hi. My name is Blue Heeler and I have a particularly fine cat. I have a pic of her (my avatar) and I'm sure you will agree.
        May the Force be with you all!


          Tell us a little bit about yourself..

          BH...that is YOUR cat???? I noticed her before...she is gorgeous!!!!
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Tell us a little bit about yourself..

            BH and Mama~
            My avatar is not my cat but looks identical to mine! That's why I picked it......:h


              Tell us a little bit about yourself..

              Hi Everyone!! Grab a snack and read on!!
              My name is Pam and i am a furmom to 3 dogs and 2 cats. one of my dogs is in my avatar. his nickname is Devil Dog!!
              I'm 53, never been married, never had kids and never had a relationship go past 8 months. The last relationship I was in was in 1991 and it was so wrong on so many different levels (I don't even want to know what my friends and family thought about that one and I've never asked), and I haven't had a date since. I've also gained about 40 lbs since then as well and up to March, my drinking got progressively worse. I hold a decent enough job as a college administrator but I no longer have a career like I did in my 20s, 30s and 40s. I have a job and I would trade it for retirement in a heartbeat if I could afford to do that.
              I have 2 teenage nephews and a 13 yo neice who live very close so I've been very lucky to have been an integral part of their growing up. My other 4 almost 5 yo nephew lives an hour and a half away and it kills me that I'm not able to see him more frequently and be there for my bro and SIL. I tried to move out there right before the economy crashed but I was 1 month too late in putting my house on the market.
              MWO has been a life saver for me and one of the reasons for my success. I'm so happy to have found a few people on this site that I consider to be my friends now and I hope that I will get to meet them someday. I'm learning new things about myself everyday that I never would have learned if I was still drinking. My life hasn't magically been transformed but there is something to be said about waking up without a hangover and knowing that you didn't forget to feed your animals the night before (as well as remember what the TV show was about you watched all the way through instead of passing out in the middle of).
              AL is no longer part of my daily life and although I'm still sad sometimes about that, I understand that I was never a "normal" drinker and therefore I can no longer be any kind of drinker. It is literally poison to my system.
              so that's me. Take it or leave it!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                Tell us a little bit about yourself..

                Hello all, and inspired thread by the way!

                I am a 43 year old mother of two. My son is 9 and my daughter 7.
                I have been married for nearly 11 years. This is my second marriage, my first lasted 18 months. (was not meant to be.)
                I am American, but have been living in London for over 13 years.
                I am an architect and have my own firm with my husband. Very stressful time to be in this profession, however I am a strong believer in persistence, and we will survive this recession.
                I grew up in an upper middle class New York household, with 2 parents and 2 sisters. My father has always been an heavy drinker and alcohol was a prominent element in our day to day life. There was never a reason not to have a drink. One of my most vivd memories is of my first driving lesson with my father. As we sat in the car in the drive way he said to me that if he ever caught me drinking and driving in one of his cars he would take my license, and I would not be permitted to drive again until I went to University. He then took a swig out of his crystal tumbler of scotch and told me to put the car in gear.

                In order for me to become sober I have had to unlearn many kinds of behaviours. But I now have not just 63 days AF under my belt, but a real appreciation of sobriety. I no longer feel I am loosing out, but rather gaining a big part of myself. Also, I do not want to do the "do as I say not as I do" routine with my children. This site has changed my life. Thank you to you all.
                While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                Benjamin Franklin


                  Tell us a little bit about yourself..

                  Mama. I am her human.


                    Tell us a little bit about yourself..

                    Not Tonight~

                    Your story of your childhood gave me a rushing of memories........
                    I remember riding home on the school bus saying to myself in my head "please don't let my mom be drunk" over and over and over.........only to get off the bus and walk in the door to my mom almost passed out in her chair with the TV as loud as it could go.......


                      Tell us a little bit about yourself..

                      Franziasgone, The memories stay vivd. Like I said, I do not want my children's vivd memories of me to be alcohol related. I also don't want them to become conditioned to think that alcohol goes with every occasion. Glad we are here.
                      While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                      Benjamin Franklin


                        Tell us a little bit about yourself..

                        I am 51.

                        My daughter is 27 and my son 24. There have been difficult times, especially with my daughter, but we got through it and now they are amazing, caring, hard working people and I am really proud of them.

                        I have been with my husband 29 years, married for 9 of them.

                        I am an adminstrator for a window company, I work in a small close knit office and we all love working there because of the amazing team spirit.

                        I love to travel, but can't afford to very often.

                        I love to try new food. I will always pick the most unusual thing I can find if I am out, or at least something I have never tried before.

                        I go out most saturday nights to see local bands in the various music pubs near where I live.

                        I love the beach and the countryside. Luckily I can drive to somewhere nice in 30 minutes from where I live.

                        Apart from my children and husband I enjoy spending time with my best mate, my cousin in law, my work mate, and the small group of friends I have.

                        I like meeting new people. But I am an introvert. Thats why I used to drink. Now I'm not sure why I drink.

                        I love to read, especially long historical family sagas (fiction). My favourite author is Henry Williamson, I also like Charlotte Bingham, Maeve Binchy, and I love to find new ones. I was looking at some books on a market stall the other day and I got the same feeling I remember from when I was a child and was taken to our local library.

                        I am an alcoholic.


                          Tell us a little bit about yourself..

                          Hi there, this is indeed a fabulous thread, I have really enjoyed reading a little about everyone.

                          Let me tell you a little of me. Im 36, single mother of two, Divorced for 4 years now but newly seperated from recent relationship. I have to magic girls, 15 and 8 . I too am a Nurse, working in ER or (ED) here. I enjoy the outdoors, being active, adventure and holidays (who doesn't!).

                          I believe many of the mistakes I have made in my adult life I can put down to AL. I am a terrible binge drinker and unfortunately I cannot say Im AL free yet, but that has been my ultimate goal for quite sometime and remains my future goal, Im just struggling to get there currently!!

                          Lovely to make your acquaintance.

                          Regards Indy


                            Tell us a little bit about yourself..

                            I'm 47 years old, and mother of 3 children (16, 14, and 12), without doubt the most grounding presence in my life. I live in New England. I'm long divorced and recently got engaged to my boyfriend of 4 years. The blended family thing has its challenges (moved everyone in together last fall), but we're working on them.

                            I'm managing editor for a drug and alcohol newsletter (insert canned laughter here). I didn't start drinking heavily until my divorce, as a time- and cost-friendly stress reliever (insert yet more canned laughter). My fiance was out of town for business last night--"I'm alone, so I can really really drink!"--and I had so much alcohol I don't remember the title or plot of the movie I watched, or when I went to bed, or if he called and we talked.

                            Today is my first day here.
                            AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                            "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                              Tell us a little bit about yourself..

                              Hello pride,
                              I think I've seen the same movie you saw last night, I am pretty sure I had a similar conversation with my husband at some stage. Welcome to MWO. This is a great resource for getting sober. How is your first day going?
                              While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                              Benjamin Franklin


                                Tell us a little bit about yourself..

                                welcome Pride...join us over in the Newbies Nest...we would love to have you with us!
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

