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Tell us a little bit about yourself..

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    Tell us a little bit about yourself..

    I,m 46 married for 19 years and separated 4 years.
    I have daughter 22 son 18 and daughter 9.
    My grandson is 1.
    I work in health care.
    Had a partner up to a week ago but the most we had in common was drinking.
    I live in Dublin Ireland.
    I am AF since 21/07/10.


      Tell us a little bit about yourself..

      RV434;919263 wrote: I hate the person who I've become.
      RV - I think one thing we ALL have in common is that we are more self-critical than the average bear. And more sensitive in general...

      First, I saw that you didn't run off when your wife came down with breast cancer -- there are a lot of men who just can't "handle it" when their wife becomes ill. I can only Imagine how much you mean to her just being there with her through this difficult time.

      (And PS RV, your dog is Adorable!! )

      I am trying hard to just Stop myself when my inner voice begins putting me down. (In fact, I've learned that actually screaming STOP in your head can be helpful! It makes you aware of what you're doing, and you can steer the boat another direction.)

      I can't say I've read every word of this thread, but it's been amazing to skim through.

      My life is pretty boring right now (work, home, eat, bed!), but I have traveled a lot and have lived 6 yrs. in Europe and 6 yrs. in Asia.

      I was married a LONG time ago - it only lasted about 5 yrs. (Was a mistake from the First - I think the biological clock ticking obscured my good sense?)

      So I am single, no children, one sweet kitty. Know I have a "drinking problem" (I still don't like to use the A word!!). Have gone AF for a month or two several times in the last year, and now am finding it very hard to even become interested in going AF.

      You guys are a really great group! :h
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        Tell us a little bit about yourself..

        savon19;919421 wrote: RV - I think one thing we ALL have in common is that we are more self-critical than the average bear. And more sensitive in general...

        First, I saw that you didn't run off when your wife came down with breast cancer -- there are a lot of men who just can't "handle it" when their wife becomes ill. I can only Imagine how much you mean to her just being there with her through this difficult time.

        (And PS RV, your dog is Adorable!! )

        I am trying hard to just Stop myself when my inner voice begins putting me down. (In fact, I've learned that actually screaming STOP in your head can be helpful! It makes you aware of what you're doing, and you can steer the boat another direction.)

        I can't say I've read every word of this thread, but it's been amazing to skim through.

        My life is pretty boring right now (work, home, eat, bed!), but I have traveled a lot and have lived 6 yrs. in Europe and 6 yrs. in Asia.

        I was married a LONG time ago - it only lasted about 5 yrs. (Was a mistake from the First - I think the biological clock ticking obscured my good sense?)

        So I am single, no children, one sweet kitty. Know I have a "drinking problem" (I still don't like to use the A word!!). Have gone AF for a month or two several times in the last year, and now am finding it very hard to even become interested in going AF.

        You guys are a really great group! :h
        No, I didn't run off and would never would, but heard of guys who have done just that which is truly sick. I made sure she received the absolute best treatment possible from Chicago's finset hospitals. We've hit the five year anniversary, and she's been CT'd MRI'd ultrasounded, I think we've beaten it.

        Now I have my own beast I'm dealing with.

        By the way, the avatrar is my puppy, he's the coolest Maltese dog. Not even a growel from him when he plays. What a cool little guy.... I love him so much.
        Dean Wormer to Bluto (John Belushi) from the movie Animal House: "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life son."


          Tell us a little bit about yourself..

          I will be 40 this year, married for 16 years and I have three kids 14, 11 and 7 love them lots. I work at our H.S. as a lunch lady, love it. Love having the summers off, I am also training my horse, which takes up a bit of my time, but I love being with him, not so much the falls though. I have been pretty much al free for 50 days with one very small slip of a glass of wine on day 28, longest I have ever gone since I was 17.



            Tell us a little bit about yourself..

            Today is my 1st Day

            Hi Everyone,
            I read My Way Out yesterday(very good read).
            I have an appointment with my physician this afternoon(for topomax).
            I have been drinking since I was 15 & I just turned 40 in June, so I've been drinking for quite a while. I always have had a high strung personality.(experimented with different substances, but alcohol is my favorite)
            Like most, I drink for every emotion(happy,sad,angry,scared, etc...)
            I have quit for long periods of time(usually replacing this addiction with another)
            I have been to Rehab(worked for a short period of time)I have been in & out of AA for years(not a big fan) it made me feel worse about myself.
            I go to therapy, I have a great therapist! I'm a very spiritual person(absolutely believe in God). I own my own company, which makes my drinking alot easier(I have my own schedule). I'm married(definately my enabler). I have an 8 yr old son(lots of energy)

            I 've read alot on addiction, and this book intrigued me! So if anyone is new to the program,please write & let me know how it's going. I always appreciate support.


              Tell us a little bit about yourself..

              I just discovered this site... I m 21, been drinking pretty much daily since i was 15 have been in and out of A.O.D counselling for the past 3 years, have had 2 D.I.C charges, recently finishd uni, failed and now have no job. Dont know what to di in life and its all because of my drinking :S
              And I just cant keep living this way, So starting today Im breaking out of this cage, Im standing up imma face my demons, Im manning up imma hold my ground, I've had enough Im so fed up, Time to put my life back togethor right now


                Tell us a little bit about yourself..

                Hello Havefaith and Khloe, just spotted your posts - you are both very welcome! Like the rest of us you have a prob with drink, you will get understanding and kindness here, read thro the different threads and get a feel for the site, post anywhere you want - the 'newbies nest' is a good one to start in
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Tell us a little bit about yourself..

                  I'm female, in the US/California, single, 47, work for a corporation in sales. Have been binge drinking since I was a teen according to my diary and my bad memory. Now it's daily but lately, since reading my dairy which really depressed the hell out of me, I've reduced my drinking. Was here last year or the year before under a different user id, forgot it, so I'm back under a new name. I'm not a fake. I've had less to drink this week than in at least a year, by about 2/3, on topa this week, new RX first time from dr vs overseas, seems to work better but maybe just mental. Hi everyone!

