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Back From Vacation!

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    Back From Vacation!

    Just got back last night from Virginia Beach, what a ride, 11 hours with a full pick up truck of people. Myself, hubby, 3 kids and mom. We left last Thusday and stayed over in Maryland a night. We made it to VA Friday early afternoon. When we finally were able to get into the motel, I had a splitting headache that just would not give, so I ended up having a half glass of wine, was po'ed at myself (what was I thinking) but did not drink again after that, so I am not going to count that very small slip. So today I am on 33 days and still loving it. My mom watched the kids so we could go out, which if I were still drinking we would have gone out at night to drink, but instead we did fun things, like kyacking with his brother and his wife, who we were visiting while down there, our main purpose for going, a massage one day for the two of us and just being able to walk down the boardwalk without any commotion or having to worry about the kids staying close to us. I was real worried wether or not I could be on vaca and not drink, but surprisingly I did, except that one very small half glass of wine. To tell you the truth the virgin pina coloda's were YUMMY!!!!

    The ride home was terrible when we hit NY thru CT, we were trying to use a tom tom, which brought us through some awful places, which in return got my husband upset. He has not patience what so ever when it comes to stuff like that, so we had to put up with him yelling at the tom tom to shut up and the kids who would not stop fighting in the back seat. That only lasted for about 1 to 2 hours though until we finally got to a familiar route. Happily I had no desire to drink when I got home, just poured myself a large glass of tonic water and lime, then went to bed. Normally I would have drank a bottle of wine if not more after a ride like that. So anyway had a awesome al free vaca and it was so much better than if I were drinking and since I am not drinking, my husband drank considerably less which was even better. So glad to be home, I was really starting to miss my dogs and horse, which I am going to see my big baby (horse) later this afternoon.

    Missed this place,
    Twosox :l

    Back From Vacation!

    Oh, I forgot to mention all the cash we saved not drinking, HUGE PLUS!!!!!


      Back From Vacation!

      excellent two sox!!!
      welcome back home!!
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Back From Vacation!

        Welcome back 2sox. Glad you had a great AF holiday you did good!!! I also notice my husband drinks much less when I'm not drinking which is great, and yes you spend so much less money don't you!!
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Back From Vacation!

          Welcome back 2sox. Good to hear you had a lovely al holiday!

          Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

          St. Francis of Assisi


            Back From Vacation!

            WELCOME BACK SOX!!!
            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

